Page 40 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 40
40A April 2021 FOCUS ON YOUTH
Pandemic B’nai Mitzvah – a firsthand experience
parents. There was a concern for the going through the same experience. It party, no trip, my daughter chose drive
grandparents, out-of-town family and allows for the grieving of what “was” thru by default. I was determined to
friends, and the temple community. and move onto what “is” with a posi- make it the best drive thru Mazel Tov arly learning difficulties have
How would they be able to participate tive outlook. We all had to embrace the ever. We had lawn signs, balloons, skyrocketed during the pan-
in this beautiful simcha (happy occa- change and accept the moment. Once bubbles and favors to give out. We Edemic and families are paying
sion), this rite of passage? Suddenly, I did that, the joy of the upcoming Bat had music and even a creative way to the price. While the need for childcare
what used to be the major concern, Mitzvah spilled into the community, high-five. Was it different? Absolutely! is greater than ever, parents are finding
whether the student would be prepared, my family and, most importantly, my Did my daughter feel the love and sup- it harder – and more expensive – to se-
we were hit with so many new ones. daughter. port from her community? You betcha! cure quality learning opportunities for
First and foremost, should we resched- We began to plan a pandemic Bat Where there’s a will, there’s a way. their young ones. One new partnership
ule? My daughter had practiced for so Mitzvah. We met with the clergy and There are so many lessons to be aims to relieve the issue.
long and has been looking forward to the ritual chair to determine what pro- gained from this year. Zoom lessons As Hershorin Schiff Community
Education Corner this moment for so many years that re- tocols needed to be in place to make may never go away. Zoom meetings Day School prepares for its move to
By Bethany Leinweber scheduling was the last resort. Should sure everyone was comfortable and with parents may also be here to stay. a new campus for the 2021-22 school
safe. The clergy and ritual chair then
The convenience alone was worth ev-
we do it outside? In our home? How do
year, it has recently partnered with the
any parents can relate to we do it safely in the sanctuary? met with the reopening task force who ery bit of planning. Livestream should Charles & Margery Barancik Founda-
this question: “Honey, for In my complete state of panic and then took it to the board...and this was be an option forever. We can make all tion to lower barriers to enrollment and
Myour Bat Mitzvah, do you overwhelming sadness, I attended just for the service! Temple Sinai had of the Jewish rituals fit our lives during ensure more families are able to benefit
want a party or to go on a trip?” What a Moving Traditions B’nai Mitzvah the option to livestream so we knew all the pandemic, and with whatever our from the school’s academic excellence
if neither were an option? After ex- Workshop called “Lost and Found.” It of our family and friends who couldn’t future holds, we just have to reimagine and purposeful pluralism.
periencing B’nai Mitzvah during the is there that I found clarity. I learned to attend physically would be watching them. The Barancik Foundation has
pandemic, the new question might be, let go of what we had expected, hoped and sharing in the joy of this simcha. Bethany Leinweber is the Director of awarded $100,000 to bolster the
“Honey, for your Bat Mitzvah, do you for and planned. Then I moved on to I sent online invitations, we hosted a Outreach and Engagement as well as school’s existing scholarship program
want a party, to go on a trip or to do a what we can look forward to and how Zoom Shabbat welcome reception and the Director of Youth Education at
drive thru?” can we plan a meaningful safe and fun we had a small outdoor gathering for Temple Sinai.
There were challenges and ob- experience. I have since led this work- Shabbat dinner.
stacles for both the student and the shop for the families at Temple Sinai So back to that first question, no
Exciting joint virtual youth programs
at Temple Beth Sholom
By Kelly Nester
n February, Temple Beth Sholom Night for all youth. In March, we en- Temple Beth Sholom’s youth Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s
(TBS) had three awesome youth joyed “Nailed It!” programs for both groups are partnering with other Gulf youth movement: Chalutzim, grades
Iprograms. Kadima’s “A Night at Kadima & USY. Coast chapters to bring exciting virtu- 3-5; Kadima, grades 6-8; and USY,
the Museum” was so much fun, virtu- We are looking forward to Sun- al programming to Sarasota youth. We grades 9-12.
ally touring the Smithsonian National day, April 11 and our Color Wars – invite interested Jewish youth from the To be added to the youth group
Museum of Natural History. United grade against grade competitions for Sarasota area to join any of our pro- email list, for flyers or more informa-
Synagogue Youth (USY) had a Purim both Kadima & USY. May will bring gramming. We would be happy to have tion, contact me at 941.955.8121 x1002
movie watch party of VeggieTales: us “DYI Guerilla Gardening & Seed more kids participate with TBS youth. or
Esther the Girl Who Would Become Bombs.” Keep an eye out for details We are part of HaNegev USY, the
Queen, and a Camp Ramah Havdalah and links. Southeast Region of USY, the United
Temple Emanu-El’s Sixth-Grade Kallah is virtual – By MG Berman, PJ Library Community Connector
and meaningful
he Coronavirus pandemic meant Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin and sonal prayer. Finally, parents presented and this Kallah was a special moment
that Temple Emanu-El Reli- Director of Education Morah Sabrina their children with a siddur – which to share with them and their families,”
Tgious School’s much-anticipated Silverberg, MARE. Each family in- had been delivered to each home along Rabbi Shefrin stated. “It was an abso-
Sixth-Grade Kallah went virtual this troduced themselves, discussed what with a nameplate and siddur cover by lute blessing to give them one of the
year – but the meaning, significance made the upcoming time of study and Morah Sabrina and Religious School most important pieces of our tradition,
and excitement of the event was as preparation so sacred and important, Assistant Lynne Pewterbaugh – and their siddur, their prayer book.
strong as ever. and learned about their Torah and joined Rabbi Glickman in offering “With this book, they are one step
Temple Emanu-El’s B’nai Mitz- Haftarah portions. They also explored the Priestly Blessing and reciting She- closer to all of Judaism being theirs,”
vah candidates and their families gath- Temple Emanu-El’s signature B’nai hecheyanu. he added. “Let the study and practice
ered recently for this special morning Mitzvah elements, including hands-on “These fantastic young people are commence!”
with Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman, mitzvah projects and composing a per- to become Bar and Bar Mitzvah soon,
Students and families enjoy special time preparing for the B’nai Mitzvah year
at Temple Emanu-El Religious School’s Sixth-Grade Kallah