Page 4 - Jewish News_August-2020
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4                            August 2020                                                               FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                    Where your dollars go

               The Yiddish Radio Project                                            This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by
                                                                                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-
                                                                                    rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous
                                 presented by Baila Miller                          dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living
                                                                                    in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that
                                                                                    support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.
                                                                                       Your generous support is found in our tenet of tikkun olam – repairing the
                                                                                    Religious School

                                                                                    scholarships to be awarded

                                                                                    By Jeremy Lisitza, Director of Innovation and Volunteer Engagement
                                                                                          he Jewish Federation  of        about our heritage, I found that Reli-
                                                                                          Sarasota-Manatee  will award    gious Schools here are far from free. In
                                                                                    T$30,000 for need-based  Re-          fact, without the support of the scholar-
                                                                                    ligious School scholarships in 2020.   ship, I do not think it would have hap-
                                                                                    Since 2013, the Federation has award-  pened, given the cost of membership
                                                                                    ed a total of $251,390 benefiting 646   and the price of Hebrew School. It is
                                                                                    children.  This year  the  grant  cycle   by the generosity of other fellow Jews
                                                                                    opened July 1 and will close Tuesday,   that our children will have the tools for
                                                                                    September 1, 2020.                    what it takes to practice Judaism in all
                                                                                       The Federation’s Board of Di-      its aspects in the  coming  generation.
                                                                                    rectors  strongly  believes  that  this   G-d bless the donors.”
                                                                                    scholarship  program  is of the  utmost   “For our family, especially as our
                                                                                    importance to help families with finan-  son begins studying for his Bar Mitz-
                                                                                    cial assistance ensuring a strong Jew-  vah this year, this scholarship provides
                                                                                    ish foundation for their children.    an opportunity we cannot underscore
                                                                                       Responses from families who have   enough. When a family has dealt with
                                                                                    received scholarships for their children   hardships – unemployment, illness,
                                                                                    reinforce the benefits of this program:  etc. – as we have over the past year, it
          THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 • 7:00 – 8:30PM                                    “Without the help of being granted   is comforting to know that the Federa-

                   ll that survives from the “Golden Age” of Yiddish Radio          a  scholarship  for my  family, my  two   tion is there to lend a hand, and ensure
                A  are a thousand fragile discs rescued from storerooms,            sons would not be able to attend Re-  that the next generation of students car-
                attics and dumpsters. The Yiddish Radio Project is a                ligious  School at  all.  I am  a  fulltime   ries on our educational traditions.”
                                                                                    student in my master’s program and,
                                                                                                                             “The  Religious School  scholar-
                celebration of these recordings and the geniuses and                like  many  other  families,  things  are   ship offered to families by the Federa-
                dreamers who created them. We will hear clips from                  tight.  We feel  very blessed to have   tion benefits everyone. It tells parents
                Variety Shows, Man-on-the Street Interviews,                        been granted this scholarship so that   that Jewish education is a community
                Commercials and even Editorials in Rhyme.                           our sons can continue  their religious   priority and it is a tangible support of
                                                                       $ 10         education and spiritual growth as they   the synagogues’ educational programs.
                   To register, go to                           PER  learn  how to  become  proud,  Jewish   This  kind  of partnership  can  make  a
                                                                            HOUSEHOLD  young men within our community.”   long-term  impact  on our community
                                             For questions contact                     “I am grateful as a Jew who has    and its institutions.”
                                             Jeremy Lisitza at                      spent 30 years in Israel where religious   For more information about need-
                                                      studies are mandatory and were taken   based Religious School scholarships,
                                                                                    for granted.... Once I moved back to the   visit, or
                                                                                    USA and our children reached the age   contact  me at or
                                                                                    of wanting and needing to know more   941.343.2113.
                                                                                    Mazel Tov to an
                                     RESOURCES • RESILIENCE
                                                                                    extraordinary woman

                                                                                    By Marty Katz, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing
                                                                                             e offer our hearty congratu-    She  is also  looking  forward to
                                                                                             lations to Simone Knego,     bringing back best practices from simi-
                                           Do not separate                          Wa former board member of             lar Federations to our executive staff.
                                                                                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
                                                                                                                          Kim  Adler,  Chief  Operating  Officer,
                                         yourself from your                         Manatee, for being  nominated  as a   says, “Our Federation is so fortunate to
                                                community                           trustee on the board of The Jewish Fed-  have someone like Simone be our eyes
                                                                                    erations of North America (JFNA) rep-
                                                                                                                          and ears and share the good work we
                                                                                    resenting Intermediate                           do on a national level. We
                                                                                    Federations.  Simone                             are in good hands!”
                                                                                    recently completed a                                Simone has a lot on
                                          The Jewish Federation                     two-year stint on the                            her  plate.  In  addition  to
                                          of Sarasota-Manatee is                    JFNA National Young                              this new role, she is in the
                                          RESPONDING to our                         Leadership  Cabinet,                             final stages of writing her
                                          new normal.                               with the second year                             first  book,  The Extraor-
                                                                                    acting as co-chair.                              dinary, Unordinary  You,
                                                                                       Simone will be                                to be published in Octo-
                                     RELIEF & RECOVERY •
                                          As the global health                      part of a cohort of 15                           ber.  She  says, “The  book
                                          crisis is changing our                    trustees  representing                           is about inspiration  and
                                          world by the minute,                      the  45 Intermediate                             what you are capable  of,
                                          we are READY to                           Federations in the           Simone Knego        how everyday  actions  in-
                                                                                    JFNA system. The Jewish Federation
                                                                                                                          spire you to be better.” Simone bases
                                          provide RELIEF for                        of Sarasota-Manatee  is considered  an   her writing on her life, volunteer work,
                                          RECOVERY and the                          Intermediate Federation.              and being mother to six children and
                                          necessary RESOURCES                          Simone  says, “I  love  the  Federa-  partner to husband Rob.
                                          to get through this.                      tion, on a local, national and global lev-  Simone is sure one extraordinary,
                                          Jews are a RESILIENT                      el. It  does amazing work, so of course,   unordinary person. On behalf of the
                                                                                                                          board and staff of the Federation, we
                                                                                    I said yes. I am honored to represent
                                          people and our spirit                     Sarasota and bring light to smaller Fed-  say Yasher Koach!
                                          remains strong.                           erations which need attention as well.”
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                                    READINESS •  help you during             
                                           For resources to

                                                                                                   with your Jewish Community
                                           this time, visit


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