Page 34 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 34
impacted the regime’s thinking. Rami
BRIEFS al-Sayed, a former human rights activ-A new Bar/Bat Mitzvah
ist from the Yarmouk refugee camp in
continued from previous page Damascus, said, “It’s not impossible experience
we will see a formal normalization
Syrian conflict, the resistance broke between the regime and Israel very
apart. Hamas is the Palestinian branch soon.” (Anchal Vohra, Foreign Policy)
of the Muslim Brotherhood. Back in
2012, Hamas was inspired by the suc- IDF COMPLETING
TWO cess of the Muslim Brotherhood in UNDERGROUND WALL
the secret
the secret jews TOURS! placing their man, Mohamed Morsi, BETWEEN ISRAEL
as president of Egypt, and hoped to
OF cash in on the triumph of its parent or- AND GAZA TO BLOCK
ganization by siding with them on the
Majorca Island
Ma j o rc a I s l a n d Syrian battlefield. But Hamas lost the Senior IDF sources say an underground Rabbi Michael P. Sternfield
concrete wall between Israel and Gaza
gamble. Morsi was ousted in a coup in
July 2013, and in Syria, too, they were to prevent terrorists from crossing into Temple Beth El of Bradenton
$18 /household eventually defeated by Assad and his Israel via tunnels is 95% complete and & Lakewood Ranch
for Parts 1 & 2
Monday, April 19, 2021 10:30am
Mond a y , April 19, 2021 • 10:30am Russian allies. will be operational in the near future. or many Jewish families, the
The 60 km. barrier includes a fence
Hamas’ rejection of Assad cost
Medieval Majorca — The Golden Age of Judaism the community dearly. Assad’s intelli- above ground, advanced sensors and Bar/Bat Mitzvah is one of the
, April 26, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021 10:30 am gence services imprisoned thousands cutting-edge technologies to stop infil-Fmost significant events in their
10:30 am
trations. (Udi Shaham, Jerusalem Post)lives, shared with dear ones and friends,
of Palestinians it suspected of sympa-
Crypto-Judaism — The Inquisition thizing with the Syrian rebels or who ISRAEL’S GAS ROYALTIES long planned for and long anticipated.
The Spanish Island of Majorca is known for its beach advocated political Islam. “Bashar UP 30% IN 2020 The period of preparation should be a
time of increased interest in Judaism,
resorts and limestone mountains, but Majorca holds al-Assad considered Hamas’ refusal Royalties to the state from Israel’s nat-a learning experience that will remain
a secret, never discussed in most travel guides. to support him as a stab in the back ural gas, oil and minerals totaled $330 with the student for life, along with the
and perceived the whole communi-
During the Inquisition, the Crypto-Jews or Chuetas ty as unwanted guests in Syria,” said million in 2020, up 30% from 2019, memories of the ceremony and cele-
publicly professed Catholicism while privately adhering one activist who subsequently moved the Ministry of Energy reported. bration. However, that is not always
to Judaism. Still, hundreds of Jews were murdered to the UK. “They chased Palestinians There was a 48% increase in natu-the way things transpire. Most young
and only 15 families survived. Via ZOOM everywhere.” ral gas production in 2020, and exports people find Bar/Bat Mitzvah “training”
to Egypt and Jordan increased signifi-to be tedious and an imposition of their
Analysts say Assad’s strong rela-
Join guide Dani Rotstein on two special tionship with Russia and growing ties cantly. During the same period there time. This is especially unfortunate
virtual tours of Majorca’s history and its To register, visit with the UAE, both of which want was a fall of 13% in the price of natural because the current standard method
lessons for all Jews today. Syria to come to terms with Israel, has gas. (Shani Ashkenazi, Globes) squanders a precious opportunity to
motivate students to enjoy Judaism
QUESTIONS? and for them to want Judaism to be an
Contact Jeremy Lisitza Get to know Israel and her people! important and permanent part of their
941.343.2113 lives. I continue to believe in the value Visit of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience but
recognize that it is time for a new and
more valuable approach.
Traditionally, the greatest time
White supremacist commitment is devoted to learning
e supremacist
and/or chanting the various prayers,
groups a portion of the Torah and Haftarah.
groups are the single
Mostly, this involves much repetition
most dangerous until the young person can “perform”
nicely at the service. A large amount of
domestic extremist
domestic e xtremist PRESENT S time is spent on perfecting the Torah
threat to the nation. JUSTre ere el and Haftarah portions, never to be used
again after the big day. I do not doubt
– “Homeland Threat Assessment,” the significance and sanctity of He-
brew, the historic and universal sacred
wonder, what is the point of rote learn-
ing of a skill that will rarely if ever be
JUST REEL EDUCATION brings you film called upon again? Yes, it is true that
documentaries and biographies of Jewish-themed the basic Hebrew prayers that most
young people learn are part of almost
topics, paired with scholars and the director or all Jewish worship services but, to be
perfectly candid, how many attend
producer of the film. This program is a division such services very often?
As an aside, most contemporary
Charlottesville, VA; August 2017 of the popular JUST REEL FILMS and is siddurs (prayerbooks) have the prayers
Photo by Mykal McEldowney both in Hebrew and transliteration. I
What are we doing about it? brought to you in partnership with believe in addressing these concerns
EDUCATION. Classrooms without Borders.
The Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations Committee takes To see each month’s film offerings and register, visit
a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to JFEDSRQ.ORG/JustReel
combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in
aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building BR OUGHT T O Y OU B Y
relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can
combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities.
For more information, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc
QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza at or 941.343.2113