Page 10 - Jewish News_August-2020
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10                             August 2020                                                             COMMUNITY FOCUS

        Area synagogues pivot services and programming

        in response to virus

        By Gayle Guynup

                  ith  the  Coronavirus global   said.  This  has  meant  that  all  of  the   efit the food banks of Manasota.   ties (also in lockdown mode) and we
                  pandemic  still  impacting   members have been sheltering in place   “The success rate has been very    were also viewed by 1,500 virtual
        Wour local  community, area           since mid-March or before. While this   gratifying, and using Zoom allows our   guests! This success led us to offer a
        synagogues are having to adjust, piv-  presented many challenges,  members   local community and snowbirds to stay   virtual Torah service, again with more
        oting many of their services and much   have been staying in touch with each   in touch and be active  with our con-  than 1,000 viewers, followed by a Sep-
        of their programming to mainly virtual   other and reaching out virtually. “Para-  gregation as our Education Committee   hardic Shavuot service as well, all on
        platforms, as long as social distancing   doxically, we, as a congregation,  are   continues to develop programming for   Facebook Live.”
        guidelines remain intact. The question   busier than ever. Our spirits have risen,   the  upcoming  summer  months,”  she   For the High Holidays, the temple
        now is, where do they go from here?   and there is a real eagerness to connect   added.                           will offer services virtually and main-
        As Rabbi Barbara Aiello of Congrega-  with each other. It is as if we are a new   While  only two members  were   tain a wait-and-see perspective regard-
        tion Ner Tamid noted, “There are times   congregation, not one that is about to   proficient in Zoom when all of this be-  ing  in-person services.  Its plan  is to
        when the challenges  seem great, but   be 25 years old,” Moore added.       gan,  the congregation  now has many   hold a First Responders and Caregiv-
        the Psalmist reminds me in 32:8, ‘I will   The  congregation  has updated  its   who will host events. “Our Zoom ser-  ers High Holiday service on a day and
        instruct you and teach you in the way   website,  rooted through  its  trove  of   vices,  in  particular,  are  well  attended   time that accommodates shift changes
        you should go; I will counsel you with   photos for memorable moments to in-  and it makes everyone’s heart glad to   and the fact that so many will have to
        my loving eye on you.’ Faith will see   clude in upcoming services in the fall,   see  each other even  though we can-  come and go throughout the service.
        me through.”                          and  is  now  holding  Zoom  meetings   not be together physically. In addition,   “For me as a rabbi, the virus has
            Read below how our area temples   with the three other Humanistic Jew-  we have enhanced our newsletter to    presented several challenges.  First, it
        and synagogues pivoted to meet these   ish congregations in  Florida, as  well   keep our congregation informed of our   has been difficult adapting to the lack
        challenging times.                    as with its national umbrella organiza-  Zoom services and programming,” she   of contact with our older members, es-
        CONGREGATION FOR                      tion, Moore said. “Of course, we have   said.                               pecially those who were ill and could
        HUMANISTIC JUDAISM                    also  enjoyed  all  the  wonderful  offer-  Congregation Kol HaNeshama has   not have visitors.  And, for families
        According to President Margo Moore,   ings produced by the Federation here   not  yet  finalized  plans  for  the  High   where a loved one has passed away, it
        the Congregation for Humanistic Juda-  in Sarasota. In short, we are adapting   Holidays.  According  to  Milberg,  the   has been especially challenging to offer
        ism stopped having  live  services  and   and learning as we go along.”     ritual practices committee, along with   a service that incorporates warmth and
        programs after  Purim. “We depended   CONGREGATION                          the Rabbi, are hard at work dotting all   caring when the number of mourners
        on phone calls and emails until we be-  KOL HANESHAMA                       the i’s and crossing the t’s, and plans   is limited and when the service itself
        came  familiar  with  Zoom,”  she  said.   As  we all know, the virus struck at   should be finalized shortly.    must be done virtually.
        “We are now planning our virtual High   the height of season. But according to   CONGREGATION NER TAMID              “Also, the  technical  aspects  of
        Holiday  services  in  conjunction  with   President Linda Milberg of Congrega-  In  mid-February,  Congregation  Ner   serving my communities  virtually
        our sister  congregation,  Humanistic   tion Kol HaNeshama, leaders realized   Tamid was able to celebrate its annual   have been challenging. I’ve had to re-
        Jews of Tampa Bay. This has been an   that  their highest priority  was to fol-  interfaith event, an Italian dinner and   tire my opinion of myself as a “tech-
        extraordinary leap for us, as it has taken   low the three Cs: community, contact   lecture shared with the Jewish commu-  noklutz” and open myself to learning
        a period of time for us to get comfort-  and content. “To that end, we reached   nity at a local  Italian-American  club.   how to use technology to best serve my
        able with Zoom and with going virtual   out by phone to every member of the   According  to Rabbi  Barbara  Aiello,   congregants. That means I’ve learned
        for the foreseeable future. In conjunc-  congregation and created online Zoom   this event has been a winter highlight   about positioning, lighting, sound and
        tion  with  all  the  Humanistic  Jewish   programming with everything from   for Ner Tamid for nearly 10 years, and   content adaptations,  and how these
        congregations in North  America, we   our mid-day schmooze & happy hour     it was fortunate that the virus lockdown   elements  affect  the  transmission.  For
        are staying virtual for the remainder of   to stress reduction and new classes –   had yet to happen. By mid-March, Ner   example,  I announced  a  Kabbalat
        the year.”                            Mussar, Pirkei  Avot, Jewish Ethics   Tamid  had  cancelled  several  services   Shabbat service by encouraging every-
            Moore added that congregants have   and Morality to Open the Country, and   and its annual Passover Seder.    one to have one Shabbat candle ready
        responded extremely positively to the   Cooking for Shavuot – while still keep-  “By then, I had returned to Italy, so   to light. I would have the other candle
        changes. “Many of our members live    ing our established classes going,” she   for Passover I offered a virtual Seder   in front of me on screen. Together we
        in extended-care  facilities  and are in   said. Kol HaNeshama held a congrega-  in the Sephardic style. It was viewed   would kindle the lights of Shabbat. For
        the most vulnerable age group,” Moore   tional Mitzvah Day on June 15 to ben-  by our Florida and Italian  communi-             continued on page 12

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                                                                                      ...17,000 North American donors have committed over

                                                                                      $1 billion in legacy gifts through partner collaboration with

                                                                                      the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s LIFE & LEGACY
                                                                                      initiative. Locally, through this endowment-building effort,

                                                                                      83 donors have committed a legacy gift to our Federation

                                                                                      with a total estimated value of $4.9 million.

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