Page 12 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 12

12                             August 2020                                                             COMMUNITY FOCUS

        Area synagogues...continued from page 10
        the Torah service, during the Hakafah     High Holiday services will mostly    In an article in the Longboat Key   vices and programming  due to the
        (Torah procession), I actually  carried   likely be virtual (livestreamed from the   Observer,  Azerad noted that “I dis-  Coronavirus.
        the Torah to the screen so that congre-  sanctuary, with Zoom for Torah study   covered  that  there  were  two  aspects   “Our board  and  lay  leadership
        gants could “touch” the Torah virtually.   and Yizkor). “We are considering a few   of programming that we needed to ad-  quickly decided to move our services
        JEWISH CONGREGATION                   outdoor experiences,  such as tashlich   dress. One is the kind of programming   and programs online, in step with con-
        OF VENICE                             with outdoor shofar blowing and other   that lends itself to the label of caring   gregations locally and nationally.  We
        According to Rabbi Benjamin  Shull,   possible drive-in options,” Rabbi Shull   and sharing (like discussion groups ad-  have been offering a daily minyan, our
        the  Jewish Congregation  of  Venice   said.                                dressing the concerns
        rapidly shut down its in-person pro-  TEMPLE BETH-EL                        of  participants). The
        grams by the second week in March.    On March 13, the  Temple  Beth-El     next is the item of rit-
        “It was all somewhat sudden,” Rabbi   Board of Directors unanimously de-    ual and worship.”
        Shull said. “We had been planning on   cided to close the facility until it was   Friday gatherings
        hand-sanitizing and distancing, but the   safe to return. Rabbi Michael Stern-  are  Zoom  calls  (able
        shutdown of sports leagues and other   field and Cantor Debra Bard have been   to accommodate many
        venues convinced  us to close  every-  providing  Sabbath  video  services  via   screens), with both in-
        thing.”                               YouTube on Friday evenings since      formal discussions and
            The congregation shifted to on-   the temple’s closure. The temple’s re-  Shabbat dinners. Mem-
        line  services  and  programs.  “We  first   ligious  school  had  been  meeting  via   bers  call  into  Zoom
        started  using  the  Zoom  format  and   Zoom conferencing. A couple of weeks   with their Shabbat
        recorded just the cantor and me from   ago, the temple started offering Satur-  candles, wine and chal-  Temple Beth Sholom Executive Catering Director Susan McCann with
        home,” Shull explained. “We sent the   day morning Torah study via Zoom, as   lah bread, and Rabbi   volunteers Lauren and Sam Haven getting ready for meal pick-up
        recordings for congregants to view on   well.                               Stephen Sniderman leads them in the   regular  Friday  and Saturday  Shabbat
        their own. We also started some Zoom      Temple Beth-El programs today     ritual blessings.                     services, holiday services, and multiple
        classes (Torah study, schmooze with   are still being offered virtually. Accord-  As for other programming, Temple   classes and presentations, all virtually
        the rabbi, Kol Isha with the cantor,   ing to Ron Eiseman, Board President,   Beth  Israel  is  offering  a  bridge  club,   via Zoom. This also includes the adver-
        etc.).  After several  weeks we started   “Temple Beth-El members have been   a Friday happy hour, a book club and   tising and ordering of our popular take-
        livestreaming from the sanctuary with   very supportive of the changes that   discussion groups.  The question as   out Shabbat meals. We have shortened
        the cantor and me and a few others (no   were made. Our utmost concern is the   to when worship will move back to   our Saturday Shabbat services slightly,
        more than five in all).”              health and safety of our congregation   in-person depends on the virus itself.   though they still keep their traditional
            There  were some  Wi-Fi prob-     and their families. They truly appreci-  “In the meantime, virtual connections   feel and have been very well received
        lems, and they soon switched to Zoom   ate  the  video  programming  provided   reign supreme. For now, it seems to be   by the congregation,” Calaguas said.
        for live services with congregants on   on a weekly basis.”                 working,”  Azerad  said.  “We’ve  been   Currently, TBS offers a daily morn-
        screen and breakout Oneg Shabbat ser-     Recently, the directors sent out a   trying to bring as many people as pos-  ing minyan from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m., Fri-
        vices. Most recently, the congregation   survey to members asking them about   sible into our circle,” he added. “And   day night services starting at 6:30 p.m.,
        held  a drive-in Havdalah,  which  was   their comfort level of returning to in-  people are very, very grateful for that.”  and Saturday morning service starting
        well-received and attended by about 30   person services for the High Holidays.   Plans for High Holidays include   at 10:00 a.m.
        people. They are planning drive-in Fri-  A decision will be announced shortly.   streaming services from the sanctuary   The continuing education commit-
        day evening services and are trying a   Regardless  of what the  board deci-  for a digital experience. “Our congre-  tee  has a  mini-series  called  “Staying
        livestream service from the sanctuary,   sion is, the temple will still offer video   gants have become  more and more   Connected.” Each program is 45 min-
        with its improved Wi-Fi.              programming  for those members  and   comfortable with technology over the   utes long on a different topic.
            Congregants enjoy the online ser-  friends who  are not comfortable  at-  last  few months, and  we hope  that  it   Weekly, homemade,  fully kosher
        vices,  particularly  the  live  Zoom  ser-  tending a live service.        will be an easy transition under the cur-  Shabbat meals are available for curb-
        vices. According to Rabbi Shull, they   TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL                  rent circumstances,” said office admin-  side pickup. All meals are $12 and can
        are getting about 60-70 percent of the   At Temple Beth Israel, Executive Di-  istrator Shana Johnson.            be ordered via the TBS website, where
        congregation’s  pre-pandemic  atten-  rector  Isaac Azerad  said  it  was busi-  TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM               the menus are available, as well. At the
        dance. “We held the drive-in service   ness as usual once the pandemic and its   According to Lex Calaguas,  Market-  same  time,  the  congregation is run-
        since many of our congregants ex-     social distancing rules arrived in mid-  ing and Communications Coordinator,   ning a food drive where people may
        pressed an interest in some type of in-  March, except that everything that was   Temple Beth Sholom (TBS) radically   drop off donations of canned and non-
                JFCS_JN_August_quarter.pdf   1   7/2/20   10:38 AM
        person experience,” Shull said.       once in-person was now done virtually.  changed its approach to religious ser-           continued on next page
                                                                                                               &  &
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                                                                                       SUMMER CONCERT SERIES

                                                                                       Brought to you in part by
 MUSIC NOTES                                                                           Arnold and Carol Tillman

 B A C K G R O U N D

                                                                                                 $ 15
                                                                                               PER CONCERT


                                                                                          WEDNESDAY  •  AUGUST 12  •  7:30 PM
                                                                                          BROADWAY TO BOOGIE-WOOGIE TO THE BEATLES

                                                                                                Brian Gurl, piano & Carlann Evans, violin

                                                                                        Brian combines forces with his partner of over ten years, Carlann Evans from
                                                                                        the Sarasota Orchestra. Together they perform an array of classic melodies,
                                                                                        jazz and Americana that includes: Sweet Georgia Brown, Phantom of the
                                                                                        Opera Medley, Schindler’s List and Fiddler On The Roof.

                                                                                        To register for this virtual event, visit

                                                                                                                           For more information, contact
                                                                                                                           Trudi Krames
                                                                                                                           or 941.706.0037.

                 Looking for something to do in your spare time? Visit
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