Page 6 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 6
An account of Jews
guarding Nazi POWs
By Trudi Krames, Program Director
hile cleaning out his par- interred in the U.S. during World War
ents’ condominium in 1997, II, but nothing on Jewish GIs who
WDr. Michael J. Greenberg medically treated them, guarded them
found 50 letters that his late father Ar- or acted as translators.”
thur Greenberg had written to his late Greenberg said he was inspired to
Rabbi Kahn
mother Betty while he was stationed at write a book by his father’s and other
the Clinton Prisoner of War Camp in Jewish GIs’ experiences, and was for-
Mississippi during World War II. tunate to be able to even interview four
“To my surprise, I read that he living soldiers. In asking how the sol-
served as a supply sergeant at a pris- diers viewed their roles or felt a moral
oner of war stockade holding Nazi conundrum guarding German POWs,
POWs,” Greenberg said. most were of the opinion
The letters documented, that they were just doing
in detail, interactions their duty and abiding by
Bethany Leinweber with German POWs and the Geneva Convention
his role searching high- regarding POW treat-
Rabbi Kahn Chazzan Abramson
ranking officers’ quarters. ment, as well as adhering
“These discoveries were to the three principles
a really big surprise to of Judaism: tzedek, tze-
me. My father never told dakah and tikkun olam.
me he was stationed at Most did not realize the
a… camp holding Ger- impact their service had
man prisoners of war nor on a postwar democratic
any stories of interactions Germany and making
with German POWs. If the world a better place.
Bethany Leinweber Laura Freedman my mother hadn’t saved these letters The World War II generation of Jewish
there’d be no book.” GIs interviewed were very humble and
Rabbi Kahn Chazzan Abramson
Author of Tables Turned on Them, modest men. Just about all the GIs led
Jews Guarding Nazi POWs in the Unit- amazing postwar lives, contributing to
ed States, Greenberg said, “It was an a better world through law, medicine
unexpected gift my parents left me that and/or community service.
became a portal to discovering stories During his presentation, Green-
of Jewish men whose deeds should in- berg will share specific stories of how
spire future generations on confronting POWs in these camps were impacted
anti-Semitism and racism.” by Jewish GIs and how it had a very
Greenberg, a retired food industry positive impact on the POWs’ postwar
Bethany Leinweber Laura Freedman scientist with a doctorate in chemistry lives. The Jewish GIs participated in
and dozens of patents to his name, will guarding, healing and re-educating the
Germans. Greenberg added, “These
men did not feel sorry for themselves
being assigned to POW camps, did
not request transfers, and focused on
things they could control. They viewed
themselves as role models who were
educated, held rank and wanted to do
more than just ride out the war. Their
mission of tikkun olam – repairing the
Religions world – is the subject of this book.”
To register for the event and pur-
of the chase the book for $18, visit jfedsrq.
f the
org/events. Books can be picked up at
World the Federation’s office at 580 McIntosh
Road, Sarasota. This event is free, but
Dr. Michael Greenberg we would appreciate your consider-
discuss his book on Tuesday, August 4 ation of a donation to The Jewish Fed-
at 10:30 a.m. The event is presented by eration’s STRONGER TOGETHER:
the Heller CRC via Zoom. Researching Coronavirus Relief Fund to help peo-
fulltime for more than four years and ple who are impacted by this crisis. To
exploring a range of sources, Green- make a contribution, visit
berg found that out of 47,000 GIs sta- relief.
tioned at 500 POW camps, it is possible For more information about the
that 200 Jewish GIs served at one or event and/or the Heller CRC, contact
more of them. “I could only find books Jessi Sheslow at
and documentaries on German POWs or 941.552.6300.
Gulf Coast Hillel Director
receives her second MBA
Staff Report
A one step closer to this goal. Sydney
huge Mazel Tov to Sydney
was able to pursue this degree with the
Harlow, our Gulf Coast Hillel
Join Dr. Steven Derfler as he explores Director! Sydney just received help of a grant from Hillel Internation-
RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD, a six-part series. her Master of Business Administration al. She received this grant to further her
(MBA) from Norwich University in
professional development and was one
Northfield, Vermont. of approximately 10 Hillel
DATE TIME TOPIC When asked about professionals who received
Monday, August 3 10:30 am INTRODUCTION: HISTORY OF DEVELOPING the program, Sydney ex- this generous scholarship!
RELIGIOUS TRADITION, WAYS OF BEING RELIGIOUS plained, “The degree is sup- Sydney was asked to
posed to take 18 months, pick her favorite class. She
Monday, August 10 10:30 am HINDUISM but because this is my sec- said, “My favorite class by
Monday, August 17 10:30 am BUDDHISM $18.00 ond master’s degree, I was far was Strategic Marketing
per household
able to do an expedited pro-
and Operations Management.
Monday, August 24 10:30 am TAOISM for this six gram. It should have taken Figuring out why we were
part series me 48 weeks, but because I Sydney Harlow marketing something the way
Monday, August 31 10:30 am FROM JUDAISM TO CHRISTIANITY via Zoom did multiple classes at the same time, it we were was so interesting to me!”
took me a little less than eight months.” Sydney works with Jewish stu-
Monday, September 14 10:30 am ISLAM Sydney received her first master’s dents from New College of Florida,
degree from Norwich University in Ringling College of Art + Design and
To register, go to Leadership with a concentration in Or- University of South Florida Sarasota-
ganizational Leadership a little over a Manatee. From all of us here at the
For questions contact year ago. Federation, congratulations, Sydney!
Jeremy Lisitza at Sydney hopes to be a Hillel Ex- We are excited to see what your future ecutive Director in the future and she holds and we wish you nothing but the
believes this degree will help bring her best.
STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40. Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up for the Jewish Federation’s Enewsletter at