Page 35 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 35
FOCUS ON YOUTH February 2021 35A
The Great Reset
One would think, given our much-im- my rambunctious student who can’t challenges were worth the suffering he
the air everyone breathed.” proved life, our children would be hap- sit still, let alone maintain social dis- endured to achieve them.
The New Testament’s especially pier, yet the opposite is true. tance? My concerns thankfully proved We’ve been through a lot, yet
deep-seated contempt for Jews should While, according to the Census unfounded. The children adapted. They while one wouldn’t ask for these tough
be seen in the context of a highly Bureau, the general poverty rate had behaved even better than before, and and tragic challenges, the lessons
charged internecine struggle in which fallen annually from the 1960s until we still heard the sounds of laughter gained are invaluable, especially when
explosively scurrilous rhetoric was 2019, the CDC reports an increase of and learning in our Hebrew school. It it comes to our children. There are
deployed to draw firm distinctions, fo- 3% of children being diagnosed with is undoubtedly a credit to the lessons powerful teachings being inculcated in
ment hostility and create points of no depression and anxiety from 2003 un- of resilience and strength that they are our children as we live through these
return. til 2012. Admittedly, this is just a cor- gaining now. historically challenging times. Lessons
Many Christians have sought to relation and there may be other causes The previous Chabad Rebbe was of resilience, of protecting others, of
diminish focus on New Testament texts for increased depression and anxiety, imprisoned in communist Russia for strength and of compassion – these will
that are indisputably antisemitic in Education Corner notably better diagnostic tools, in- his “grave” sin of spreading Judaism. serve our children well.
character. Thankfully, recent decades creased mental health awareness and He was tortured mercilessly and suf- This is an opportunity to have a
have seen an increasing interest among By Chanie Bukiet so on. However, that 7.1% of children fered greatly. Upon his release from Great Reset, a shift in attitude for our
Christians to explore their faith’s Jew- e thankfully live in a free are diagnosed with anxiety and 3.2% prison, he commented that while he children, to build character and resil-
ish roots, voice strong support on be- society with unprecedented with depression is astonishing given never would have asked for this ex- ience, and they will be better for it.
half of the State of Israel and extol Wabundance. Our children our generally good lives as compared perience, he wouldn’t trade it for Chanie Bukiet is the program director
Judeo-Christian values as a bulwark of grow up, for the most part, with doting to previous generations. anything in the world. The spiritual at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood
Western society. parents, decent homes, plentiful food During the pandemic, many child- strengths gleaned from overcoming his Ranch.
As in the ancient world, there is no and an ample amount of clothes. For ren have fewer play dates and
shortage of disinformation, conspira- most of us, the pandemic is THE chal- family outings, need to wear
cy theories and slander circulating to- lenge of our lifetime. masks, and are witness to stress
day. Extremists on the left and right, I grew up hearing stories of my and anxiety at home while ex-
as well as a considerable number of grandparents scrounging for morsels of periencing it themselves. Some
those in the middle who are dismaying- food amidst food shortages in commu- children, G-d help them, may
ly misinformed, remain captivated by nist Russia, and my aunts and uncles have even lost loved ones. And
the propagation of classic antisemitic leaving their home in Vienna at an un- yet, amongst this chaos, pain
tropes. This explains why antisemi- bearably young age to escape the Na- and suffering, I’ve witnessed
tism is not only still quite prevalent but zis. While during much of our colorful something incredible, beautiful
also appears to be less objectionable and painful history, we Jews were pre- and miraculous. I’ve witnessed
than bigotry directed at other minority occupied with survival. We now have resilience. Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish
groups. the freedom to concern ourselves with In our Hebrew school, organizations, clubs and service providers online.
Despite many commendable un- more sophisticated needs such as emo- when we started with masks
dertakings to stem the rise of antisemi- tional and mental health, self-esteem outdoors and social distancing,
tism, it will, inevitably, continue to rear and self- actualization. I was definitely nervous. Would
its ugly head. Why? Charles Maurras, a Yet the rising instances of depres- our typical lively students
reactionary French politician and writ- sion and anxiety amongst our youth adapt? How would the chil- Keyword Search Filter Options Drop Pin Locator Map
er in the late 19 century, knew the rea- paint a dismal picture. And this was dren with sensory issues feel
son: utility. He expressed gratitude that before the pandemic rocked our world. about their masks? What about
“everything seems impossible or ter-
ribly difficult without the providential
appearance of antisemitism,” which ATTENTION
“enables everything to be arranged, STUDENTS
smoothed over and simplified… If one
E Education ducation
were not an antisemite through patrio-
tism, one would become an antisemite E ducat ion
through a simple sense of opportunity.”
Even so, that does not mean con- U
structive change can’t be realized. Wit- Scholarship
ness the current reversal in attitude and BEST FIT
policy in several quarters of the Arab Program
OW !
world, an achievement made possible
in no small measure by Jews increas- Find your career passion
ingly standing strong and confronting APPLY NOW !
the face of prejudice, unwittingly or Students – are you thinking about the career APPLY N OW
not, head-on. The perceived legitima- path you want to take after you graduate?
cy of antisemitism must be challenged We’ve teamed up with college entrance expert
at every turn, even when it comes to Debra Landesberg, of My College Resource,
identifying an expediently conceived, to help you find your career passion with the APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL 6
nefarious Jewish persona presented in Best Fit U program, a student-driven process
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee will award more than $90,000
the gospels, with a snake. in education scholarships to eligible students for the 2021-2022 school year.
Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the for helping students achieve their “best fit”
Community Chaplain and Director of college experience. UP $5,000 $4,000 AWARDS VARY
JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program and
Jacqueline Siegel-
the Director of Spiritual Services for Course includes Two Zoom Sessions “ Discover options Frascella Scholarship Ned and Janet Sinder The Jewish
Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His Wednesday, February 3 & 10 for YOUR future Scholarship Fund
positions are underwritten by The Jew- 6:30-8:30pm with BestFitU! ” $2,000 $1,000 and
ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. COURSE FEE: $18 For almost 20 Ronald and Geri Yonover
years, Debra Michelson Interfaith Betty Schoenbaum Fund Scholarship
Please Register at Landesberg has provided $500 Renewable Get more information
information on for 4 Years and download the
brochure at the
financial aid, B’nai B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge Melissa Wides Foundation website below.
Education Scholarship
college essays,
resumes and
For more information, contact Jessi Sheslow at more! APPLY ONLINE AT or 941.343.2109.
SPONSORED BY For more information contact
Lisa Feinman at The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
or 941.706.0034 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232