Page 35 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                                     April 2021                               35A

     A new Bar/Bat Mitzvah                                                      Looking toward the future

     experience                                                                                                       many years the thought of livestream-

                                                                                                                      ing our services.  We now  livestream
                                          rather than just taking the approach: “I                    From            and also post our services on Facebook
                                          disliked  Hebrew school  and you will                                       and  YouTube.  Another innovation is

                           From           too if you want to have a Bar/Bat Mitz-                     the             the Friday afternoon “cocktail  hour.”
                                                                                                                      We get together on Zoom at 5:00 p.m.
                                              This is what I suggest. I believe
                           the            that the most important aspect of Bar/                                      and different members of the congre-
                                                                                                                      gation have shared their “Jewish Jour-
                           Bimah          Bat Mitzvah study is preparing to live a                                    ney.” Attendance has been wonderful.
                                                                                                                      We have a congregation  of accom-
                                          Jewish life. This includes learning such
                                          elements as our history and the reasons   Rabbi Stephen L. Sniderman        plished people who, for the most part,
                                          for  our  practices.  It  definitely  should   Temple Beth Israel           don’t say much about their life stories.
     Rabbi Michael P. Sternfield          emphasize  Jewish ethical  living,  best     year has gone by since we tem-  Since practically all of us come from
     Temple Beth El of Bradenton          accomplished  by one-on-one learning         porarily closed our building   somewhere else, this program has giv-
     & Lakewood Ranch                     with teachers and with their parents. In   A and temporarily  put our pro-  en us a chance  to get  to know each
                                          the months leading up to the service,   grams and plans on hold. We have lost   other better.
          or many Jewish families,  the   the  family  should share  learning  ex-  members to Covid.  We have had re-    Zoom  meetings  give  our mem-
          Bar/Bat  Mitzvah is one of the   periences  together.  This  is  especially   duced attendance at funerals. We have   bers who decided to remain up north
     Fmost  significant  events  in  their   important for the many interfaith fam-  had to offer our classes, meetings and   the ability to participate in our activ-
     lives, shared with dear ones and friends,   ilies, where one parent has not grown   even services via Zoom. We have had   ities.  Zoom meetings  have  given  me
     long planned for and long anticipated.   up Jewish and may continue to identify   to forego the importance of real social   the chance to attend meetings, lectures
     The period of preparation should be a   with the faith tradition in which they   interaction  and the emotional  support   and seminars without having to fly to
     time of increased interest in Judaism,   were raised. This is a reality that needs   that comes from being together in the   New York, Cincinnati or Poland. Amid
     a learning experience that will remain   to be embraced, rather than regarded as   same place. Despite all of this, we need   the  restrictions,  the  suffering  and  the
     with the student for life, along with the   confusing or deleterious.      to be forward looking.                mourning, I have enjoyed the new op-
     memories  of the ceremony  and cele-     These are the most important ele-     Temple Beth Israel will have sev-  portunities to communicate and be part
     bration. However, that is not always   ments to be combined in the learning   eral  re-opening  ceremonies.  We will   of larger, though virtual, communities.
     the way things transpire. Most young   experience:                         do this in stages. We will have our soft   When we open up, it will not be
     people find Bar/Bat Mitzvah “training”   An appreciation  for Hebrew and   opening. We will have our grand open-  the same. There will be too many emp-
     to be tedious and an imposition of their   Torah; Developing a Jewish identity;   ing. The latter will be a Hannukat Ha-  ty chairs. We will mourn. For families
     time.  This is especially  unfortunate   Continuity  of Jewish tradition;  Tra-  bayit, a special service of re-dedication   who were unable to have the funerals,
     because the current standard method   ditional  blessings and prayers; Mitz-  of the house, of the synagogue.    shivas and mourning customs that we
     squanders a  precious  opportunity  to   vot – Jewish ethics; Being part of the   Meanwhile,  we have  made  some   expect,  I  have  offered  memorial  ser-
     motivate  students to enjoy Judaism   community; Taking a strong interest in   specific  changes  in  our  building. The   vices and celebrations of life when we
     and for them to want Judaism to be an   Israel.                            air  system  is  now  far  more  efficient   can all get together again the way we
     important and permanent part of their    Here is the most important  part.   and safer. We are putting in an extra   used to do it.
     lives. I continue to believe in the value   Bar/Bat Mitzvah learning should not be   exit door in our sanctuary for securi-  Meanwhile,  may  we all  get  our
     of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience but   a “cookie cutter” experience. It should   ty reasons. Necessity is the mother of   vaccines easily and painlessly. May we
     recognize that it is time for a new and   be individualized  for each  family.   change. Temple Beth Israel resisted for   continue to be safe.
     more valuable approach.              There are some who believe that He-
                                                                                   Now access private sessions
        Traditionally, the greatest  time   brew is essential and others for whom          Now access private sessions
     commitment  is devoted  to learning   it is simply not as important. I believe
                                                                                        from home via
     and/or chanting the various prayers,   that  Jewish ethical  living  supersedes,               from home via
     a  portion  of  the  Torah  and  Haftarah.   but does not necessarily eliminate, He-
     Mostly, this involves  much  repetition   brew learning. We should be willing to
     until the young person can “perform”   allow each Bar/Bat Mitzvah family to
     nicely at the service. A large amount of   decide with the rabbi on the course of
     time  is spent  on perfecting  the Torah   learning.  The intent  should be not to
     and Haftarah portions, never to be used   lessen the time commitment but rather
     again after the big day. I do not doubt   to maximize the impact of these learn-
     the  significance  and  sanctity  of  He-  ing sessions. In the end, my hope is that
     brew, the historic and universal sacred   the full experience, combining learning
     language  of the Jewish people. But I   with celebration, will have a lasting
     wonder, what is the point of rote learn-  and positive impact.
     ing of a skill that will rarely if ever be   Our congregation is embarking on
     called upon again? Yes, it is true that   this new path. We encourage all pro-
     the basic Hebrew prayers that most   spective  Bar/Bat  Mitzvah  families  to
     young people learn are part of almost   meet with me to design a learning pro-  941.316.6893
     all Jewish worship services but, to be   gram that will be edifying, enjoyable   yogatherapywithpaula@gmail
     perfectly candid, how  many attend   and  result  in  a  lifelong  commitment.  Complimentary Consultation
     such services very often?            I would be delighted to meet with any
        As an aside,  most contemporary   prospective Bar/Bat Mitzvah family to
     siddurs (prayerbooks) have the prayers   discuss how this new approach might
     both in Hebrew and transliteration.  I   work well for you and your children.
     believe  in addressing these  concerns


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