Page 13 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 13

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        August 2020                                        13

        Area synagogues...continued from previous page
 vices and programming  due to the  perishable  food  all  summer  long.  A   even bedtime stories online to keep our   According  to  Segal,  while  some   Steinmetz  said.  “However, when we
 Coronavirus.  designated bin is outside the temple’s   community connected and safe.”   funerals have been conducted in person   started reopening with restrictions,
 “Our board  and  lay  leadership  front entrance.  The  temple  also  created  a Mem-  with small groups (and others Zooming   some members were opposed to those
 quickly decided to move our services   “Many of our members have told   bers 2 Members program to ensure that   in), all other programs are now virtual.   restrictions, due to the mix of informa-
 and programs online, in step with con-us how much it means to them that we   all  members  receive  phone calls  and   The response from the congregants has   tion that is out there today,” he said.
 gregations locally and nationally.  We have created a way to stay connected   whatever  else they might  need from   been very positive. “Eighty-eight per-  “My biggest personal challenge
 have been offering a daily minyan, our as a community, to each other and to   Temple  Emanu-El.  Plans for High   cent say they are
        Judaism,” Calaguas said. Regarding    Holidays are in motion, and will be an-  very  happy  with
        the High Holidays, the Board of Direc-  nounced shortly.                    the  offerings  and
        tors and COVID-19 Taskforce contin-   TEMPLE SINAI                          feel connected  to
        ue to monitor and evaluate the situation   Temple  Sinai moved  very quickly  in   Sinai,” Segal said.
        closely.  The  safety  and  health  of the   response to the  pandemic,  according   With the High
        congregation  remains  the  top prior-  to Risa Segal, head of communication,   Holidays  falling
        ity, and this will determine the date of   development  and graphic design.  A   in September this
        resumption of religious services, pro-  few of the ways in which it responded   year, Segal said
        grams and social events.              included  a  virtual  welcome  reception   plans are still a    A screenshot of a Chabad of Sarasota virtual program
        TEMPLE EMANU-EL                       every Friday before service; Shabbat   work in progress, but most likely will   throughout  this has been  the  sense
        Christine  Elliott,  Executive  Director   in  a  Box (for  purchase  and  given  to   remain  virtual, due to the health  im-  of uncertainty  about what tomorrow
        of Temple Emanu-El, noted that con-   those in need); a virtual mental health   plications  of gathering  and singing   holds regarding life and the entire uni-
        necting and supporting members is the   support group; a virtual clergy coffee   in public. Plans will be announced     verse. As  a  community  leader,  I  find
        temple’s highest  priority. “To safely                                                 shortly.                   the lack of social interaction  contrib-
 regular  Friday  and Saturday  Shabbat  serve our congregation,  we quickly                   CHABAD LUBAVITCH           utes to this.”
 services, holiday services, and multiple  moved all of our services and a multi-              OF SARASOTA &               Chabad Lubavitch  of Sarasota &
 classes and presentations, all virtually  tude of programs to online platforms,”              MANATEE COUNTIES           Manatee  Counties  is  making  plans
 via Zoom. This also includes the adver-she said.                                              To be proactive in the     for the  High Holidays  in  September.
 tising and ordering of our popular take-  Utilizing livestreaming, Facebook                   face of the health  pan-   “There will be in-person services with
 out Shabbat meals. We have shortened  and Zoom, services were moved from                      demic, Chabad Lubavitch    proper restrictions,  including  wearing
 our Saturday Shabbat services slightly,  the bimah to the rabbis’ homes. “Our                 of Sarasota  &  Manatee    masks at all times and keeping a dis-
 though they still keep their traditional  annual meeting, Seders, Shavuot night               Counties closed its doors   tance between each person,” he said.
 feel and have been very well received                                                         to   physical  activities  CHABAD OF BRADENTON
 by the congregation,” Calaguas said.                                                          starting  Sunday, March    AND LAKEWOOD RANCH
 Currently, TBS offers a daily morn-                                                           15.  According  to  Rabbi   According to Rabbi Mendy Bukiet of
 ing minyan from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m., Fri-           Rabbi Samantha Kahn and Chazzan Cliff Abramson    Chaim Steinmetz, “At the   Chabad of Bradenton  and Lakewood
 day night services starting at 6:30 p.m.,              at Temple Sinai’s drive-by graduation  same time, we emphasized   Ranch, on-site services closed down
 and Saturday morning service starting        talk;  partnering  with other congre-  participation  in all of our programs   and everything became virtual as soon
 at 10:00 a.m.                                gations  (for example,  partnering  on   virtually  through  Zoom. We  have  of-  as the seriousness of the situation be-
 The continuing education commit-             Yom Ha’Atzmaut with Beit Daniel       fered, and still do offer, daily morning   came clear.
 tee  has a  mini-series  called  “Staying    in Israel, and partnering with various   services and Torah classes, virtually. In   “Hebrew school and all  of our
 Connected.” Each program is 45 min- The Levys enjoy Temple Emanu-El’s services   guest  speakers  for sermons,  includ-  addition,  our  preschool  offered  daily   classes went online,” Rabbi Mendy ex-
 utes long on a different topic.   via the Zoom platform  ing local pastors Kelvin Lumpkin and   interactive  virtual  time  with teachers,   plained. “We even added some classes
 Weekly, homemade,  fully kosher  of Jewish study, Mitzvah Day, and   John  Walker);  virtual  adult-education   and men’s and women’s group activi-  to our programming.” Chabad focused
 Shabbat meals are available for curb-even our Blessing of the Animals were   classes; daily offerings for young fami-  ties also all became virtual. We added   on helping  its congregants  with their
 side pickup. All meals are $12 and can  held via Zoom,” she explained. “Reli-  lies through The Gan; religious school   several  new virtual  activities  to  con-  immediate needs – emotional support,
 be ordered via the TBS website, where  gious school, confirmation class, Par-  and Hebrew school, including  tutor-  nect with community members in dif-  food, medicine and the like.
 the menus are available, as well. At the  ent and Me, Tot Shabbat and preschool   ing, offered online; virtual services and   ferent ways.  “For the last few weeks, we have
 same  time,  the  congregation is run-activities also went virtual. We started   holiday  celebrations;  the membership   “We strived to educate  our   been holding our services outdoors at
 ning a food drive where people may  an array of classes, social interactions,   committee and the board making regu-  members  to  understand  the  risks  in-  our Jewish Center. People have to reg-
 drop off donations of canned and non-  film  screenings,  discussion  groups,   lar calls to check in with every congre-  volved in meeting in person, so at first   ister to attend so we can trace who is
        educational  groups for all  ages  and   gant.                              there was 100 percent support,” Rabbi              continued on next page

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