Page 39 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 39

COMMENTARY                                                                                 August 2021                                  39A

     Where’s the outrage?

 ed toward our people,  we ask, once  By David Harris, CEO of American Jewish Committee (AJC), June 27, 2021
 again, that important question. We are   here’s an entire global industry   several two-state deals with the Pales-  a pledge that, if elected, they will not   And for the past 76 years, there’s
 perplexed.  But can it be that our an-  dedicated  to vilifying  and iso-  tinians on the table, yet is depicted by   visit Israel, the only country so men-  been a sustained effort by some regimes
 cestors were not so  confused? Can it Tlating Israel, the world’s only   its nonstop critics as being unalterably   tioned.   (most notably these days, the Iranian),
 be that  we have forgotten  what they  Jewish-majority nation.   opposed to peace.   Where’s the outrage?            institutions and individuals to deny,
 always knew? That to be a Jew means   Where’s the outrage?   Where’s the outrage?   A prominent CNN host has a dis-  trivialize or distort the Holocaust – the
 to carry a great responsibility, some   Of the 193 UN member  states,   Afghanistan  and  Yemen  recently   cussion on the aftermath  of Hamas’s   systematic murder of six million Jews,
 may even call it a burden! That to be  only one, Israel, is targeted by anoth-  joined Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon,   war against  Israel.  Two of the  three   among them 1.5 million children.
 a Jew means to represent, to witness to  er, Iran, for annihilation, even as many   Libya, Sudan and Syria as witnessing   panelists are well-known for denying   Where’s the outrage?
 the one true God in the world, the God  countries conduct a shameful busi-  the end of ancient Jewish communities,   Israel’s very right to exist.   American Jews have been incred-
 who demands a certain morality. Can it  ness-as-usual policy  with  the  Iranian   driven  out largely  by intolerance  and   Where’s the outrage?   ibly  fortunate.  They  have  lived  in  a
 be that we are people with a mission, a  regime.   persecution.                    An Israeli-inspired  food truck  is   country that, unlike most European
 dangerous mission, a vital mission, and   Where’s the outrage?   Where’s the outrage?   barred from participating in a food fes-  nations, never had a Jewish obsession,
 we have forgotten the nature of that     At the UN Human Rights Council   In some UN  bodies, there’s been   tival in Philadelphia.   and that, especially  in the postwar
 mission?   in Geneva, just one nation is deemed   a concerted effort by several member   Where’s the outrage?        years, created a sense of unprecedented
 As we prepare once again for the  such a violator  of human rights that   states, with the acquiescence  of too   A candidate  in the New  York   safety, security, opportunity and equal-
 High Holy Days, let us ask ourselves  it  warrants a separate  and permanent   many others, to extinguish Jewish his-  mayoral race issues a statement  of   ity for Jews.
 not only, “Why are we Jews hated?,”  agenda item. Not China. Not Cuba.   tory from Israel, as if the Jews never   support for Israel during last month’s   And  America  has laudably  stood
 let us ask ourselves, “For what purpose  Not Iran. Not Russia. Not Syria. Only   existed, the Hebrew (and, I might add,   Hamas-triggered war, but is then bul-  by Israel’s side since  its  rebirth  in
 do we Jews live?”  Israel,  the  lone  liberal  democracy  in   Christian) Bible was fiction and archae-  lied into retracting it, instead coming   1948, with  overwhelming  majorities
     the Middle East.                     ological findings were all cheap fakes.   up with a statement that can hardly dis-  of both Democrats and Republicans in
        Where’s the outrage?                  Where’s the outrage?              tinguish between Hamas, a designated   full support.
        Every country but one has the rec-    A few outspoken members of Con-   terror group, and Israel, the target and   There’s now a growing threat on
     ognized right to designate its own cap-  gress make a practice of libeling Israel   a staunch American ally.     both fronts. Antisemitism is on the up-
     ital city. Only Israel is denied that right   regularly, accusing it of every nefarious   Where’s the outrage?   tick and,  significantly,  is  being main-
     by a majority of states, and, by the way,   deed under the sun, and, outrageously,   Antisemitism is rising in America   streamed, while Israel’s relentless foes
     even though the key government agen-  even trying to turn a political conflict   today, including the number of violent   are  more determined  than  ever to try
     cies  are located  in Jerusalem  and all     with the Palestinians into a racialized   incidents, as it has been in Europe for   and drive a wedge between Washing-
     official meetings take place there.   war against Arabs.                   the past 20 years. Jews are acting more   ton and Jerusalem.
        Where’s the outrage?                  Where’s the outrage?              cautiously, and Jewish institutions are   It’s time to wake up and take care-
        Unlike other countries, Israel’s le-  Pro-Israel supporters gather peace-  ratcheting  up security, including for   ful notice. And it’s time, yes, to un-
     gitimacy is constantly challenged, yet   fully in the U.S. and are physically at-  synagogues and schools.       leash the outrage and act. The stakes
     Israel’s claim to a sovereign sliver of   tacked by pro-Hamas supporters.      Where’s the outrage?              couldn’t be higher.
     land has been validated  by more in-     Where’s the outrage?                  The antisemitism  is coming from      If not now, when?
     ternational bodies (San Remo Confer-     A Jewish university student asks a   the radical right and the totalitarian left.
     ence, League of Nations, UN Special   professor for a letter of recommenda-  Both pose a clear and present danger.   The AJC West Coast
     Committee  on Palestine,  UN General   tion, which he refuses to write when he   Where’s the outrage?                  Florida office,
     Assembly) than most other nations, in-  learns she wishes to spend her junior   The  latest  FBI statistics  indicate
     cluding several that happen to be locat-  year at an Israeli school.       that  60% of all  religiously  motivated   located in Sarasota,
     ed in the Middle East.                   Where’s the outrage?              hate crimes in the U.S. are directed at
        Where’s the outrage?                  A non-Jewish university  student   Jews, who comprise 2% of the nation’s   can be reached at
        Jews  have been connected  to the   is harassed and ostracized because she   population.                           941.365.4955.
     region for 3,500+ years, established   opposes a student government resolu-    Where’s the outrage?
     Jerusalem  as the center  of Jewish   tion calling for a boycott of Israel.
     prayer, and, even in forced exile, never   Where’s the outrage?
     stopped yearning  for a return. None-    A high-school social studies teach-                         BRIEFS
     theless,  Jews  are  called  “crusaders”   er refuses to include in his classroom
     and “colonizers,” rather than the indig-  any maps of the Middle East that show
     enous people they are.               Israel.                               TIPS FOR READING                      the press becomes activist, it becomes
        Where’s the outrage?                  Where’s the outrage?              ABOUT ISRAEL                          impossible to understand what’s going
        Israel has achieved peace and nor-    A questionnaire from Democrat-    Some Western observers have formed    on.
     malization  with six  Arab countries,   ic Socialists  of  America  asks New   a picture  of Israel only tenuously   Israel must be compared with other
     withdrawn fully from Gaza, and put   York City Council candidates  to sign   linked to reality. The shared narrative   countries in similar situations and not
                                                                                in Western Europe and North America   to abstract ideals like “democracy.” If
                                                                                is largely a negative one that grows in-  someone is claiming that casualties in
                               UNIQUE                                           creasingly negative as the ideological   an Israeli operation in Gaza are “high,”
                                                                                                                      that needs to be compared with simi-
                               JEWISH HUMANISTIC                                landscape  of the West becomes more   lar  operations, like  the  U.S. Marines
                                                                                polarized and inflamed.
                                                                                    Too many mainstream  journalists
                               HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES                            have abandoned old ideals such as ob-  in Fallujah, or the British in Northern
                                                                                                                      Ireland. If you’re critical of open-fire
                                                                                jectivity for the idea that journalism is   orders on the Gaza fence, you should
              Congregation for Humanistic Judaism invites you to our            a tool to effect social change. Similar   know how that works on the perimeters
            HIGH HOLID        A Y SERVICES         WITH     CHOIR               trends are afoot in the world of elite   of U.S. military bases in Afghanistan.

