Page 15 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 15

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        August 2020                                        15

 and  were  happy  to  help  teach  Zoom Jewish Healing Program’s COVID-19 response

 and other virtual programs to members. This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
 “Going virtual  has actually  en-  ntensified efforts are being under-  tion) and other philanthropic  entities.   JHP staff assists clients with bud-  “We  work collaboratively  with
 riched our community by making our   taken  to  support  individuals  and   These funds, which generally  range   geting  guidance,  advises  them  con-  other JFCS departments and with agen-
 programs accessible  to everyone, in- Ifamilies in the Jewish community   from $800-$1400, are paid directly to   cerning  employment/career  services,   cies in the greater community to ensure
 cluding those who do not drive, those  facing  acute  financial  and  social  ser-  the  landlord.  JFCS COVID-19 funds   provides counseling referrals and,   opportunities for help are maximized,”
 who were ill, and now even snowbirds  vice needs in the wake of COVID-19.   have also made $18,000 available for   sometimes,  delivers things like sani-  emphasizes  Rabbi  Jonathan  R.  Katz,
 going back north who can stay in- The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-  Holocaust survivor homecare needs.  tary wipes and other items to shut-ins.   Community Chaplain and JHP Direc-
 volved with our programming through  Manatee’s sponsorship of JFCS of the   If someone is unable to pay a util-  Additionally, Federation  support en-  tor. “But it’s more than just securing
 the  summer  months,” Rabbi  Schmer- Suncoast’s Jewish Healing Program   ity bill, JHP staff directs them to agen-  ables staff in JFCS’s Senior Outreach   economic aid and referrals that count.
 ling said.  (JHP) makes assistance possible.   cies that can provide relief. Dental and   Services (SOS) program to offer geri-  It’s being there for people personally,
 “We  opened  our synagogue  re-  When, for example,  loss of em-  other  health-related  needs, if qualify-  atric  care  management  when Jewish   emotionally  and spiritually at an ex-
 cently, on a limited capacity,” he add- ployment has occurred due to the Coro-  ing criteria are met, are also funded   seniors, in particular, face hardship.   tremely challenging time of disjuncture
 ed. “After being in contact with health  navirus or other reasons and rent can no   through the aforementioned sources.   SOS often receives inquiries from the   in their lives. We try to serve as a life-
 officials,  we  opened,  but  we  require  longer be paid, JHP staff immediately   These grants go directly to the vendor.   children (many living out of town) of   line for compassion, strength and hope.
 people to wear masks, they are socially  assesses the situation and identifies re-  Other needs that may be addressed in-  these seniors in regard to health situa-  We also follow up with our clients so
 distanced (6- to 8-feet apart) and we  sources to ameliorate it. Funding may   clude car repair, insurance expense and   tions (physical and mental), residential   they know they aren’t forgotten.”
 are doing temperature checks. There is  be accessed through Season of Shar-  phone bills. Those in need of food often   facilities, home care, Friendly Visitors   For more information  about the
 no touching the Torah, and there is no  ing, the Federation, a JFCS COVID-19   receive  Publix  gift  cards  ($50-$100)   and  bereavement.  Staff  makes  home   Jewish  Healing  Program,  please  call
 food or reception, just the service,” he  emergency fund (open to all and large-  from JHP and are informed about food   visits for assessments, provides refer-  941.366.2224  or email  Rabbi  Katz  at
 added. The Hebrew school offered an  ly provided through the generosity of   pantries where additional groceries can   rals and organizes food deliveries  of
 outdoor graduation for its students and  The Louis and Gloria Flanzer Founda-  be obtained.   meals (including for Shabbat).
 Summer Day Camp opened recently.
 Schmerling  added, “If we get a rec-
 ommendation from the Health Depart- JFCS of the Suncoast hires new Interim CEO
 ment to close, we will close.”  FCS of the  Suncoast  has hired     next several months,” Miller added.   to states in the areas of behavior health   “I am thrilled to join JFCS in this
 Asked  about the High Holidays,   Arthur Lerman as its interim CEO.   Lerman brings a wealth of expe-  and long-term care, including involve-  role  and  lead  a  talented,  hardwork-
 Schmerling  said, laughing,  “Man  JHe replaces Heidi Brown who re-  rience in his role as interim CEO, in-  ment in the redesign of the behavioral   ing team that provides critical mental
 plans and God laughs.” He added that
        signed from her position after serving   cluding  serving on the  JFCS Board   health  systems for Oregon and  West   health and human services to positive-
        JFCS for the past three years. “Heidi   of Directors and chair of the board’s   Virginia,  and  integrating  behavioral   ly impact those in need,” said Lerman.
