Page 16 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 16
16 August 2020 COMMUNITY FOCUS
Temple Emanu-El welcomes new officers and trustees
emple Emanu-El recently in- temple leadership here and in previous mitment and dedication of each board Stepping off the board were Dr.
stalled its new officers and synagogues. They are joining a team member,” he added. “They are gener- Hal Alterman, Toby Halpern and Glo-
Ttrustees in a beautiful ceremony that has served well these past two ous with their time and their talents, ria Weed. Certain to continue their
– with a new format. years. and we are lucky to be the beneficia- legacy of excellence and integrity are
Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, “I am impressed with the com- ries.” newly installed leaders Barry Gerber,
the traditional installation ceremony – president; Bob Meisel, vice-president;
a Shabbat worship service and festive Neal Vorchheimer, treasurer; Fae Be-
dinner highlighted by a blessing before loff, financial secretary; Ethel Gross,
the open Ark – could not be held. In- recording secretary; Ken Marsh, past
stead, Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman president; and trustees Denise Cotler,
and Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin Phyllis Dreyfuss, Howard Kilman, El-
convened a ceremonial installation len Klein, Heather Labinger, Burgess
via Zoom as the board began serving Levin and Michael Levitan.
Temple Emanu-El in these challenging Concluded Executive Director
times. Christine Elliott, “Our Board of Trust-
Rabbi Glickman expressed grati- ees reflects a strong group of wise, eth-
tude for the quality of the new leaders. ical and experienced leaders who care
“This new board comes in with great deeply about our beloved temple. We
strength,” he noted. “Our new mem- The Temple Emanu-El 2020-21 officers and trustees were formally installed by are fortunate to have them to guide us
bers have tremendous experience in Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman and Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin via Zoom into the future.” Temple Sinai embraces
Tidewell Hospice Temple Beth Sholom’s openness and creativity
is committed to meeting the spiritual and physical summer-long food drive
needs of our patients and families.
As a certified Jewish Hospice, Tidewell offers: By Lex Calaguas
• Mezuzah and Shabbat candles emple Beth Sholom (TBS) has hours Tuesday-Thursday in addition to
• Spiritual consultation with Rabbi on request been running a summer-long Friday from 11:00 a.m. to noon during
• Bible and prayer book Tfood drive since the first week Shabbat meal pickup.
of June. Temple Beth Sholom has also
been offering weekly fully Kosher • 941-552-7500 • 855-Tidewell Shabbat meals for pickup.
The drive was originally started as
an easy, accessible way for people to
give back to the Sarasota community
during this crisis. As congregants and
guests drove by to pick up their Shabbat
meals curbside, they could also easily
drop off cans and other non-perishable TBS Facilities Manager Duane Rushing accepts
foods without even getting out of their
a food drive donation from Adele and Stan
JUSTre el cars. The drive was so successful the Tannenbaum during TBS’s Shabbat meal pick-up
TBS collected over 100 pounds
first Friday that TBS decided to have
of food during the first Friday and has
a donation bin outside the building’s
front entrance available during office
raised over 300 pounds as of June 26.
EDUCATION Donations will be dis-
tributed throughout the
The drive will con-
MURER: ANATOMY OF A TRIAL tinue through August,
so please consider
This film depicts in despairing detail how a war crim- dropping off a non-per-
inal who orchestrated the murder of thousands of ishable food donation
Jews was acquitted of his horrendous acts. if you are able. Help us
The courtroom drama focuses on the true-life trial TBS volunteers and staff have been working to help those who need
of Franz Murer, but the film quickly evolves from to sort and organize donations for distribution it most.
a legal battle into a resonant, timely exploration of
political expediency, the manipulation of the truth,
and the normalcy of evil. 2018, 137 minutes PROMOTING
The link to view the film will be available from July 31– August 7.
On Thursday, August 6, 3:00PM join a Zoom talk back with the film’s director,
Christian Frosch and producer, Viktoria Salcher. A VIRTUAL
Best Feature Film, Austrian Film Awards, 2019; Best Feature Film,
Diagonale Graz, 2018; Special Jury Prize, Vienna, 2018
The story of the chief Rabbi of Copenhagen’s Jewish Our Weekly Banner Ads
community, who would come to be known as Rabbi
Doolittle. Arriving in Tel Aviv in 1935, Max Shoren- Get the Word Out!
stein left his honorable position, in order to fulfill a Federation Eblast interactive banner ads are
longtime dream: to build a zoo and teach the children delivered to over 7,500 Eblast newsletter
of Palestine-Eretz Israel about the love of animals. subscribers each week for only $75 per
2019, 63 minutes week--that’s less than 1¢ per recipient!
The link to view the film will be available from August 14 – August 20. And, with Federation’s Exclusivity
On Thursday, August 20, 3:00PM join a Zoom talk back with the film’s director, Guarantee, you’ll be assured weekly
Duki Dror. exclusive placement of your ad. *
Award for Best Documentary under 60 minutes, Israeli Film Academy, 2019;
Research Award, DocAviv Film Festival, Tel Aviv, 2019 Want to learn more?
Contact Adam Kaplan
To register for these films and talk backs, please visit 941.552.6307
These events are free, but we would appreciate your consideration of a donation to
The Jewish Federation’s STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund to help people
who are impacted by this crisis. To make a contribution, please visit
*We limit ads to a maximum of 4 per Eblast, and only one
business per profession.
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For virtual events, visit our community calendar at