Page 37 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 37

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                     May/June 2020                                          37

 Making the world a better place for our children  Kesher SRQ creates connections for families

 way we bring light and peace to those  By Andrea Eiffert, Youth and Teen Program Coordinator | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
 around us in our homes.  J  Library,  one  of  The  Jewish   ilies  with  young  children,  cultivating   While  there  is a  wide  array of   bag and rinse the outside of the
 When we transform our homes   Federation of Sarasota-Mana-  deeper  connections  to other  families   customs and observances surround-  small bag with cold water. Make
 into a Temple, we are inviting G-d into Ptee’s most popular programs for   and Judaism. To date, 50 local families   ing Shavuot, one of our favorite ways   sure to rinse out the top part of the
 our homes. We have now been given  young families, provides free age-ap-  have been involved in Kesher SRQ and   to celebrate is by eating dairy foods,   bag also (above the seal).
 the time and opportunity to make our   propriate  books   are forming new friendships and con-  namely ice cream! We sincerely hope   ‹   Once done rinsing, carefully open
 home G-dlike and to make the world   that allow fami-  nections to our Jewish community.  and pray that by the time this article is   the  small  bag to  not  get  any re-
 a better place  for our children. It all   lies  to  experi-  Right now, during our present     published, we will all be able to share a   maining  salt from the outside of
 begins at home. Will we rise up to the   ence Judaism on   COVID-19 crisis, the Kesher commu-  dairy meal or ice cream cone together.   the bag inside the bag.
 occasion?              their own terms.   nity is bonding over the “oys and joys”   In the meantime, we thought it would   ‹   The ice cream will be a little icy
 Chanie Bukiet is the program director   Over the past   of adjusting to a new life with limited   be fun to share a few recipes for easy   looking  to  start.  Use a  spoon to
 at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood   decade,  families   access  to  the  outside  world and  are   homemade  ice cream  and frozen yo-  mix it around and soften it up a bit.
 Ranch.                 have  come  to    finding  this  program  more  important   gurt pops that you can make at home   ‹   Scoop out, add your favorite ice

 News from Temple Sinai  know and trust   and  meaningful  than  ever.  Our  Com-  with your kids.                        cream toppings  for fun and en-
                                                                                Ice Cream in a Bag
                        PJ  Library  as
                                                                                                                          joy! To change up the flavor of the
                                          munity Connectors are sharing content
                        more than just a
                                                                                                                          ice  cream, switch  out the vanilla
                                          from  and  PJ  Activities
         Andrea Eiffert  book club.       for quarantined families (  •  1 cup half-and-half                extract for others such as pepper-
 new people and see familiar beautiful   Nowadays,  PJ  Library,  a  partner-  familyactivities) which include crafts,   •  1.5 tsp vanilla extract  mint!
 faces!  ship  between  the  Harold  Grinspoon   cooking, family activities, holiday prep   •  1 tbsp sugar           Frozen Yogurt Pops
 Temple Sinai’s youth attend   Foundation (HGF) and its implement-  and more, as well as hosting “parents   •  ice    Ingredients:
 L’Taken in D.C.  ing organizations (in our case, The Jew-  night in” ZOOM video chats, weekly   •  1/4 cup salt        •  1 cup yogurt, plain
 Temple Sinai teens returned from their  ish  Federation  of  Sarasota-Manatee)   Facebook  Live  Shabbat  blessings,   •  Ziploc bags: 1 small, 1 1arge  •  1 medium banana
 travels  to  the  L’Taken  Social  Justice  deliver books to over 600,000 children   mitzvah projects for the kids and much   ‹   Pour half-and-half, vanilla and   •  1 cup mixed frozen berries
 Seminar  in  Washington,  D.C.,  where  each month (with over 425 books de-  more.  sugar into a small Ziploc bag. Seal   •  1/8 cup honey
 they  focused  on Jewish values  and  livered in Sarasota and Manatee coun-  While  we continue  to create  op-  bag firmly and remove excess air.   ‹   Toss  all ingredients into a high-
 public policy. Noah Leinweber, Gryffin  ties). But perhaps even more impactful   portunities for families to be together   ‹   Fill a second, larger Ziploc bag   powered blender and puree.
 Wilkens-Plumley, Leo Hellawell, Lila  are the engagement opportunities and   while distant,  we thought  we would   halfway with ice. Add the salt.   ‹   Divide evenly between paper cups.
 Marlowe, Anna Labiner, Maya Gordon  resources available through HGF.  share  some  ideas  for  Shavuot,  which   ‹   Place your small bag carefully in-  ‹   Cover  with  aluminum  foil  and
 and  Katherine  Carnes  were  accom-  Through a grant funded by HGF,   will be celebrated May 28-30 this year.   side the larger one and fill with ex-  pierce foil in the center with pop-
 panied by Rabbi Samantha Kahn and  our  community  has  benefited  from   Shavuot combines two major religious   tra ice on top. Seal the large bag.   sicle sticks to hold sticks in place.
 Chazzan Cliff Abramson on the Febru- Kesher SRQ for the past two years.   observances. First is the grain harvest   ‹   Get gloves and shake for six min-  ‹   Freeze 4-5 hours or until solid.
 ary 28 through March 2 trip.   Two  part-time  Community  Connec-  of the early summer. Second is the giv-  utes. Gloves are needed since the   For more information  about PJ
 The Temple  Sinai  teens  were  de- tors, Dori Goldfarb and MG Berman,   ing of the Torah on Mount Sinai seven   salt makes the ice extra cold.   Library or Kesher SRQ, contact me at
 lighted to meet teens from all over the  curate programs and activities for fam-  weeks after the exodus from Egypt.   ‹   Take the small bag out of the large   941.552.6308 or
 country.  They learned  about political
 issues that have an immense impact on  Community Day School presents Torah Academy
 our society.  They met with senators’
 focusing on political issues. The week-pilot program
 assistants and state representatives,

