Page 35 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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COMMENTARY May/June 2020 35
The coronavirus and faith
By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
he new reality for our country ability to avail themselves of this man- the depth of your religious conviction.
is not finding everything we ner of worship. Such realities cannot be taken from
Twant on the grocery shelves at When problems arise in our lives, you. They are part of your very being. and the coronavirus, and you have
our favorite market. So many sport- we turn to our priest, our minister, our They can and will continue to serve prevailed. The virus will one day be
ing events, including March Madness rabbi or our imam to gain comfort, you. gone, but you will know, in no uncer-
and The Masters golf tournament, have strength, and the assurance that what- Your house of worship will, in tain terms, that your faith remains, firm
been canceled or delayed. ever concern, fear or wor- time, return to the mode of worship and alive, blessing you, your life and
Restaurants are closed ry we have can and will be that has the deepest meaning for you. all that surrounds you.
or only have takeout for mitigated by our religious You will once more enter that vital Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
their customers. Theaters, beliefs and our devotion to place of faith a wiser, more believ- ing chair of the Robert and Esther
movie houses and enter- a higher power that feels ing, more confident person, because Heller Community Relations Commit-
tainment venues of all our pain and is there to you have withstood the trial of faith, tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
kinds are closed or have bring us comfort.
postponed their events. Today, that has all
Doctors continue to tell changed. That house of SIGN UP TO
us to wash our hands for worship is, in one sense,
been ended in many communities. The GET THE SCOOP WEEKLY!
20 seconds, avoid shaking closed. The all-important
hands, stay out of crowds, Rabbi Howard A. Simon Mass for Catholics has
avoid traveling and stay home as much
as possible. open ark in temples and synagogues,
All of this is the result of the coro- with all of its meaning, has been closed
navirus that has become a worldwide or is seen on screen. Churches of all
pandemic. We hear that we must ad- denominations are forced to shut their
just, and realize that we must make the doors until the present threat to mem-
best of a most difficult situation. bers passes. Parishioners are urged to
In the past, when we have faced pray at home or partake in online view-
such dire challenges, we have known ing. It has meant a major adjustment in
that the one place we could go for un- our lives. For those used to attending
derstanding, to gain hope, to become their respective services on a regular
strengthened, is our house of worship. basis, this new mode of reaching out to
Here we can reach out to that higher the Divine can be difficult and, in many
being and find solace and peace of cases, upsetting.
mind. However, even this vital aspect What, then, are people of faith to
of our lives has been taken from us or do as they deal with this new religious
modified in ways that often fail to an- reality? First and foremost, trust in
swer our needs. Services have either your faith. Believe that your prayers
been canceled altogether or are being can be answered regardless of the man-
streamed to members, if they have the ner in which you express them. Realize
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“Our monthly Jewish-themed online at Go to and Click the
“Our monthly Jewish-themed
GET UPDATES button at the top of the page.
film series focuses on real slices
film series focuses on real slices
of life we can all relate to.”
of life we can all relate to.”
– ROSANN BLACK build. advocate.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 • 1:00 pm remember. support.
Fredy Hirsch was born in Germany, a proud Jew and openly gay
“Our monthly Jewish-themed
man. He was 19 years old when the Nuremberg Laws were
film series focuses on real slices Bridges
published—he fled from Germany to the Czech Republic. When he
arrived in Auschwitz, Fredy did not succumb to despair. This film
of life we can all relate to.” We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic
combines interviews, archival materials and animation which tell
the story of his amazing life.
– ROSANN BLACK groups to make presentations about Israel, anti-Semitism and the Boycott,
Houston Film Critics Society Award Grand Jury Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). In addition, we send clergy
Prize, Houston International LGBTQ Film Festival and community members on missions to Israel to experience and learn
TO WATCH THIS FILM VIA ZOOM, PLEASE VISIT about the land while forging friendships that deepen and continue
JFEDSRQ . ORG / E VENT S back home in Sarasota-Manatee.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 • 1:00pm Robert and Esther Heller ^ Advocates through
This documentary details his life and his work with the American
War Crimes Unit, which tracked down more than 1,000 Nazi war CRC Government Affairs
criminals with Simon’s help.
Winner Audience Award: Best Documentary, ^ Supports Hillel
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
Hillel is the “Jewish Home Away from Home” for Jewish
THE SERIES IS FREE, but we would appreciate students in college. Your CRC and Federation support
your consideration of a donation to The Jewish Federation’s Gulf Coast Hillel in its pursuit to create meaningful
STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund and engaging holiday and educational programs
to help people who are impacted by this crisis. on local college campuses.
To make a contribution, please visit
For more information, contact Brieana Duckett-Graves at HELLER CRC’S MISSION or 941.552.6305. To build relationships within
the Jewish and non-Jewish
communities and to advance
common interests through QUESTIONS? Contact Jessi Sheslow
941.343.2109 or
education and advocacy.
For virtual events, visit our community calendar at