Page 41 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 41
COMMENTARY August 2021 41A
After the fall Antisemitism: Will it ever end?
By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
of walking again. is name is Joseph Borgen. He Angeles, individuals carrying Palestin- York City Mayor Bill de Blasio stated,
Limited to my bed, walker and is 29 years old and resides in ian flags chanted “death to the Jews” as “Antisemitism will never be tolerated
wheelchair, I’ve often felt like a Hthe Upper East Side of New they attacked Jewish diners at a sushi in New York City. We will stomp out Antisemitism will not just go
beached whale. At least Covid-19 York. He was riding on the subway, restaurant. antisemitism anywhere we find it.” away. Jews and non-Jews alike need
prompted the mass adoption of tech-planning to attend a pro-Israel rally. In a Wall Street Journal opinion President Joe Biden stated, “The recent to raise their voices in protest against
nology that has allowed me to continue He was wearing a yarmulka. He was piece, the former chair of the Dem- attacks on the Jewish community are these hateful acts aimed at our people
to work remotely. attacked on 48 Street in Manhat- ocratic Party, Donna Brazile, stated, despicable and they must stop. I con- and our faith. Hatred expressed against
A traumatic experience like this tan by Waseem Awadeh, “Antisemitism is based on demn this hateful behavior at home and people deemed “different” from us,
truly makes one conscious of the gifts a 23-year-old pro-Pales- the same belief as racism abroad. It’s up to all of us to give hate regardless of the group, faith, race or
our bodies make possible. I’m appre-tinian. Awadeh punched, and other forms of prej- no safe harbor.” color of the individual, is wrong and
ciative for the orthopedic science that kicked and pepper-sprayed udice – the ‘other’ being Such statements are important, cannot be accepted as “a way of life”
made my reconstructive surgery pos-Borgen, who stated that, “I inferior and not entitled to but unfortunately, what has even more in our city, our state or our country.
sible. Most of all, I’m thankful to so covered my head hoping the same human rights as meaning is the fact that the Anti-Def- We need to respect one another and
many who sent meals, flowers, cards the attack would end soon. the ‘superior’ class. While amation League states that antisemit- to care for each other. We need to work
and donations, and to those who kept I was pepper-sprayed for I am not Jewish, I empa- ic incidents rose by 47% in the week together to solve all matters of concern
me in their prayers and often called to a minute straight until the thize with the pain and following the beginning of the Israel- that threaten to separate us and put per-
just check in. Such support has meant a cops broke it up. For hours injustice antisemitism in- Hamas struggle. son against person. We must stand up
great deal to me and my family. my face felt on fire and I flicts on the Jewish com- To further emphasize the problems for truth, care, concern and love of our
Now back to the Passover shank couldn’t see.” Rabbi Howard A. Simon munity.” facing the Jewish community, Randon neighbor. Only then will hatred of our
bone. Why, specifically, were we not Antisemitism is alive and well in The 11-day battle between Israel Carvel, President of The Jewish Fed- people be ended. The time to act is
to break it at the ancient Seder table? our country and throughout the world. and Hamas has been used as an excuse eration of Sarasota-Manatee, stat- now.
Though respected commentators, in-In Tucson, Arizona, swastikas were for attacks against Jews, Jewish hous- ed at a rally at the Florida Holocaust Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
cluding Maimonides, have offered ex-painted on a synagogue door. In Utah, es of worship and Jewish institutions Museum in St. Petersburg that, “There ing chair of the Robert and Esther
planations, the actual reason appears a swastika was found carved in the throughout the world. The result of this has been an 80% increase in reported Heller Community Relations Commit-
elusive. front window of a Chabad Community hatred expressed against our people antisemitic activities in the United tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
Center. In Arizona, a rock was thrown has been countered by statements from States during this month alone.”
through a synagogue door. In Los leaders reacting to this reality. New
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build. advocate.
remember. support.
We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
(BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.
Some suggest that breaking bones
at the Seder is not fitting because we ^ Builds Bridges
are to be regarded like royalty reclin- Robert and Esther Heller
ing on pillows at a banquet. Reminis- CRC ^ Advocates through Government Affairs
cent of the matzah, others contend that ^ Remembers the Holocaust
breaking bones (in order to, perhaps, COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE
consume their marrow) takes time and
the Israelites had to hurry up and eat
and get out of Egypt as soon as pos-
sible. There is also the suggestion that Outreach
the bones might be broken in order to Fighting antisemitism is an ongoing battle. We have CRC
share the lamb with a neighbor. This
too would take time, thereby delaying Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to
the Israelites’ departure. better understand what antisemitism looks like and how
I don’t think we’ll ever know for to fight it alongside the Jewish community.
sure why the shank bone should not be
broken. Right now, I’m just relieved
mine is firmly on the mend.
Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the HELLER CRC’S MISSION
Community Chaplain and Director of To build relationships within the
the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His Jewish and non-Jewish communities
position is underwritten by The Jewish
Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. and to advance common interests
through education and advocacy.