Page 3 - Jewish News_August-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                        August 2020                                         3

        A kinder way of life
 anti-Semitism at its core. More educa-
 tion is key!  By Marty Katz, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing
 ‹   We work closely  with the  Sara-  hen  I  turned  off  Zoom  af-  sylvania Optometric Association in the   we did. It made both Trude and me feel   home at Glenridge. In addition to often
 sota Ministerial Alliance, Sarasota   ter spending an hour with   early 1950s, just as the optometry in-  really good.”  visiting his wife, who is in the memo-
 County and Manatee County  W97-year-old Irving Bennett,   dustry was growing.         Irving’s giving  nature  has had   ry care unit at Glenridge, he writes a
 school systems, the  Diocese  and  I was flooded with a feeling of warmth.   In addition to building and running   a major impact on the work the Fed-  monthly newsletter  about health  con-
 private schools  What a kind and generous soul. If we   a successful practice, Irving began his   eration does in the Sarasota-Manatee   cerns, called  Be Well. So far, he has
 ‹   We build alliances with local me- could  learn  anything  from  Irving,  it   journalistic pursuits. He became editor   community. For each  of  the  last  40   written 75 newsletters, which he sends
 dia, faith community and commu- would be the  importance  of kindness   of the Journal of the American Opto-  years, Irving has generously supported   to all Glenridge residents and another
 nities of color  and being nice to one another, espe-  metric Association and later appointed   the Federation’s annual  fund. Major   100 friends, now including me.
 And  finally,  I’d  like  to  announce  cially in today’s troubled world.  to the Editorial  Board of  Optometric   Gifts  Officer  Rich  Bergman  said,  “I   If only we could have more Irving
 that we have officially hired our new   Irving,  who has been  a  devoted          have  known Irving for many years.    Bennetts in our lives. Imagine the kind-
 Community Security Director thor- supporter  of  The  Jewish Federation            He is bright,  pleasant  and tells  good   ness the world would see! Thank you,
 ough SCN. He will  provide  security  of Sarasota-Manatee since he and his         stories about his past professional and   Irving, for sharing your story and for
 assessments and critical training to all  wife Trude began snowbirding here in     personal life. He has a strong sense of   being a mensch for 97 years.
 Jewish institutions and work with lo- 1980, said everything I needed to know       justice along with a love of Israel and   For information  on how you can
 cal, state and federal law enforcement  about him was in his autobiography,        our  Jewish people.  My wife  Rebecca   support The Jewish Federation of Sara-
 to keep our community  safe. In the  which he wrote when he turned 92. I           and I consider Irving a good friend.”  sota-Manatee, please contact Ilene Fox
 next issue of  The Jewish News, you  poured through the 288-page manu-                Irving keeps himself busy at his   at or 941.343.2111.
 will have an opportunity to learn more  script and read it as if I were reading
 about him in depth.  a novel.
 All  of  the  above  takes  money.   As he wrote, “I was taught to give             Who does the Jewish community turn to for
 There is a cost to keeping our commu- to needy people and organizations by              the most trusted service in real estate?
 nity safe and it’s not cheap. We need  watching my father handle the travel-  Irving Bennett with former Israeli Prime Minister
 your support to do so.  To see how  ing beggars that found their way from   Ehud Barak at Federation’s Major Gifts Dinner
                                                            in 2016
 you can help, please visit New York City to our little community   Management. Eventually, he purchased  in the  Adirondacks.  They went from   that magazine and became its publish-
 As Rabbi Hillel famously said, “If  town to town seeking out Jewish fami-
 not now, when?” NOW is the time to  lies  for  a  soft touch.  My father,  with   er. He’s most proud, however, of The
                                              Visionary, a four-page newsletter that
 take action against anti-Semitism and  the little money he had, never turned   included a once-a-year “State of the
 keep our community safe and secure.  any  away.  This, I think,  more  than   Industry” report  that  gave  inside in-
 For more information on the Fed- anything, was the source of my philan-  sight into what was happening in the   Contributing to the
 eration’s efforts to keep all of us safe,  thropy.”  entire optical/ophthalmic field.                        prosperity of our
 please contact me at 941.343.2110 or  ish background other than being born   he would become a teacher, and in   Jewish Community
            Irving said he did not have a Jew-
                                                  Irving  said  he originally  thought
                                                                                                                  since 1979!
        to Jewish parents. He wrote, “I was the
                                              many ways, he did. With his role as a
                                                                                                                            Barbara Ackerman
                                                                                                          Ryan Ackerman
        a bar mitzvah. Being Jewish was to eat
                                              traveled and lectured around the world,
 we are  FED  only Jewish boy in high school and not   publisher and leader in optometry, he   #1 Small Team in the State of Florida - 2019
        kosher food and being a good, giving
                                              with Trude in tow. The couple has been
        and compassionate person.”
                                              married 75 years.
                                                  Irving’s favorite charity has always
            Irving began his optometry practice
                                              been the United Jewish Appeal and its
        in the late 40s in Beaver Falls, Pennsyl-
        vania. Over the years, his practice grew
        as he became more involved in the lo-  successor, the United Jewish Federa-
                                              tion. Irving wrote, “I recall that my ac-
 Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts
        cal community, the Jewish community,   countant twice told Trude and me that
        and the local school board. Irving had   we were her ‘heroes’ because there was
        a knack for running his business and   no client for whom she ever prepared
        became a leader in optometry nation-  income tax forms who ever gave away
        ally, becoming secretary of the Penn-   as much money to as many causes as                                                             4 Years in a Row
                                                                                             Lakehouse West t
                                                                                             Lakehouse Wes
                                                                                                                                               4 Years in a Row
             TABLES TURNED ON THEM                                                                   R E T IR E M E N T   E S T A T
                                                                                                     R E T IR E M E N T   E S T A T E E
                                      JOIN US for a conversation
                                      with Michael J. Greenberg,

                                      author of  “Tables Turned

                                      On Them – Jews Guarding                         ank you to our staff and residents
                                      Nazi POWs.”                                              during these difficult times.

                                                                                             Our Lakehouse West Family
                                                                                                        is stronger than ever!
             Presented by the Heller CRC via Zoom, Greenberg
             examines a subject that is not widely known –                                               3435 Fox Run Road | Sarasota, FL 34231
                                                                                                                 (941) 923-7525
             Jewish soldiers with the United States Army in charge                                  
             of German prisoners of war. His book chronicles his                                                 Assisted Living Facility License #5850
             father’s experience as a Jewish GI assigned to guard
             German POWs at Camp Clinton, Mississippi and
 New to the    includes interviews with other

 Sarasota-Manatee area?  Jewish soldiers showcasing
             their diverse experiences.

 We Welcome You
             TUESDAY, AUGUST 4  • 10:30AM

 Shalom! Welcome to paradise!   To register, visit
 We hope you feel at home and become active
 members of the Sarasota-Manatee    THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE FOR $18.           SHE ALREADY KNOWS YOU LOVE HER
 Jewish community.                                                                        NOW EVERYONE ELSE WILL TOO

             This event is free, but we would appreciate your
 Please contact Ilene Fox • 941.343.2111 •  consideration of a donation to The Jewish Federation’s

 Get Newcomer information:    STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund
             to help people who are impacted by this crisis.  To make a contribution, please visit
           For more information about the event and/or
                                        the Heller CRC, contact Jessi Sheslow at
                               or 941.552.6300.
                                                                                                    1484 Main Street  |  Sarasota, FL

 The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life • Klingenstein Jewish Center           (941) 312-5566  |
 580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232

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