Page 42 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 42
42A August 2021 COMMENTARY
The new Israeli government – Five resolutions for parents that will yield success
its makeup and its policies in the new school year
By Harold M. Halpern
hen I wrote my last column, been in power for less than a month. ment will maintain the status quo in the Israeli Arab and Israeli Jewish political
it was uncertain whether This is insufficient time to make an West Bank and Gaza, understanding parties to keep away from being part of
WPrime Minister Benjamin evaluation. One notable difference is that President Biden wants to restore the government.
Netanyahu and supporters or the oppo- the tone of the government’s discourse. humanitarian aid and reopen a consul- Abbas is pledged to the govern-
sition parties would be able to muster It recognizes multiple voices with dif- ate office in Jerusalem for Palestinian ment and the well-being of all Israelis.
the required 61 ferent points of view without demon- issues. Bennett and all members of the coali-
members of the izing anyone for disagreement. This In other areas of foreign policy, tion acknowledge that the Israeli-Arab
Knesset to form a gives hope for achievement by accom- the Bennett government will use its community needs more funding for
government. modation and compromise. best efforts to build on the Abraham development, and greater police pro-
We now know I previously wrote that a new gov- Accords and strengthen its relationship tection and social services to reduce
that the eight op- ernment would not change the essence with Egypt and Jordan while reaching the high crime rate in Arab towns and
position parties of Israel’s foreign policy. It opposes the out to all countries for understanding villages. Such aid has been promised,
from Left, Center, reinstatement of the nuclear agreement and improved diplomatic and econom- as has recognition of several Bedou-
Right and an Is- with Iran and release of sanctions. Is- ic relationships. in villages, which will entitle them to
Harold M. Halpern raeli-Arab party rael will take whatever action is nec- Bennett and Lapid have committed government financing.
formed a government on June 13 with essary to prevent Iran from obtaining to a strong effort to fortify relationships Israeli Arabs have made significant
a bare majority of 61 seats ending Ne- nuclear weapons. The difference is its with both Republican and Democrat- progress but still fall behind others. It
tanyahu’s 12-year reign. Each party attitude. The Bennett administration ic parties and invigorate the connec- is the hope that the acceptance of Is-
entered into a coalition agreement des- has assured President Joseph Biden tion with American Jews, particularly raeli Arabs into government will bring
ignating Naftali Bennett, head of the that Israel will privately express its de- among the progressive community. continued improvement in their lives
right-wing Yamina party with but six sires and concerns. In response, Presi- On the domestic side, the govern- and make both them and Israeli Jews
seats in the Knesset, as Prime Minis- dent Biden has invited Israel to share ment is confronted with the need to proud of being part of a more integrat-
ter for two years, and Yair Lapid, head its ideas and apprehension before the remain vigilant in keeping Covid-19 ed society.
of the center party, Yesh Atid, with 17 U.S. continues its indirect talks with under control; adopt a budget; restore A final word about the fragile gov-
seats, as Alternate Prime Minister to Iran. Both the United States and Israel the economy; consider what, if any- ernment. It can’t lose a single member.
serve as Prime Minister for the follow- want to understand each other to avoid thing, to do about the religious divide It will require a steadfast commitment
ing two years. public hostility and to promote mutual between the ultra-Orthodox, about one to the political process of compromise.
Each party included distinctive support to the greatest extent possible. million of the Jewish population, and This responsibility will be tested by
policy aspirations in their agreements So too with West Bank and Gaza. much of the rest of the Jewish popu- competing demands for funding in a
but acknowledged that they were The Biden administration acknowl- lation of about six-million; as well as budget which must be adopted within
subject to the overarching agreement edges that there is no prospect for a incorporating the two million Israeli 100 days or such time extended by the
between Yamina and Yesh Atid. The ef- Palestinian state. President Biden en- Arabs more fully, politically and so- Knesset. Failing the test will automati-
fect is that the parties will work togeth- courages Israel and the Palestinians cially, into the fabric of Israeli society. cally dissolve the Knesset. Picnic+Play We so enjoyed hosting the PJ Library
er in areas of agreement but maintain to take confidence-building steps and For the first time in a long while, While there will be other tests, the Picnic + Play event on May 23rd. Everyone
the status quo where agreement can’t to avoid actions making a two-state the ultra-religious parties are in the adoption of a budget may give a longer loved hula hooping, playing soccer and
hide and seek! Our STEP teens read a book
be achieved. solution more difficult to achieve in opposition and not in the government. life to the government than one would to us and ran around playing with us too. It
As I write, the new government has the future. Essentially, the new govern- They represent a substantial constitu- expect given its diversity and fragile was fun for everyone!
ency. The breakup of their monopoly majority. with the
over marriage, divorce, burial, schools Harold Halpern is a retired attorney STEP teens!
without a core curriculum in language, residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
technology and math, as well as lim- board member of the American Asso-
itation on public transportation and ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
commercial activity on Shabbat, may and of the West Coast Chapter of the
be tinkered with but not likely ended – American Jewish Committee.
despite the desire of a strong majority
of Israelis. It is too controversial for a Crossword Puzzle CUT OUT CUT OUT
Have you ever been asked fragile government and will be left for Solution to puzzle on page 27A AREA IN GRAY AREA IN GRAY
another day.
questions about Israel However, there is good news about
or antisemitism that the political relationship of the Israeli AREA IN GRAY AREA IN GRAY
Arabs. It came at a needed time, af-
you can’t answer? ter the riots and mayhem between the
fringe Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews
emboldened by Hamas, firing over STEP Teens read to Samaya and Paula Ziva Sheslow.
PJ Library kids.
Jessi Sheslow and MG
CRConnect, a program of
CR C onnec t 4,000 rockets into Israel between May Berman hosted the event.
10 and May 21.
the Heller CRC, addresses Ra’am, a conservative Israeli-Arab Maddie Hime. Michela Hazan, Maxwell
these difficult questions political party, led by Mansour Abbas, Play is the highest for m of research. ~Albert Einstein
Fletcher and Gustavo
joined the government coalition after
We can’t wait
such as Palestinian vs. Israeli negotiating with both Netanyahu and Trope Mayer volunteered. to see you at more Go to
Lapid. Thus ended the taboo of both
sovereignty, Israel as a PJ Library Picnic + Plays for upcoming Picnic
this year!
“superpower,” the “Apartheid” Follow us on + Play dates!
claim, peace in the region
and much more.
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