                                                                                                                      Most criticism of Israel doesn’t com-
                                                                                universities,  where  the  goal of edu-
                         FREE and open to the public.                           cating knowledgeable people is losing   pare it with anything.
                                                                                                                          The stories told about Israel often
                                                                                ground to the goal of training activists,
             Call 941.929.7771 or email                 and where Israel is presented as a po-  suggest that bringing peace is a prob-
               Go to for more information.                 tent symbol of what a right-thinking   lem Israel could solve if it wanted to,
                                                                                                                      which sets up the Jews as villains,
                 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7  • 10:30 AM                               person is meant  to  be  active  against.   rather  than as people  caught up in a
                                                                                Journalists who have become  activ-
       LIVE   R osh Hashanah S    er vice    [ Grand O neg t o f ollo w ser vice]  ists see their job not as helping you   complex situation where no one real-
       LIVE Rosh Hashanah Service  [Grand Oneg to follow service]
                                                                                                                      ly knows what to do. (Matti Friedman,
                                                                                understand events, but as pushing you

               WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15  •  7:30 PM                              toward their conclusions. As soon as   Sapir Journal)
                   LIVE    Y om K ippur , K ol Nidr e S er vice                       Opinions printed in The Jewish News of
                   LIVE Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre Service

                THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16  •  3:00 PM                               Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect

                       LIVE  Nizk or Memorial S    er vice                        those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
                       LIVE Nizkor Memorial Service
                 [Break the Fast Kugel Feast to follow service]                      Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
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