Page 9 - Jewish News_August-2020
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Directory of Local Temples and Organizations Volunteer Spotlight
Delivering more than meals to our community
By Sandy Chase
r. Lois Barson and Rhonda for 10 years, Rhonda volunteered with cal work, and ushering at the Jew- volumes about their dedication.
Kaplan embrace volunteering MOW in her hometown, whereas Lois ish Film Festival. “Here in Sarasota,” says Rhonda,
Das a way to strengthen the Sara- was involved with the TBI effort for She is also a classroom reader for “many worthy organizations are look-
sota-Manatee community. A staunch eight years. Books for Kids and has been an ing for volunteers. You don’t need spe-
team – delivering meals to those in Besides bonding, both women Ambassador for ShelterBox USA, cial skills. The result is making yourself
need through the Federation-Meals on agree that the recipients’ smiles and oc- a worldwide disaster relief organi- and the world a little bit better.”
Wheels (MOW) partnership – Lois and casional conversations deliver memo- zation. Echoing her partner, Lois says,
Rhonda exemplify The Jewish Fed- rable rewards and enduring memories. For the Sarasota Film Festival, “There’s a volunteer niche for every-
eration of Sarasota-Manatee’s con- Rhonda relays a bittersweet story Rhonda has served as an event one. Let your heart and mind be your
tinued support of local organizations. about a disabled Vietnam veteran, who co-lead, organizing volunteers at guide.”
Kim Adler, Federation’s Chief When asked about challenges as-
Operating Officer, says, “Our partner- sociated with MOW, both women have
ship with nonprofits, such as Meals on their own views. Rhonda points out,
Wheels, provides members of our Jew- “When clients don’t answer the door
ish community an opportunity to per- within a reasonable time, I don’t get a
form tikkun olam while deepening our chance to say ‘Hello,’ ask how they’re
connection with organizations in the doing, or wish them a great day.”
two-county area.” Although not a challenge per se,
Initially partnering with MOW, new COVID-19 procedures require
Temple Beth Israel (TBI) handed the delivery volunteers to hang meals on
reins over to Federation in 2013, when the door or place them in coolers. Re-
it enthusiastically agreed to assume vised instructions from Judy Johnston,
responsibility for coordinating that MOW Volunteer Coordinator, include
effort. Since then, dedicated teams of performing safety checks and environ-
two deliver fresh, hot meals to people mental assessment for social interac-
who are ill, disabled, housebound or tion.
indigent. According to the pair, “We need
Brieana Duckett-Graves, the Fed- to inform MOW whether any recipient
eration’s Program Administrative As- needs snacks, paper products or help
sistant who coordinates MOW, has Lois Barson and Rhonda Kaplan with Judy Johnston (center), Meals on Wheels Volunteer Coordinator with refilling prescriptions.”
nothing but praise for Rhonda and Lois, would wait in the carport with his dog. special events such as the opening A driving force in the Federation-
the longest-standing pair. “They work “Always pleasant and talkative, he and closing celebrations. MOW partnership, Lois and Rhonda
well together, demonstrating steadfast would reminisce about his time in the Even with full plates, Lois and always deliver on a promise – helping
volunteerism to address food scarcity military and we thanked him for his Rhonda enjoy retirement. Walking on to nourish lives.
in Sarasota County. I can always rely service. When his name wasn’t on our the beach, attending cultural events, If you are interested in volunteering,
on them to fulfill their commitment.” list for a few months, we became con- and taking art classes are a few of Lois’ there are many ways to contribute and
For both women, their partnership cerned.” Finally, he was back on their favorites. Rhonda enjoys yoga, bike be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
was serendipitous. Rhonda calls it “di- route, telling the women of his surgery riding, and traveling, especially visit- eration. For more information, please
vine intervention.” for terminal lung cancer. “Teary eyed, ing her family. contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
An experienced TBI-MOW vol- we hugged him goodbye. Every time Interestingly, both women think novation and Volunteer Engagement,
unteer, Lois was randomly paired with we pass his house, we honor this spe- of volunteering as a pastime, speaking at 941.343.2113 or
Rhonda, who signed up during the cial veteran.”
Federation outreach call for volunteers On a humorous note, Lois re-
a few years ago. counts how a male client inquired as to
While on an introductory phone whether Rhonda’s and Lois’ mothers,
call, both women learned that Rhonda who were invited on a delivery run and L’Chayim
was a close friend of Lois’ late cousin visible in the backseat of Lois’ convert-
while growing up in Sharon, Massa- ible, were single.
chusetts. “After an hour-long conver- Volunteering has driven both
sation,” says Rhonda, “I couldn’t wait women.
to meet Lois. I felt as if we had known Lois’ parents helped in the Jewish HERE’S “TO LIFE” ON THE GULF COAST
each other our entire lives.” community, at her school and with
Agreeing, Lois says, “Our bond Scouts.
was instant. Since then, we’ve been Lois and her late husband Alan (of Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
close friends.” blessed memory) were committed Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives to build
With Lois as driver, the team con- to B’nai B’rith in Philadelphia,
cludes its monthly Thursday deliv- especially at the Educators Unit, ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
ery with brunch at a local restaurant. founded to combat discrimination
“Brieana creates our advanced sched- in schools. uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
ule,” Rhonda explains. “Six other vol- Doctors of education and assistant
unteers rotate with us, so every month superintendents, Lois and Alan
is covered.” dedicated themselves to local, 941.266.0529
Brieana emphasizes, “These wom- state, regional and national math-
en selflessly offer to help when an extra ematics education organizations.
pair of hands is needed. “They always Lois tutors middle-school students
exude a richness in their Jewish pride in math at the Newtown Raymond 1605 Main Street | Sarasota, Florida 34236 | 941.951.6660
and heritage, which they take on their Taylor Community Center and
deliveries.” continues her involvement with the
Lois explains, “Since COVID-19, Longboat Key Democrats.
procedures are slightly different to She has also participated on TBI
protect all participants. In essence, we boards, volunteered at the Federa-
sign in, pick up and review the roster tion’s Jewish Book Festival, and
and route, read the instructions for helped homeless veterans through
any changes, load up and we’re on our the JFCS of the Suncoast backpack
way.” program.
The pandemic can’t thwart these Rhonda and her husband Ken were A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
women, although both “brake” during involved locally with the Sharon
the summer months until Lois returns Rotary Club and Taunton Family
from Cape May, New Jersey, around Soup Kitchen.
October. Having chosen Sarasota for re- Proudly supporting our
Rhonda and Lois have had exten- tirement eight years ago, she has
sive experience as MOW volunteers: helped at Federation, doing cleri- Jewish community.
Steven W. Fineman, M.D.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Call (941) 954-9990
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Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee • The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.