        has done a great job as our CEO,” said   development  committee.  He  has  de-  health  services  into  San Francisco’s   “I look forward to building on JFCS’s
        Dean Miller, Chair of the JFCS Board   veloped  and  managed                         public health clinics.       successes  to  ensure  collaboration  and
        of Directors. “We thank her for her   assisted living facilities,                        Lerman  moved  to  the   excellence in all we do in service to our
        contributions to the growth and devel-  nursing homes, a trau-                       Sarasota area in 2007.       clients and community,” he added.
        opment of JFCS and wish her the very   matic brain injury reha-                      Since  then,  he has been       JFCS of the  Suncoast provides
        best.”                                bilitation  facility and a                     the Executive Director of    counseling,  case  management  and  fi-
 Chabad  will  definitely  celebrate  the   “JFCS is excited  to have  Arthur   home health agency. He   ITNSuncoast and  We Care   nancial assistance to youth and fami-
 holidays, “but how we will do it is still  serve as our interim CEO,” said Miller.   has been the executive   Manatee. He has also served   lies, individuals, veterans, seniors and
 to be determined.”  “With over 20 years of experience in   director  of  non-profit         on the Sarasota County Se-   those  experiencing  or  near  homeless-
 “A silver lining of all this,” he said,  non-profit  management,  Arthur  will   organizations  providing   niors Advisory Council, the   ness in Sarasota, Manatee,  Charlotte,
 “is that we are reminded that our per- make  significant  contributions  to  our   transportation services to   Stakeholders in Aging Task   Collier, DeSoto and Lee counties. For
 sonal relationship with God is not lim- organization in the areas of organiza-  seniors, medical services   Force, and the Board of   over 35 years, JFCS has provided non-
 ited to a space or time. It has been very  tional  development  and growth, stra-  to individuals without   Directors of the Southwest   denominational mental health and so-
 rewarding to have our congregants  tegic  planning,  financial  management   health  insurance,  and   Arthur Lerman  Florida Area Agency on Ag-  cial services, and provided support to
 make their homes their sanctuary.”  and community relations.  While we   residential,  day  habilitation  and  sup-  ing. He currently serves on the Trans-  over  5,700 individuals  this  past  year.
 CHABAD OF WEST BRADENTON will  be conducting  a national  search   portive  employment  services  to indi-  portation Disadvantaged Committee of   More information about services pro-
 Rabbi  Zev  Steinmetz  of  Chabad  of  for a permanent CEO, we will have the   viduals with intellectual disabilities. In   the  Metropolitan  Planning  Organiza-  vided  by JFCS is available  at  www.
 West Bradenton notes that all Chabad  benefit  of Arthur’s  leadership  for  the   addition, Lerman has been a consultant   tion and chairs Transition Venice.
 classes, Bar Mitzvah lessons and spe-
 cialty programs went virtual with the   PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
 onset of the  Coronavirus pandemic.
 “We also did personal deliveries with
 holiday and Shabbat packages for our
 community,” he said.
 Congregants responded very posi-
 tively to the change in programming.
 “They really appreciated  the holiday
 and Shabbat packages, as well as the
 virtual  programming  we  offered,”  he
 Today, Chabad of West Bradenton
 programming remains 100 percent vir-
 tual, and future decisions will depend
 upon the course of the virus. As of now,
 no plans have been made for the High    “Combating anti-Semitism should be an issue that unites all of us.
                   In the Florida House of Representatives, I will work to reject this evil

                   ideology and make sure the Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Federation has

                                      a loud and strong voice in Tallahassee.” –Fiona

                                                        • 15 years of U.S. Navy Service                                                                   PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

                                                        • Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy

                                                        • M.B.A. University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

                                                        • McKinsey & Company Business Consultant

                                                        • Wife, Mother and Sarasota Resident

                                                         Paid by Fiona McFarland, Republican, for State Representative, District 72

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 JFED PROUD & STRONG: Join us in our campus re-imagination –  Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee •
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