Page 34 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 34

34A                         February 2021                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Judas in the grass

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
        ntroduced in Florida more than 30   eradicated from the Everglades? Judas   “My contact said they have no plans to   the air everyone breathed.”
        years ago as a released or escaped   snake program  shows promise,”  cer-  make a change. I’m sorry.” I respond-  The  New  Testament’s especially
     Ipet, the Burmese python, which      tainly caught my attention.           ed, “It is not a question of political cor-  deep-seated contempt for Jews should
     can grow to 20 feet, now numbers in      The story related how some cap-   rectness as much as it is trying not to   be  seen  in  the  context  of  a  highly
     the  tens of thousands. In a relative-  tured male pythons are being surgical-  gratuitously perpetuate stereotypes.”  charged internecine struggle in which
     ly short time, this apex predator has   ly inserted with radio transmitters and   An entire year passed. Then, mira-  explosively  scurrilous  rhetoric  was
     decimated  virtually  all  the  raccoons,   then tracked to “breeding balls” where   bile dictu, out of the blue I received an   deployed to draw firm distinctions, fo-
                       rabbits,  bobcats,   several males gather to try to mate with   email from a U.S. Geological Survey   ment hostility and create points of no
                       foxes  and  opos-  a single female.                      (USGS) researcher. “If you’ll indulge   return.
                       sums in Ever-          When located,  all the snakes are   me,” he shared, “I would like to first   Many Christians have sought to
                       glades National    then  eliminated.  A female  produces   and foremost take this opportunity to   diminish focus on New Testament texts
                       Park and threat-   15-40  eggs  that  she  clumps  together   apologize sincerely for having offend-  that  are indisputably  antisemitic  in
                       ens the future of   and coils around to protect until birth.   ed you or any other individuals  that   character.  Thankfully, recent  decades
                       birds, deer, alli-  Since they function as serpentine spies,   may have read the article.  Our igno-  have seen an increasing interest among
                       gators and other   according to the article,  the trans-  rance  of  the  offensive  nature  of  the   Christians to explore their faith’s Jew-
                       snakes.            mitter-equipped  pythons  are  termed     term ‘Judas’ is no excuse for having   ish roots, voice strong support on be-
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  Various ini-  “Judas snakes.”                      perpetuated what is apparently a rather   half of the State of Israel and extol
     tiatives  are underway to prevent the    Disturbed by this nomenclature, I   inflammatory subject.”              Judeo-Christian values as a bulwark of
     complete  ravaging  of the  park’s eco-  wrote the USA Today/AP reporter who   He indicated the “Judas technique”   Western society.
     system, including paying hunters who   authored  the  article  to  inquire  how  it   and “Judas animals” are common des-  As in the ancient world, there is no
     kill  the pythons and even  encourag-  came  about. He replied  that,  though   ignations  in the  biological  sciences,   shortage  of disinformation,  conspira-
     ing people to eat them, provided their     he hadn’t coined the usage and didn’t   especially regarding nuisance or inva-  cy theories and slander circulating to-
     mercury levels are in bounds.        want to share who the responsible par-  sive species  and that,  “As biologists   day. Extremists on the left and right,
        A  June  2019  article  published  in   ty might be, he’d communicate  with   we were simply following the path of   as well as a considerable number of
     Florida newspapers and elsewhere in   those associated with the project to   a  scientific  methodology  to  conduct   those in the middle who are dismaying-
     the  country  spotlighted  another  effort   learn if they’d be open to modifying its   our research  in keeping  with current   ly misinformed, remain captivated by
     to curtail the reptile’s infestation. The   terminology.                   norms. Unfortunately, we fell  into  a   the propagation of classic antisemitic
     headline,  “Can Burmese pythons be       A couple weeks later he emailed,   pattern that is all too often repeated in   tropes.  This explains why antisemi-
                                                                                our society, where harmful words are   tism is not only still quite prevalent but
                                 Looking for                                    perpetuated  due to an overall  lack  of   also  appears  to  be  less  objectionable
                                 Looking for
                                                                                                                      than bigotry directed at other minority
                                             another way
                                             another way                        and his coworkers would publish a     groups.
                                                                                    Additionally, he conveyed that he
                                                                                                                          Despite  many commendable un-
                                             to advertise                       peer-reviewed article to make other re-  dertakings to stem the rise of antisemi-
                                             to advertise
                                                                                searchers aware of the issue and to pro-
                                                                                                                      tism, it will, inevitably, continue to rear
                                 your business?
                                 your business?                                 pose alternative terms. The USGS and   its ugly head. Why? Charles Maurras, a
                                                                                                                      reactionary French politician and writ-
                                                                                its partners have, he noted, substituted
                                                                                the word ‘scout’ for ‘Judas.’
                                                                                                                      er in the late 19  century, knew the rea-
                                                                                    Needless  to  say, this  correspon-
       With g
       With guaranteed category exclusivity,*                                   dence  pleased  me.  However,  that  the   son: utility. He expressed gratitude that
                uaranteed categ
                                          y exclusivit
                                                                                                                      “everything  seems impossible  or ter-
       our twice weekly banner ads,
       our twice weekly banner ad            s,                                 use of ‘Judas’ as a byname for ‘treach-  ribly difficult without the providential
       get YOUR message out!                                                    ery’ is so ingrained in our society and   appearance  of antisemitism,” which
                    message out!
                                               *We limit ads to a maximum of    routinely  employed  in  scientific  re-  “enables everything to be arranged,
       Federation Eblast interactive banner    four per Eblast and only one per    search, reflects just how pernicious the   smoothed over and simplified… If one
       ads are delivered to 8,000 active       business profession.             influence of tendentious depictions in   were not an antisemite through patrio-
                                                                                a foundational  religious  narrative  can
                                                                                                                      tism, one would become an antisemite
       subscribers each Tuesday and Friday                                      be. Of course, Jews know tragically   through a simple sense of opportunity.”
                             e ay   w   a supercessionist Christianity at the ex-  world, an achievement made possible
       for just $75 per ad — that’s less less                                   all too well that their portrayal in the   Even so, that does not mean con-
       than a penny per recipient!                                              New  Testament  as  fiendish,  corrupt   structive change can’t be realized. Wit-
       than a penny per recipient!
                                                                                                                      ness the current reversal in attitude and
                                                                                and disposed to deicide, has been ex-
                                                                                ploited throughout history to champion
                                                                                                                      policy in several quarters of the Arab
                                                                                                                      in no small measure by Jews increas-
                                                                                pense of countless Jewish lives.
                                               Also, our new Sunday
                                               Also, our new Sund
                                                                                    At the same time, what isn’t gener-
                                                                                                                      ingly standing strong and confronting

