Page 41 - Jewish News_04-2021
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FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                                 April 2021                               41A

     Community Day School partnership aims

     to lower barriers to early childhood education

           arly  learning  difficulties  have   for  low-income  families  and  anoth-  values-based educational foundation.  Most brain  development  occurs
           skyrocketed  during the pan-   er $50,000 to serve as a match to ex-     “Community  Day School has en-    before age five, which is why a child’s
     Edemic and families are paying       pand early learning efforts. The school   hanced  its  reputation  for outstanding   learning  experiences  during  that  win-
     the price. While the need for childcare                                    educational programming and remains   dow are so critical.
     is greater than ever, parents are finding                                  focused on being a diverse and inclu-     This  support was granted  as the
     it harder – and more expensive – to se-                                    sive school,” said Teri A Hansen, Pres-  Barancik Foundation looks to expand
     cure quality learning opportunities for                                    ident|CEO of Barancik Foundation.     its efforts to help children thrive at a
     their young ones. One new partnership                                      “These  efforts  ensure  more  students   point where brains are hardwired in
     aims to relieve the issue.                                                 will have the benefits from an excep-  ways that have lifelong consequences:
        As  Hershorin  Schiff  Community                                        tional education, especially those who   from the first three years of a child’s
     Day School prepares for its move to                                        need it most.”                        life to five years.
     a new campus for the 2021-22 school
     year, it has recently partnered with the
     Charles & Margery Barancik Founda-                                                                HERSHORIN SCHIFF
     tion to lower barriers to enrollment and                                                          COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL
     ensure more families are able to benefit                                                          Serving Preschool - Grade 8
     from the school’s academic excellence     Preschooler Mosley Brittain enjoys               Socially distanced classes  Torah Academy
     and purposeful pluralism.                 working on an arts and crafts project            Low student:teacher ratios  Daily fine arts
        The Barancik  Foundation has      welcomes  community  contributions                    Individualized instruction  Athletics for all K-8
     awarded $100,000 to bolster the      toward the scholarship matching incen-                Outdoor learning and play  Medical professional on-site
     school’s existing scholarship program   tive in order to maximize access to its            for all                Accredited by FCIS, FKC &
                                                                                                Hebrew and Spanish offered
                                                                                   1050 S. Tuttle Avenue  |  Sarasota, FL 34237  |  |  941-552-2770
                                                                                 Like us on Facebook


                                                                                                with your Jewish Community

       A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
       Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
       books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
       families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
       socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
       affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
       free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-
       tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.
     Celebrating Earth
 Temple Emanu-El’s Sixth-Grade Kallah is virtual –   By MG Berman, PJ Library Community Connector

 and meaningful  very year, Earth Day, also   even if it is our own property. Instead,
           known as International Mother
                                          we should  seek  further  usage  of  the
     EEarth Day globally, is cele-        object and to give it another chance to
     brated on April 22. This day began in   help others.
     1970 with the  vision of U.S. Senator    Our third value is shomrei adamah,
     Gaylord Nelson from  Wisconsin. He   which means “Guardians of the Earth.”
     organized  demonstrations  around the   As  humans  we  can  influence  Mother   RE A D — S I NG — DA NCE — G AT HE R — GR OW
                      country  to  raise   Nature unlike other animals. This has              ®
                      awareness about     benefits  (technology,  buildings,  civi-   PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                      to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
                      environmental  is-  lization)  and dangers (war, pollution,     children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
                      sues. By the end of   disease). We are responsible for every-   Jewish life in our community.
                      that year, the U.S.   thing that happens. The Earth is some-                 Join one of our PJ programs below
                      government had      thing that has been given to us to take           to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
                      created  the Envi-  care of for future generations.
                      ronmental  Protec-      Here in Sarasota-Manatee, there are              Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years
                      tion Agency.        many things we can do to help improve
        MG Berman         This year, we   our planet. If we all ensure we are recy-
     will  celebrate  the  51  anniversary  of   cling properly, it helps out a lot more
     Earth Day. Why does this matter to us?  than one would think. When you go for
        We have three core Jewish values   a walk, take a bag and some gloves so            Sign-up at
     that are directly related to the Earth as   that if you see any trash you can col-
     Jews. Our first value is l’dor v’dor, the   lect it and dispose of it correctly. Go
     imperative that we pass on our Earth   to your favorite garden center and get                Children Ages 8 thru 12 years
     “from generation  to generation.”  We   a few plants to add to your yard while
     are told in the Bible that Adam was   having the younger generations help.
     placed in the Garden of Eden to “till    The Giving Tree by Shel Silver-
     and tend.” The Hebrew word for “tend”   stein is a great book to read and talk
     is used for Jewish law to mean a legal   about with your children. Ask them ev-
     sense of guardianship, thus making us   erything the tree gave to the boy and             Sign-up at
     trustees of the Earth.               what the boy gave to the tree. You will
        Our second value  is  bal tashchit,   find the conversation illuminating.     For more information, contact
     which means “do not destroy.” It is a    For more information about PJ Li-       Jessi Sheslow
     religious value that also goes back to   brary, visit
     the Bible. We are taught to not destroy   or email me at mgpjconnector@gmail.    941.343.2109    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
 Students and families enjoy special time preparing for the B’nai Mitzvah year                        funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
 at Temple Emanu-El Religious School’s Sixth-Grade Kallah  anything  of  potential  human  benefit,   com.
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