 end  also  included  exploring  the  D.C.   n the 2019-2020 school year, Her-  is for the program to expand to offer   Melissa  Werbow,  the
 area.   shorin  Schiff  Community  Day   a  special  track  within  the  school  that   Director of Jewish Learning
 L’Taken means to correct or repair. ISchool  debuted  a  new  offering:   includes core curriculum classes in the   for Community Day, added,
 The  L’Taken  experience  was  enlight- Torah Academy. This program – from   morning  and intensive  Torah study,   “The current iteration of the
 ening and educating, focusing on how  a concept created by Head of School     prayers, Hebrew language studies and   Torah Academy  perfectly
 each individual  can make  a change.  Dan Ceaser and Chabad of Sarasota’s   Jewish history in the afternoon.  suits the needs of these fam-
 They gained a better understanding of  Rabbi  Chaim  Steinmetz  –  offered   The program is another step in the   ilies who took the opportu-
 our legislative system and the impor- classes with Leah Steinmetz to explore   school’s efforts to build a thriving, in-  nity to select more Jewish
 tance of voting.  the weekly Torah portion through sto-  clusive Jewish community.   learning for their children.”
     ries, discussion and crafts.             “The Torah Academy is one more        Applications are cur-
        This  school  year,  there  were  six   way  that  we are  working  to  meet     rently being accepted  for
     students  enrolled  in  the  program,   Jewish families of all levels of obser-  the Torah Academy  for the
     which began in earnest in January. The   vance where they are: from culturally   2020-2021 school year. For
     class included students in kindergarten   Jewish to highly observant,” said Dan   more information, contact
     and first grade. In future years, the plan   Ceaser.                       Amy Meese  at  ameese@             Torah Academy instructor Leah Steinmetz
                                                                                       with Community Day student Jonah Kindred
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           We can make you a shidduch (a match)!

              Our Community Connectors can’t wait to meet you!
            Dori and MG specialize in connecting families raising Jewish
                 children to each other and to Jewish experiences
                        in the Sarasota-Manatee community.                             Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

                                                                                                        Preschool - 8th grade

                                                                                  Now enrolling for the 2020-2021 school year!
                                                                                                The Community Day School difference:

                                                                                              A Jewish day school that is committed to diversity
                                                                                                      Rigorous, project-based learning
               SARASOTA COUNTY                   MANATEE COUNTY                                   Healthy and active outdoor learning daily
                  Dori Goldfarb                     MG Berman
                   941.677.2184                     251.303.3979                              Music and art for every child, every week, all year
                                        Competitive athletics
                                 Interested?                                                 Variable Tuition Model – affordable for every family
              Know someone else who may be interested?
                             Please contact us!                                                     Accredited by FCIS, FKC & PRIZMAH

                                                                                                    Hershorin Schiff Community Day School
        SPONSORED BY                                                                                          1050 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota
                                                                                                    (941) 552-2770 |

        STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 11.
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