Page 38 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 38
38A February 2021 FOCUS ON YOUTH
Outdoor family programs bring
joyful Jewish learning to Temple Emanu-El
By Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, Temple Emanu-El Religious School Director of Education
hen the Coronavirus pan- events outdoors. December 13, families enjoyed Cha- gratitude. As one TEERS parent stat-
demic became a reality in On Sunday, December 6, TEERS’ gigat Chanukah by creating Chanukah ed after an event, “I cannot thank you
Wthe spring of 2020, Temple kindergarten through third-grade stu- cards for Jewish soldiers, participating enough for your efforts today. It was so
Emanu-El Religious School (TEERS) dents and their parents gathered out- in a sing-along, meeting Judah Macca- clear how much love and time you all
quickly transferred all classes and chil- doors on Temple Emanu-El’s campus bee, making crafts and enjoying a vari- put into the day. We are so appreciative
dren’s programs to virtual platforms. for an energetic and fun-filled pro- ety of Chanukah goodies. and feel so loved even during this cra-
This change allowed TEERS to bring gram. They participated in an Aleph- TEERS’ outdoors programs have zy time.”
Judaism to the home, and the response Bet scavenger hunt, did Aleph-Bet been received with enthusiasm and
from families and students was deeply yoga and received goodie bags for
affirming. their efforts. Both children and parents
It was soon realized, however, that learned, had fun and – best of all –
families were eager to have a physical spent the morning together safely.
connection to Temple Emanu-El and to Chanukah was also celebrated
each other. After gaining more under- with a spirited and uplifting outdoor
standing of the Coronavirus, and with celebration at TEERS. On Sunday,
the guidance of Temple Emanu-El’s
Covid-19 Committee on safety proto-
cols, TEERS began to hold monthly
Josie Beck enjoys coloring in Woodrow and Rose Bryant show off their
a Happy Chanukah decoration colorful Happy Chanukah sign The Wolffs display their Aleph-Bet scavenger hunt materials
Jack and Maxwell Fletcher bring joy
to neighbors with outdoor concerts
By Gail Glickman
he Fletcher family is bring- and still maintain Covid-19 restric- Sarasota-Manatee’s STEP (Shapiro homes. They would love to bring more
ing joy to many in the Saraso- tions by performing outdoors! Other Teen Engagement Program) activities. music to people at home – anyone who
Tta area with free “front porch” concerts were performed for Rachel Maxwell is part of the school technol- is in need of music to lift their spirits.
concerts. Maxwell, age 16, on cello, Dolan, Rae and Bob Levene, and res- ogy student association, youth orches- To schedule a free “front porch” con-
and Jack, age 13, on violin, along with idents at Oakwood Manor who were tra and National Honor Society while cert, please contact Renee Fletcher at
their mother Renee on viola, perform thrilled with the Chanukah, Christmas maintaining a straight-A average.
a mitzvah with their beautiful music. and classical music. More concerts Jack, also a straight-A
They give comfort and joy to help have been scheduled. student, plays in the youth
members of the community stay con- Both Maxwell and Jack are active orchestra, plays drums and
nected during this difficult pandemic. members of the Temple Sinai Youth was chosen as a drummer
The first “front porch” concert cel- Group. Maxwell is President of Youth for the All State Middle
ebrated Herbert Horowitz’s 103 birth- Group and one of the Madrachim School Jazz Band. Only
day. What an amazing occasion and a for the Religious School. He partic- two drummers from the
wonderful way to congratulate Herbie ipates in The Jewish Federation of entire state of Florida
were chosen. In addition
to drums and violin, Jack
plays base guitar, piano
and trumpet. As you can
see, these very talented and
well-rounded young men
enjoy performing.
In past years, they en-
tertained at assisted liv-
ing facilities and nursing Maxwell, Renee and Jack Fletcher at Oakwood Manor
The Fletcher Family celebrates Herbert Horowitz’s 103 birthday Jack and Maxwell Fletcher entertain Rachel Dolan