Page 2 - Jewish News_August-2020
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You can now be Keeping our community safe...continued from page 1
anti-Semitism at its core. More educa-
– as the Sarasota community has felt
a monthly donor deeply recently – increasing the safety tion is key!
and security of the Jewish community
We work closely with the Sara-
By Samantha Bloom, Director of Resource Development is critical. The partnership between The sota Ministerial Alliance, Sarasota
he Jewish Federation of Sara- count on your monthly support, Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee County and Manatee County
and SCN is a crucial step. The collab-
school systems, the Diocese and
sota-Manatee recently launched we can better plan programs and orative work between the Federation private schools
Ta Monthly Giving Program as a respond to the community. and SCN in the face of anti-Semitism We build alliances with local me-
way to offer increased convenience and As a monthly donor, you’ll know demonstrates the timeliness of it. It is a dia, faith community and commu-
maximum impact for our donors. that every month you will have taken professional security operation, keenly nities of color
Why should you give monthly? positive action that puts Federation’s aware of and responsive to the needs of And finally, I’d like to announce
1. It is convenient! In less than 60 work at the forefront of Jewish life the Jewish community. We are honored that we have officially hired our new
seconds, you can easily set up a re- in Sarasota-Manatee. You will know to partner with the Federation and look Community Security Director thor-
curring gift of $18, $25, $50 – any that throughout the year your gift is forward to working together on en- ough SCN. He will provide security
amount – per month and it will be sustaining and supporting our vital hancing the safety and security of the assessments and critical training to all
automatically processed and cred- community-wide programming and whole community.” Jewish institutions and work with lo-
ited to you. You can make a gift us- services, such as caring for the vulner- Based on SCN’s advice, we are cal, state and federal law enforcement
ing your phone, tablet or desktop able and newly-vulnerable, as well as addressing security concerns at all to keep our community safe. In the
computer. ongoing efforts to fight anti-Semitism, schools and camps where Jewish stu- next issue of The Jewish News, you
2. It is cost effective! The automatic provide Holocaust education, deliver dents are actively on campuses. will have an opportunity to learn more
processing requires less adminis- Jewish entertainment and promote ad- We are assisting and providing about him in depth.
trative costs and that means more vocacy for Israel. funding to area synagogues to increase All of the above takes money.
of your money goes to where it is Simply go to our giving page at their campus security presence and There is a cost to keeping our commu-
needed most. and select “Make make upgrades to their technology. nity safe and it’s not cheap. We need
3. It is impactful! You can make a my Donation Monthly Recurring.” We Under the guidance of SCN, we your support to do so. To see how
difference with the amount that’s thank you for your generosity! are meeting every two to three weeks you can help, please visit
most convenient and comfortable For more information on our with a community-wide security com-
for you. No gift is too small, and Monthly Giving Program, please con- mittee, comprised of representatives As Rabbi Hillel famously said, “If
small actions add up to big results. tact me at 941.706.0035 or sbloom@ from all area synagogues and Jewish not now, when?” NOW is the time to
With Federation knowing we can
organizations regarding security, High take action against anti-Semitism and
Holiday preparedness, protection of keep our community safe and secure.
S enior is looking to purchase precious metals, rabbis and synagogue staff and hurri- For more information on the Fed-
diamonds, time pieces, coins, antique cane preparedness. eration’s efforts to keep all of us safe,
please contact me at 941.343.2110 or
We are increasing the role of the
and estate jewelry, and some collector plates. Heller CRC in our community to pro-
Over 60 years Of experience. vide more education and eradicate
we are
Please call Marc at 941.321.0707 FED
persOnal and cOnfidential
Educating Jewish Minds Engaging Jewish Lives Enriching Jewish Hearts
Ally Zemelman
is proud to support
The Jewish Federation
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Every woman
E ver y woman
matters here.
matters here.
The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal New to the
Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers Sarasota-Manatee area?
women as funders, decision makers and
agents of change. Each member contributes
$500, and each has an equal voice in We Welcome You
directing our funds. The giving circle model
multiplies individual actions, creating a
tremendous collective impact. Shalom! Welcome to paradise!
We hope you feel at home and become active
In the last five years, we have distributed
more than $273,006 in grants to members of the Sarasota-Manatee
nonprofits in Israel that help women and Jewish community.
children of all backgrounds live safer,
healthier and more meaningful lives. Please contact Ilene Fox • 941.343.2111 •
Our Mission Get Newcomer information:
Our Mission
To enhance the lives of Jewish women and children
who are in need of help and live in Israel.
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life • Klingenstein Jewish Center
Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232
Read the current and previous editions of The Jewish News online at