Page 36 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 36

36A                         February 2021                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

                                                                                  A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
                                                                                  Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
                                                                                  books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
                                                                                  families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
                                                                                  socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
                                                                                  affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
                                                                                  free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-
                                                                                  tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.

     Staying connected to your grandkids

     during the pandemic

     By Jessi Sheslow, Teen and Family Programs Manager
              any of us have had to learn   children  and  grandchildren  breathe   for keeping in contact no matter how   and how  to build those bonds  even
              how to love and stay con-   new life into us, and this pandemic has   far away you are. PJ Library of Sara-  over the internet. Be with us for an in-
     Mnected  to  our family  from        kept us away from each other for much   sota-Manatee  is hosting a program     teresting conversation about the how’s,
     a distance,  even  before  the  pandem-  longer than we anticipated.       JUST FOR GRANDPARENTS!                what’s and why’s of grandparenting at
     ic. What’s different between then and    A  staggering  76%  (according  to    Join us on Zoom, on  Tuesday,     its best in 2021!
     now? Pre-Covid, you could jump on a   the  AARP)  of grandparents haven’t   February 9 at 10:00 a.m. to hear from    Register  online  at
     plane and be there for a Bat Mitzvah or   hugged or touched any of their grand-  Federation’s  Trudi Krames, a Jewish   For more  information  about  this  pro-
     a Bris or even just because you missed   children since March 2020. While only   educational professional for almost 30   gram or PJ Library, please contact me
     your family. Pre-Covid, you were out   science can help us get back into each   years. Trudi will engage us in a discus-  at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
     and about and unaffected by pandem-  other’s arms safely, we certainly  can   sion to help you better understand how   org.
     ic-related  sadness or depression. Our   help  you learn  new ways and trends   to keep your grandchildren’s attention
     Purim fun for everyone                                                          STAY CONNECTED

     By MG Berman, PJ Library Community Connector                                                                          STAY CONNECTED
     A                                    Esther’s place as a heroine of the Jew-
           little  Purim history lesson
                                              This event  in history  cemented
           Long, long ago in a land called
     Persia, King Ahasuerus dethroned his   ish people and established the holiday
                                          of Purim.  Today, it  is celebrated  by
     Queen Vashti. Esther, a young Jewish   wearing costumes and exchanging gifts
     girl from the outskirts of town, catch-  of food and drink known  as a  mish-                                                       
     es the king’s eye and is crowned queen   loach manot, as well as donating to the
     after winning a beauty contest. Haman,   poor, known as  mattanot  la-evyonim.
     a  political  ally  and  confidant  of  the   This year, the holiday of Purim will be
     King, is promoted to vizier, a modern   celebrated February 25-26.                                                                                   Hayes Frandsen hugs Menschy, Community
                                                                                                                                                          Day’s mascot, after receiving her hanukkiah
     day  “Chief  of  Staff.”  This  promotion   As Purim is one of the most enter-
     makes Haman more powerful than all   taining Jewish holidays, we will cele-
     other  officials.  He  decides  all  should   brate with our PJ Library families by
     bow to him when in his presence. Mor-  hosting a Costume Parade on Sunday,
     dechai, Esther’s uncle and an intellec-  February 21 for the residents at Aviva
     tual in the King’s court, refuses to bow   - A Campus for Senior Life. We will
     to Haman, knowing how undeserving    practice safe, socially distant protocols,                          OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
     he was of the promotion. He later un-  share “lots” of smiles and have “lots”
     covers Haman’s plot to destroy the   of fun. (Purim literally means “lots.”)
     Jewish people.                           In your Federation  eblasts, you
        Mordechai tells Esther. Using the   will  find  our  monthly  WPJSRQ  vid-
     love and admiration the King has for   eo  link  and  activity  pack  with  more
     her means she might have a chance of   Purim-related information, games and
     saving her people. The two hatch a plan   coloring for everyone.
     to expose Haman to the King at a ban-    For more information  about PJ
     quet. While at the festive event, Esther   Library and PJ Our Way, or to register
     accuses Haman of plotting to destroy   for the Costume Parade, please contact   Put on your costumes and bring smiles to the residents
     the Jewish people. The King believes   me at,  or                         of Aviva Senior Living!
     his wife, and Haman is condemned to   Jessi Sheslow at
     die by gallows built by the Jews.    or 941.343.2109.                                     Sunday, February 21
                                                                                                              Join us on

              we are  FED                                                                      will come closer to the event to those who register.
                                                                                                                2:30 pm

                                                                                                 We will be CDC Compliant, and more details

                                                                                                  This is for ALL ages, so come and show off

                       Educating Jewish Minds                                                    your best Queen Esther or Haman costume!
                                                                                                  Please register for this FREE program at

          our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds — from Holocaust and civil rights
        Yeducation to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children    For more information, contact Jessi Sheslow at
        and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great or 941.343.2109.
        pride in educating the interfaith community on Jewish history and antisemitism.

                                    •   941.371.4546
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