Page 43 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 43
FOCUS ON YOUTH August 2021 43A
The new Israeli government – Five resolutions for parents that will yield success
its makeup and its policies in the new school year
1. Competitive parenting is conta- 3. Correct and guide your child parents we need to ensure that our
Education gious. Hearing everything other with gratitude and loving-kind- child’s love tank is filled. As we
ness. There are times for strict-
start the school year, knowing your
parents talk about or are doing
Corner makes one wonder if they are do- ness and putting down one’s foot, child’s love language will help you
By Sara Steinmetz ing enough or may make one feel but generally, guide with compli- promote positivity and thereby
that, in some way, they are inad- ments. Always praise your child’s deflect negative outbursts or the
equate. You are the one who tru- effort rather than intelligence. A like.
ly knows your child’s needs. You good grade should be attributed 5. Resolutions or goals you want
s the first day of school for the know what is feasible financial- to effort, proper conduct and class your child to strive for should be
2021-22 academic year is just ly. You know your stamina and participation. When your child achievable and not just academic.
Adays away, I wonder how you your child’s stamina. Parenting does something that creates genu- Typically, parents spend much time
and your child are feeling about it. This from your heart is first and fore- ine pride, it’s the opportune time to setting academic goals for their
time of year is often filled with intense most. Just like we don’t want our guide and share family values, eth- child. At the same time, we need
emotions: fear, distress and a sense of children to give in to peer pres- ics and morals. Practice gratitude – to make sure that we know and
anxiety. On the other hand, some may sure, we should act likewise and your gratefulness shared aloud is a consider our child’s strengths and
be happy to resume the consisten- afford our child opportunities sure way to create a more positive weaknesses and impose attainable
cy, structure and friendships that the that mesh with his/her person- mindset for you and your child. goals. Lastly, goals can veer from
school year provides. And, of course, ality, disposition and needs, and 4. Know your child’s love language. academics and include friendships,
there’s everything in between. come to us at an affordable price It’s been years since I found the expression of emotions, not think-
Usually, the start of the new school point. books of renowned author Dr. Gary ing of school as a popularity con-
year conjures thoughts of new res- 2. Create a no-cell-phone zone when Chapman, who suggests know- test or feeling one needs to give in
olutions for children and discussing your child comes home or is picked ing your child’s love language so to peer pressure to succeed.
ways in which to build tenacity and up from school. Let your child see that you can fill his/her need. Dr. Wishing all parents and their chil-
perseverance to demonstrate greater your warm smile and hear you say, Chapman describes the “Five Love dren much success with the start of
success. However, the notion I share “I love you, and I’m so happy to Languages” which we each need the new school year. Resolutions are
is that resolutions at the onset of the see you.” Let your child feel the as follows: words of affirmation, for parents as much as they are for our
school year are significant for parents. tangible love as it melts the hard- acts of service, gifts, quality time children!
Here are five attainable and realistic ship of the day. Let your smile, and physical touch. Each child and Sara Steinmetz is the education direc-
concepts that are practical and condu- hug and warm words be a standout adult has different primary and tor at Chabad of Sarasota.
cive to creating a sense of positivity. memory for your child. secondary love languages, and as
Picnic+Play We so enjoyed hosting the PJ Library
Picnic + Play event on May 23rd. Everyone
loved hula hooping, playing soccer and
hide and seek! Our STEP teens read a book
to us and ran around playing with us too. It
with the was fun for everyone!
STEP teens!
STEP Teens read to Samaya and Paula Ziva Sheslow.
Jessi Sheslow and MG PJ Library kids. Silverman.
Berman hosted the event.
Maddie Hime. Michela Hazan, Maxwell
Fletcher and Gustavo
Play is the highest for
Trope Mayer volunteered. m of research. ~Albert Einstein
We can’t wait
to see you at more Go to
PJ Library Picnic + Plays
this year! for upcoming Picnic
+ Play dates!
The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper
supported by generous readers, committed advertisers
and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.