Page 7 - Jewish News_August-2020
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An account of Jews 2020-2021 Education Scholarships – pandemic edition
guarding Nazi POWs By Lisa Feinman, Resource Development Manager printed information, making introduc- impacting the cost of attendance and
he Jewish Federation of
closed indefinitely.
Sarasota-Manatee’s Education The journey began in the fall of tions and spreading the word. They scholarship award amounts. Add to that
interred in the U.S. during World War TScholarship Committee is chart- 2019 when the committee, led by Mar- have been instrumental in building and the changes in the economic situations
II, but nothing on Jewish GIs who ing new territory in the face of great sha Eisenberg, invited volunteers to strengthening the relationship between of each household which could not be
medically treated them, guarded them unknowns and economic uncertainty. learn more about what we do and help the Federation and our local institu- accounted for in their most recent tax re-
or acted as translators.” A team of dedicated outreach volun- us raise awareness of scholarship op- tions of learning. turns or Federal Assistance estimations
Greenberg said he was inspired to teers and conscientious reviewers, with portunities throughout Sarasota and At the same time, Marsha Eisen- of their “expected family contribution,”
write a book by his father’s and other approximately $100,000 in scholarship Manatee counties. Jo Ellen Gross- berg, the committee’s chair since 2016, and we are left with undocumented new
Jewish GIs’ experiences, and was for- funds to distribute, have been strug- man, Sandy Hayden, Leslie Podolsky, invited committee member Laura needs that are changing day to day.
tunate to be able to even interview four gling to support talented scholarship Lisa Silberman, Jolena Sloane, and Briefman to step into a co-chair posi- So how is The Jewish Federation
living soldiers. In asking how the sol- applicants while the global pandemic Sue and Martin Spector spent several tion with plans to transition to chair in and the Education Scholarship Com-
diers viewed their roles or felt a moral threatens to keep college campuses weeks contacting schools, dropping off the fall of 2020. Laura embraced the mittee responding to the new normal?
conundrum guarding German POWs, opportunity, saying, “It is gratifying to Partial awards have been granted to a
most were of the opinion Learn more about Israel meet so many passionate young people, number of applicants with the under-
that they were just doing and very rewarding to help them fulfill standing that these grants may or may
their duty and abiding by By Jessi Sheslow, Director, Heller CRC their dreams through the work of the not be modified once all the documen-
the Geneva Convention s we continue to stay closer Israel by understanding the con- Education Scholarship Committee.” tation has been received and schools
regarding POW treat- to home to remain safe from cepts of state-seeking, state-mak- Together with committee members enact their plans for the 2020-2021
ment, as well as adhering ACOVID-19, what better way is ing and state-keeping Sharon Feinstein, Vivian Lane, Ron- academic year.
to the three principles there to spend your time than learning 4. Build digital resources through its nie Riceberg, Jeff Sherman, Jacqueline Among the funds to be distrib-
of Judaism: tzedek, tze- more about Israel? The Heller CRC is robust website, conduct in-person Siegel-Frascella, Marian Strassman uted this year are the Anne and Da-
dakah and tikkun olam. proud to provide you with an exciting consultations, and provide work- and Adrea Sukin, Laura and Marsha vid Anchin Scholarship Fund, Neil
Most did not realize the four-part series digging deep into Isra- shops, webinars and online learn- looked forward to reviewing applica- and Sandra Angel Malamud Family
impact their service had el’s modern history presented by Ken ing opportunities tions and engaging in yet another ban- Scholarship Fund, Belle and Herman
on a postwar democratic Stein, President of the Center for Israel There are four sessions in the series: ner year of support for students with B. Behrenfeld Scholarship Fund, B’nai
Germany and making Education (CIE). July 28: Israel Education in North promise and financial need. B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge #2004, Selma
the world a better place. America – on campus and in the Then the unthinkable happened. and Sydney Flanzbaum Scholarship
The World War II generation of Jewish community. How did we reach this Students were sent home, campuses Fund, Jacqueline Siegel-Frascella Ath-
GIs interviewed were very humble and moment? What is it and what can closed and higher education had to letic Scholarship, Ruth and David Gor-
modest men. Just about all the GIs led Israel education be? quickly redesign centuries of educa- ton Scholarship Fund, Grace and Sam
amazing postwar lives, contributing to Aug 4: The Making of the Jewish tional norms and embrace distance Gorlitz Scholarship Fund, Bernard
a better world through law, medicine State – From Balfour to Trump – learning. Just as the review committee Isaacs Family Fund, Jerome and Ruth
and/or community service. State-Seeking, State-Making and was about to sit down to evaluate the Kapner Scholarship Fund, Edith Beck-
During his presentation, Green- State-Keeping applications, they were no longer able er Lilienfeld Scholarship Fund, Robert
berg will share specific stories of how Aug 11: The Unfinished 1967 War to be in the same room together. The Michelson Interfaith Scholarship, Dr.
