Page 33 - Jewish News_04-2021
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                      April 2021                               33A

                                              The unit  also runs Persian social
            BRIEFS                        media channels which reach one mil-   German before, ever.”                 two of the seven major and 45 smaller
                                                                                    Founded by Steven Spielberg, the
                                                                                                                      ghettos in occupied Poland and the So-
                                                                                                                      viet Union where Jewish underground
                                          lion users in Iran. In addition, up to
                                                                                foundation’s archive has 55,000 video
                                          a  third  of the  unit’s 400,000  Twitter   testimonies from survivors  and wit-  groups operated.  In dozens  of ghet-
 many Israeli Arabs do not speak He- continued from previous page  followers are in Saudi Arabia. (James   nesses of  genocide.  (Matt  Lebovic,   tos, including Krakow, Vilna, Kovno,
 brew well enough to do so.  compared  to 9% who agreed in June   Rothwell, Sunday Telegraph - UK)  Times of Israel)  Bedzin and Czestochowa, Jews  took
 Lt.-Col. David Ron, the com- 2020. 61% disagree, compared to 86%                                                     up arms against their persecutors.
 mander  of the battalion,  said, “My  in June. (David Pollock,  Washington   AMAZING DETECTIVE WORK   IDF IS USING       In the Minsk ghetto, up to 10,000
 battalion is  more  of  a  ‘comfort zone’  Institute for Near East Policy)  REUNITES BEST FRIENDS   MORE DRONES      Jews successfully escaped, many of
 for them: They speak Arabic here and     THOUGHT MURDERED IN                   On its Golan Heights frontier with Syr-  whom joined the Soviet partisans. Jews
 hang around with people who are more  ISRAEL LAUNCHES   THE HOLOCAUST          ia,  field  intelligence  battalions  of  the   led six prisoner rebellions in concen-
 like them. But on the other hand, we  SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORT   In  1939, two  nine-year-old  Jewish   Israel Defense Forces are using an in-  tration and death camps, with at least
 are also a home for those who tried to  TO REACH ARAB YOUTH   girls from Berlin promised to keep in   creasing number of drones.  18 occurring in slave labor camps. In
 join other units in the IDF, but it didn’t  IN WAKE OF PEACE   touch. One family fled to Chile, while   Battalion  commander  Yotam  Gil-  the uprising at Sobibor on October
 work out. So instead of leaving com- ACCORDS  the other made its way to the U.S. via   lon said, “We use them  every day,   14, 1943, coordinated by Polish Jew-
 pletely, they can come here.” Yet Ron  Israel is deploying a social media unit   Shanghai.  For  the  first  time  after  82   sometimes even twice or three times   ish resisters and Soviet Jewish pris-
 stressed that whenever it comes to op- in  the  Ministry  of  Foreign Affairs  to   years, Ana Maria Wahrenberg and Bet-  a day, to collect intelligence.” Similar   oners of war, 300 prisoners escaped,
 erational actions, speaking in Hebrew  introduce Arabs to Israeli perspectives   ty Grebenschikoff connected with each   units are focused on Gaza  and Leba-  of whom 47 survived the war.  There
 is mandatory.  on key security issues, such as the   other  again  on Zoom,  facilitated  by   non.                  were 144 prisoners who escaped from
 In addition, there is an entire edu- threat posed by the Iranian regime and   Holocaust testimony indexer Ita Gor-  Troops carry small drones that   Auschwitz.
 cational and economic apparatus oper- its proxy groups in the region. Yonatan   don, whose sharp memory linked the   they can quickly launch for scanning   Up to 30,000 Jews served as armed
 ating within the battalion. They study  Gonen, 34, head of the  unit’s Arabic   women.  their immediate surroundings,  which   partisan  fighters  in  Russia,  Ukraine
 Hebrew at different levels as well as life  team, said, “Without social media we   “In her [USC Shoah Foundation]   significantly  increases  their  ability  to   and the Baltic states.  The  Avengers,
 skills, such as learning to go through a  would not have been able to reach such   testimony, Betty said she had been ac-  identify potential threats.  a Jewish partisan group operating in
 job interview or open a bank account.  a large audience in the Arab world be-  tively searching for her long-lost friend   Gillon  anticipates  that  his troops   the Lithuanian forests, is credited with
 (Udi Shaham, Jerusalem Post)  cause...most Arab media is very hostile   for her entire life. She even specifical-  will soon get small loitering munitions   killing over 200 enemy soldiers, res-

