Page 33 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 33
COMMENTARY February 2021 33A
Some thoughts regarding Israel’s election next month
By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
ast May, Israel’s two leading Minister Netanyahu blamed the end of Saar, Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennett and
political parties, Likud and Blue the government on Gantz and his fol- others who come to the fore.
Land White, put aside their differ- lowers for failing to support the posi- Those of you who have followed
ences and formed a unity government. tion put forth by the Likud party. my remarks relating to past Israeli
The reason for this union was the need Now the political battle begins elections will remember that I have forming a coalition that arrives at the
to deal with how Covid-19 was impact- with old and new parties making their stated, “Never bet against Bibi.” No magic number 61. He has had trouble
ing Israel and face up to the economic positions known to the electorate. Ne- one knows what will develop in the doing this in the past, but this time I
problems the virus brought tanyahu will continue weeks ahead, but when push comes to think he will do just that.
to the country. to head the Likud party. shove, I still believe the electorate will Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
The agreement called Benny Gantz will contin- favor the man who has established re- ing chair of the Robert and Esther
for Prime Minister Benja- ue to lead the Blue and lations with the United Arab Emirates, Heller Community Relations Commit-
min Netanyahu to remain White party. Former Li- Sudan, Bahrain and Morocco, the man tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
in office until November kud member Gideon Saar who has been seen as the protector of
of next year when Benny has now formed what he the security of Israel from threats by STAY
Gantz would become the calls the New Hope par- Iran and other anti-Israel countries.
prime minister. This deci- ty. The political spectrum The problem facing Netanyahu will be
sion brought stability to the looks like this: Right- CONNECTED
government and allowed wing parties are Likud, Crossword Puzzle
the Knesset to deal with all Rabbi Howard A. Simon New Hope, Yisrael Be- Solution to puzzle on page 23A
matters facing the nation and its future. iteinu and Yamina. The center parties
The agreement included a clause stat- are Blue and White and Yesh Atid. The
ing that the government had to pass a left parties are composed of the Joint
two-year budget by August 23, 2020, Israel Arab list and Meretz. Between
or the government would dissolve and now and the election, other parties or a
lead the way to the fourth Israeli elec- coalition of parties could be formed, all
tion in two years. Because of problems seeking to attain the 61-seat majority to
associated with the budget, the date for lead the nation.
ratification was extended to December As the parties begin their cam-
23, 2020. No budget was passed by paigns, they will face the continued
that date, thus signaling a new election. problem of the virus that could lead
This set off a round of laying blame for to a new shutdown of the country, an
the new problem facing the electorate. economic situation causing hardship .com/jfedsrq
Benny Gantz blamed Netanyahu for for the country, and the dispensing of a
causing a new election saying, “We all vaccine that hopefully will lead to the
know the truth,” referring to the trial end of the virus. Facing these realities Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-
that faces the prime minister. “If there will make it more difficult for parties Manatee do not necessarily reflect those of
is no trial, there would be a budget, and and their leaders to gain the support The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee,
there would be a functioning govern- they desire. In the weeks ahead, we will
ment. There would be unity.” Prime hear statements by Gantz, Netanyahu, its Board of Directors or staff.
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