Page 38 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 38

38A                         August 2021                                                                            COMMENTARY

     Why the Jews?

                                          in one God, a belief to which antisem-    Now, some might argue that since   ed toward our people,  we ask, once
                                          ites  reluctantly  converted  and which   many Jews have abandoned their tra-  again, that important question. We are
                           From           they never ceased to resist. Antisemi-  ditional faith, the antisemite has surely   perplexed.  But can it be that our an-
                                                                                found other reasons to hate the Jews.
                                                                                                                      cestors were not so  confused? Can it
                                          tism is one form this resistance takes.
                           the            Those who originated this burdensome   But this presumes two things. First,   be that  we have forgotten  what they
                                                                                                                      always knew? That to be a Jew means
                                          religion,  and yet resisted  the version
                                                                                that the antisemite is acting rational-
                           Bimah          to which the Gentiles were converted,   ly and is fully conscious of the deep-   to carry a great responsibility, some
                                          easily become the target of the resent-
                                                                                                                      may even call it a burden! That to be
                                                                                seated hatred he/she has inherited. The
                                          ment.”                                antisemite is neither rational nor con-  a Jew means to represent, to witness to
                                              Volumes have been written about   scious about his/her Jew hatred. Sec-  the one true God in the world, the God
     Rabbi Ben Shull                      hatred of the Jews, offering social, po-  ond, this presumes that we, the Jewish   who demands a certain morality. Can it
     Jewish Congregation of Venice        litical and economic explanations, but   people, can fully flee from our ancient   be that we are people with a mission, a
                                                                                                                      dangerous mission, a vital mission, and
                                          I believe that this religious/theological
                                                                                covenant  with God.  Yes, many have
            nd so we ask, “Why the Jews?”   reason offers the most comprehensive   tried, with some success, through con-  we have forgotten the nature of that
            It’s more than just a question.   explanation. And in fact, our ancestors   version and assimilation,  but history   mission?
     AIt’s a lament. It’s a protest. It’s   knew this to be true.               shows us that  our  fate  is  linked  with   As we prepare once again for the
     a cry of deep frustration. And yet, first   During this month of Elul, when   our mission,  to  be  God’s representa-  High Holy Days, let us ask ourselves
     and foremost, it is still a question that   we prepare for the Yamim Noraim, the   tives in this world.          not only, “Why are we Jews hated?,”
     deserves an answer. “Why the Jews?”   High Holy Days, let us never forget the   “Why  the  Jews?”  In  the  wake  of   let us ask ourselves, “For what purpose
     Why are we the recipients of so much   message of the Martyrology service   a year in which we have witnessed an   do we Jews live?”
     oppression, so much hatred?          on Yom Kippur, known in Hebrew as     alarming rise in acts of hatred direct-
        Dennis Prager and Joseph Telush-  Ayleh Ezkarah (These we remember).
                                          As we recall the martyrs of our people,
     kin entitled their book on antisemitism   those who chose death over renounc- Treat yourself
     Why the Jews? (originally  published
     in 1983, with updated editions in 2003   vah during the time  of the  Hadrianic  to something good
                                          ing Judaism, like the great Rabbi Aki-
     and 2016), and in a little  more than
     200 pages they attempt to answer that   persecutions, we affirm that they died                                   money to bring happiness in your life.
     important question. They offer several   “al kiddush hashem/for the sanctifica-                                  We  spend on travel,  golf,  manicures
     reasons for antisemitism, all of which   tion of God’s name.”
     boil down to one essential point: Juda-  Prager and  Telushkin write, “...                        From           and dinners out. If it makes you happy,
                                                                                                                      good. Zai gezunt. You should be happy.
     ism is at the heart. By this they mean   Jews have  always  regarded  antisemi-                                      I recommend you also spend on
     that the Jewish people brought into the   tism as a response, however immoral,                    the            synagogue membership. I promise
     world the belief that there is one God   to Judaism. Thus, most Jews until the                                   you, if you join my congregation, you
     who expects  people  to  behave  ethi-  modern  era,  and  most  religious Jews                   Bimah
     cally, and for that we have been hated   to this day, would describe Jews mur-                                   will be greeted well, and find kind and
                                                                                                                      engaging  people  like  you.  You will
     since time immemorial.  They quote   dered by antisemites not as victims of                                      have a place to call home for the High
     the late social psychologist, Ernest van   ethnic  prejudice,  but  as  having  died                             Holidays. You deserve this.
     den Haag, “Fundamental to (antisemi-  al kiddush hashem, that is, as martyrs   Rabbi Brenner Glickman                I hear some  people  say that they
     tism)...though seldom explicit and con-  sanctifying the name of God before the   Temple Emanu-El
     scious, is hostility to the Jewish belief   world.”                                                              don’t belong to a congregation because
                                                                                    f you are thinking of joining a tem-  they wouldn’t use it enough. But that
                                                                                    ple, I encourage  you to go for it.   makes no sense to me. If you just come

                  e supremacist
        White supremacist                                                       IYou deserve it! Why shouldn’t you    for the holidays, or have a rabbi to tend
                                                                                                                      to you in case you are ill or lose a loved
                                                                                be happy?
        groups                                                                      Numerous studies have shown that   one, isn’t that enough? Should I drop
        groups are the single
        most dangerous                                                          people who belong to congregations    my car insurance because I don’t use
                                                                                                                      it enough?
                                                                                live longer than people who do not (by
                                                                                                                          It  is  not  like  a  gym  membership.
        domestic e               xtremist                                       4-9 years, depending on the study). We   If you pay for a gym membership that
        domestic extremist
                                                                                can all speculate on the reasons why.
        threat to the nation.                                                   The bonds of friendship and socializa-  you don’t  use, some corporation  gets
                                                                                tion stimulate our lives, and the acts of
                                                                                                                      rich  and you  feel  duped.  If you  pay
        – “Homeland Threat Assessment,”                                         meaning and mitzvot keep us energized   for a synagogue membership that you
                                                                                                                      don’t use much,  you are supporting
                                                                                and young. I have seen it with my own
        DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OCTOBER 2020                           eyes. People who join a congregation   children’s education,  food drives and
                                                                                late in life find renewal and unexpected   Jewish continuity. There is no risk.
                                                                                happiness. They don’t just live longer;   When it comes to feeling well and
                                                                                they live better.                     doing good, you can’t beat a congrega-
                                                                                    I want this for you.              tion. And if you can’t beat them, join
                                                                                    Think about all the ways you spend   them. We are waiting for you.

                                                        Charlottesville, VA; August 2017       FED
                                                        Photo by Mykal McEldowney        we are
        What are we doing about it?


        The  Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations  Committee takes                        Enriching Jewish Hearts
        a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to
        combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in
        aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building
        relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can
        combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities.
                                                                                        our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee
        For more information, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc                             Ycommunity — from life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community
                                                                                      leaders and mothers and fathers to our Shapiro Teen Engagement Program
                                                                                      (STEP) to Gulf Coast Hillel and much more.

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