Page 39 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 39

COMMENTARY                                                                                     April 2021                               39A

     Israel, Covid-19 and the vaccine

     By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
              e have spent months read-   shots with a group the same size that   protecting the entire Israeli-Palestinian
              ing about and experiencing   did not receive shots. The study proved   area  from  infection  and  the  threat  of
     Wthe results of vaccine doses        that the Pfizer vaccine is effective af-  spreading the disease.            The  results  have  been  most positive.
     given to people to combat  the virus.   ter one week of taking the second shot.   We all worry about Covid-19, the   It is hoped the same results will take
     Many of the  articles  have  dealt  with   The Maccabi Healthcare Services’ re-  variants of the pandemic and the ben-  place in our cities, states and the entire
     the limited supplies of vaccines, which   search  team  confirmed  a  60%  reduc-  efits of receiving vaccines as opposed   country.
     groups receive the vaccine, and wheth-  tion  in  Coronavirus  infection  within   to refusing to take the shots. Israel has   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
     er political  motivations                        days after the second dose   set the standard for the world’s pop-  ing chair of the Robert and Esther
     dictate where vaccines are                       of the vaccine was giv-   ulation.  It is based on a government   Heller Community Relations Commit-
     distributed.                                     en, and there was a 60%   decision  to vaccinate  the entire  state.   tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
        What  we are  interest-                       drop in hospitalizations
     ed in are the results. What                      among persons 60 years     Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee
     can we expect after the first                    and older after the second     do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation
     dose and after the  second                       dose.                          of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
     dose of the vaccine?  We                            Much  of  the  success
     received  a number of an-                        of Israel’s inoculation
     swers, some based on facts,                      stems from the fact that
     others based on expecta-                         the country has expe-         ADULTS
     tions.  There  is, however,   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  rienced  three separate                                    CULTURE
     only one country in the world that has   lockdowns to protect the public from                    CHARITY
     vaccinated about a fifth of its popula-  infecting  one another  while,  at  the
     tion and hopes to inoculate most of its   same  time,  encouraging  everyone  to   KIDS
     population within a month. That coun-  get  vaccinated. Israel  has also made         JEWISH
     try is Israel. We have learned a great   it clear to its citizens that those vacci-  CALENDAR
     deal from what Israel has done to guar-  nated will be granted more privileges,     OF EVENTS           Your Hub
     antee the health of its population.  such as access to museums, gyms and              IN SARASOTA       for Jewish Events
        The  latest  data  from  Israel  states   intercontinental  travel  without  the  re-  AND MANATEE
     that  the country  shows a  94% drop   quirement of quarantining.
     in symptomatic  Covid-19 infections      Israel has now extended inocu-
     among 600,000 people  who received   lation to all individuals over 16 years
     two doses of the Pfizer and BioNTech   of age. The goal is to have as much of
     vaccines.  The vaccinated  group was   the  country  inoculated  as quickly  as             LEARN
     also 92% less likely to contract serious   possible to lower the number of those   FAMILY
     illness from the disease.            becoming ill and to assure the public
        These statistics come from a study   of the safety surrounding all aspects of
     conducted by Clalit,  Israel’s largest   the vaccine. To further this goal, Israel
     healthcare provider. Clalit teamed with   has extended the inoculation program
     Harvard University in comparing  the   to the  Palestinians,  hoping that  the
     results of 600,000 people who received   same results will occur, thus further
         build.                              advocate.

                       remember. support.

           Government Affairs

             Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support for Israel
               eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts locally and often goes
                 to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC when it matters most, from
                   advocating in our local school systems to championing national bills.

                                                                                                                        ^ Builds Bridges
                                                     Robert and Esther Heller
                                                         CRC                       ^ Advocates through Government Affairs

                                                     COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE               ^ Remembers the Holocaust


                                         Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and libraries to “Never
                                          Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau brings survivors’ personal stories to school
                                            children and adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite teachers
                                             each year to Poland with a survivor. These experiences change how they
                                               teach the Holocaust, helping them create upstanders in their schools.

                     HELLER CRC’S MISSION
                   To build relationships within the

                 Jewish and non-Jewish communities
              and to advance common interests
            through education and advocacy.                                                           
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