 NEW SAUDI POLL SHOWS   to us.”           ly mentions Ana Maria’s name,” said   to use for neutralizing enemy combat-  cuing at least 70 Jews and destroying
                                                                                ants  in  close-quarters  fighting.  (Paul
                                                                                                                      180 miles of train tracks. Jews were
        The  unit’s Israel  Arabic  page  on
 SHARP RISE IN SUPPORT   Facebook  has 2.8 million  fans. One   Rachael Cerrotti, a creative producer at   Iddon, Forbes)  also over-represented in the resistance
                                          the foundation. After hearing Wahren-
 FOR ISRAEL TIES  recent post, which received more than   berg speak at  a virtual  Kristallnacht                     movements  of Germany,  Austria and
 A new public opinion poll commis-6,000 “likes,” shows a beaming group   event, Gordon made the connection   UK EXHIBIT HIGHLIGHTS   Western Europe. In Belgium, the Com-
 sioned by the  Washington Institute  of Arabs, one wearing a veil, sitting in   between Grebenschikoff’s testimony –   JEWISH RESISTANCE TO   ite  de defense des Juifs saved some
 shows that the Saudi public is increas-a restaurant in Dubai with Israeli tour-  given to the foundation 24 years ago –   THE NAZIS  2,400 Jewish children. (Robert Philpot,
 ingly open to contacts with Israel.  ists. Another Facebook post juxtapos-  and Wahrenberg.  “Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust,”   Times of Israel)
 41% call the agreements between  es glamorous photographs from Saudi   After more than 80 years of be-  an exhibition at London’s Wiener Ho-
 Israel  and the UAE and Bahrain  a  Arabia and the UAE with the ruins of   lieving  the  other  had  perished  in  the   locaust Library, draws on a unique col-  THE AXIS OF RESISTANCE
 “positive development,” while 54% la-countries  where Iran’s proxies  wield   Holocaust, the women connected vir-  lection  of photographs, manuscripts   TO ISRAEL IS BREAKING UP
 bel the agreements as negative.  influence, such as Syria and Iraq. “We   tually in November. Lucas Kirschman,   and  over  1,000 eyewitness  accounts.   Iran’s axis of resistance to Israel once
 37% agree that “people who want  want to show the Arab world that we   one of Grebenschikoff’s grandchildren,   “There was Jewish resistance  to the   comprised  Hizbullah,  Hamas and
 to have business or sports contacts with  have a shared challenge, not just with   said, “It was so natural for them. They   Holocaust across Europe,” said Dr.   Bashar al-Assad’s regime. As Hamas
 Israelis should be allowed to do so,”  the Iranian regime but also on regional   picked back no big deal.... I’ve   Barbara Warnock, the library’s senior   backed  the  anti-Assad  rebels in  the
     development,” said Gonen.            never heard my grandmother  speak     curator.  Warsaw and Bialystok were                continued on next page

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        *  Momentum Trips are free for participants excluding airfare. Additional costs for participants include $25 for the Year Of Growth book, $75 for tips, a
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         is designed for women with children at home under the age of 18. The Momentum Year-Long Journey continues with monthly gatherings and Jewish
        Working in partnership with:
              Ministry of Diaspora A airs
              Creating a common Jewish future
        Working in partnership with:
              Ministry of Diaspora A airs
              Creating a common Jewish future
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