                                               Eblast, sent at the end of
                                                             t the end of
                                                        sent a
                                                                                                                      the face of prejudice,  unwittingly or
                                                                                ally appreciated is the extent to which
                                               each month, is a sneak  pr
                                               each month, is a sneak  preview
                                                                                                                      not, head-on. The perceived legitima-
                                                                                the Hebrew Bible also engages in the

                                                            tion e
                                               of of ALL Federation events in
                                                                 ents in
                                               the upcoming month.
                                               the upcoming month.

                                                                                                                      at every turn, even when it comes to
                                                                                Amalekites,  for example,  are reviled

                                               You can promote

                                                 ou can promote
                                                                                                                      identifying  an expediently  conceived,
                                                                                as  an  implacable  enemy.  So, too,
                                               your event for only
                                               your event for only              disparagement  of Israelite  rivals. The     cy of antisemitism must be challenged
                                                                                harsh vitriol directed at the idolatrous
                                                                                                                      nefarious Jewish persona presented in
                                               $100 per month.                  Canaanites is rooted in religious anti-   the gospels, with a snake.
                                               $100 per month.
                                                                                pathy.                                Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
                                                                                    Hurling insults and unsparing in-  Community Chaplain and Director of
                                                                                vective  against  competing  tribes, na-  JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and
                                                                                tions and even empires occurred often   the Director of Spiritual  Services for
              Interested? Contact Adam Kaplan at                                in the ancient world. Villainizing others   Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His
              Interested? Contact Adam Kaplan at
              akaplan@jfed     or   9 4 1.55 2. 6 307             instilled pride and energized animosity.   positions are underwritten by The Jew-
     or  941.552.6307
                                                                                As one scholar has put it, ferocious di-  ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                                                                atribes  and distortions “contaminated
                                 MOV                                           I     N             G             ?
                                     Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.
                                         Send your new address to Bonnie at or 941.371.4546 x0
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