POWs in these camps were impacted – How did it change Middle East- review process went “virtual,” with Nelson and Marjorie Newmark Schol-
by Jewish GIs and how it had a very ern, Israeli and Jewish histories? Zoom meetings for committee mem- arship Fund, Ned and Janet Sinder
positive impact on the POWs’ postwar Aug 18: Arab-Israeli Negotiations bers to consider the applications. They Scholarship, Schoenbaum Family
lives. The Jewish GIs participated in – Why it worked in the ’70s but is then found that many of the colleges, Scholarship Fund, Marjorie and Earl
guarding, healing and re-educating the not working now. What did Sadat, closed due to stay-at-home orders, Sharff Scholarship Fund, Helen A. and
Germans. Greenberg added, “These Begin and Carter have that the cur- were unable to furnish applicants with Newtown H. Sobin Scholarship Fund,
men did not feel sorry for themselves rent leaders do not possess? the documentation required to evalu- Melissa Wides Foundation Education
being assigned to POW camps, did Ken Stein The Heller CRC seeks to advo- ate their costs, financial award pack- Scholarship Fund, the Ronald and Geri
not request transfers, and focused on The CIE has four primary goals: cate for peace and security for Israel ages and funding gaps. To top it off, Yonover Scholarship, and The Jewish
things they could control. They viewed 1. Promote the ongoing concept that through education, among other goals. tax deadlines were extended to mid- Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Col-
themselves as role models who were Israel is an integral and essential We hope you will join for this impor- July, offering families helpful respite lege Scholarship.
educated, held rank and wanted to do part of modern Jewish history tant educational series. The minimum but further limiting the review team’s We look forward to sharing the
more than just ride out the war. Their 2. Provide students, educators and registration fee is $18 for the entire se- ability to accurately assess students’ fi- names of scholarship recipients in a
mission of tikkun olam – repairing the lifelong learners with materials ries. To register, visit nancial need. future issue of The Jewish News. For
world – is the subject of this book.” and trustworthy sources to engage For more information about this Further complicating the process, more information about the Federa-
To register for the event and pur- with others about modern Israel series and the Heller CRC, please con- no one is certain that the schools’ plans tion’s Education Scholarships, please
chase the book for $18, visit jfedsrq. 3. Train students and adults to become tact me at or to open their campuses and on-campus contact me at or
org/events. Books can be picked up at literate in the study of modern 941.343.2109. housing facilities will be realized, thus 941.706.0034.
the Federation’s office at 580 McIntosh
Road, Sarasota. This event is free, but
we would appreciate your consider-
ation of a donation to The Jewish Fed- IN 2019,
Coronavirus Relief Fund to help peo- ANTI-SEMITISM
ple who are impacted by this crisis. To
make a contribution, visit GREW BY
For more information about the
event and/or the Heller CRC, contact
ding t
the ADL
Jessi Sheslow at 12% according to the ADL’s
annual audit. This is
or 941.552.6300. annual audit . T his is
the highest numb
the highest number on
er on
Gulf Coast Hillel Director r ec or d sinc e 1979.
record since 1979.
receives her second MBA
Jewish cemetery, Quatzenheim, France, 2019
Photo Credit: Consistoire of the Lower Rhine
What are we doing about it?
The Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations Committee
takes a firm stand against anti-Semitism. We use community resources and
influence to combat a rise in anti-Semitism and anti-Zionist sentiments,
which often result in aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through
education, advocacy, and building relationships with the greater community
and law enforcement, together we can combat hatred, bigotry, and
harassment of Jews and other minorities.
For more information contact Jessi Sheslow at 941.343.2109 or
Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up for the Jewish Federation’s Enewsletter at