Page 34 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 34

34                            May/June 2020                                                                       COMMENTARY

     The proverbial glass in the time of coronavirus                                                                                                    The coronavirus and faith

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain                                                                                                      By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
        s the glass half full or half empty?   salem Post opinion writer Judy Mon-  wrought will soon be largely over. At   of good courage (Joshua 1:9).”    he  new  reality for  our country
        Are you an optimist or pessimist?   tagu, “Life is messy, and both optimists   the same time, we should also retain a   Continue  to  reach  out  to  others.   is  not  finding  everything  we
     II’d put myself in the latter camp.   and pessimists develop different meth-  sobered perspective in order that san-  The confirming nature of such contact  Twant on the grocery shelves at
     If half empty, the proverbial glass still   ods for managing this disequilibrium.   guine  expectation  doesn’t  occasion  a   helps thwart a disposition toward self- our favorite market. So many sport-
     has room for more. Half full suggests   Sometimes  optimists  can  fall  flat  on   jarring letdown if the crisis extends for   pity.  Whether  one thinks the  glass is  ing events, including March Madness
     it’s already acquired a measure of plen-  their faces, and pessimists triumph.   several more months.            half full or empty, the most important  and The Masters golf tournament, have
     titude.                              There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to   Nevertheless, we should be thank-  thing is to find ways to drink from it  been canceled or delayed.
        Pessimism  allows  for positive   life’s challenges.”                   ful that, despite everything, we main-  that foster resilience,  resourcefulness  Restaurants are closed
     surprise.  When  low  expectations  are   Montagu adds that,  while in the   tain ready access to food, water, energy,   and renewal during this challenging  or only have takeout for
     exceeded,  I’m  thrilled.  If  the  glass  is   past, self-help gurus tended to deride a   communication and entertainment. We   period.           their  customers. Theaters,
                       already  half  full,   pessimistic world view as a source of   also express gratitude for the bravery   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a  movie  houses and enter-
                       does adding to     stress and anxiety, many experts now   and perseverance demonstrated by the   Community Chaplain and Director of  tainment  venues of all
                       it really  provide   maintain  that a balanced  life-outlook   medical personnel battling on the front   JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His  kinds are  closed  or have
                       that  much  more   requires  a healthy  dose of pessimism   lines of the contagion.            position is underwritten by The Jewish  postponed their  events.
                       value? Is icing on   to prompt caution and informed sensi-   Chazak v’ehmatz, “Be strong and   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.   Doctors continue  to tell
                       a cake  so impor-  bility.                                                                                                       us to wash our hands for
                       tant if the cake       For  example,  “Many  people  are                                                                         20 seconds, avoid shaking
                       tastes very good   uncomfortable,”  she  explains,  “in  the                                                                     hands, stay out of crowds,
                       as is?             presence of serious illness – perhaps                                                                         avoid traveling and stay home as much
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  Pessimists   projecting  it  upon themselves  – and                                                                        as possible.
     are not inclined to get their hopes up   may brightly deny a condition which is                                                                        All of this is the result of the coro-
     too high only to see them subsequently   obvious to all, including the patient, in                                                                 navirus that has become a worldwide
     dashed. Don’t get me wrong, I pos-   the belief that they are ‘cheering them                                                                       pandemic. We  hear  that  we  must  ad-
     sess great confidence. But I know that   up.’ Cognitive psychologists have sug-                                                                    just, and realize that we must make the
     new realities of certain situations can   gested that excess optimism can cause                                                                    best of a most difficult situation.
     quickly put a damper on it. For me,   family members of the critically ill to                                                                          In the past, when we have faced
     pessimism serves a kind of ongoing   be unrealistically hopeful, which could                                                                       such dire challenges, we have known
     gut-check.                           affect  their  decisions  about  a  loved                                                                     that the one place we could go for un-
        I don’t want rain to be thrown on   one’s care.”                                                                                                derstanding,  to gain  hope, to become
     anyone’s parade, I just want to make     As George  Bernard  Shaw noted,                                                                           strengthened, is our house of worship.
     sure there’s a place that’s covered just   “Both optimists and pessimists con-                                                                     Here we can reach out to that higher
     in case.                             tribute to society. The optimist invents                                                                      being  and  find  solace  and  peace  of
        Truth be told, pessimism and op-  the aeroplane, the pessimist the para-                                                                        mind. However, even this vital aspect
     timism  operate  as  opposing  yet  also   chute.”                                                                                                 of our lives has been taken from us or
     complementary  points  of  view  with    Due to historical experience, Jews                                                                        modified in ways that often fail to an-
     each  possessing aspects  of the other.   generally  hold the mindset that opti-                                                                   swer our needs. Services have either
     Think of them in terms of embodying a   mism is always potentially threatened                                                                      been canceled altogether or are being
     yin-yang quality.                    by changed circumstances, i.e., “Don’t                                                                        streamed to members, if they have the
        An insightful  blogger  recently   count your chickens until they hatch
     shared, “The proverbial glass isn’t the   and even then don’t think things still
     static  entity  it is usually depicted  as   can’t  go  wrong.” Doesn’t  the  custom
     being, with a horizontal line dividing   of uttering kine-ahora (“no evil eye”)
     the part that is full from the part that   reflect the need to remain on guard in
     is empty. On the contrary, its contents   the wake of receiving good news?
                                                                                                   “Our monthly Jewish-themed
     are a churning, swirling mess in which   When you read this, we will likely                   “Our monthly Jewish-themed
     liquid sloshes from side to side in agi-  remain  under the distressing sway of             film series focuses on real slices
                                                                                                 film series focuses on real slices
     tation,  spilling out  over  the top,  and   the coronavirus. In this anxious time,
                                                                                                     of life we can all relate to.”
     leaking from a hole in the bottom.”   we can be optimistic  that the virus                      of life we can all relate to.”
        In other words, according to Jeru-  and the disruptions of daily life it has                         – ROSANN BLACK                                  build.                                       advocate.
                                                                                                             – ROSANN BLACK
            S enior is looking to purchase precious metals,                                                DEAR FREDY                                                          remember. support.

                  diamonds, time pieces, coins, antique                                                    Tuesday, May 19, 2020  •  1:00 pm
                                                                                                           Fredy Hirsch was born in Germany, a proud Jew and openly gay
             and estate jewelry, and some collector plates.                                         “Our monthly Jewish-themed
                                                                                                           man.  He was 19 years old when the Nuremberg Laws were
                                                                                                           published—he fled from Germany to the Czech Republic. When he
                 Over 60 years Of experience.                                                      film series focuses on real slices                          Bridges
                                                                                                           arrived in Auschwitz, Fredy did not succumb to despair. This film
                                                                                                      of life we can all relate to.”                             We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic
                                                                                                           combines interviews, archival materials and animation which tell
                                                                                                           the story of his amazing life.
                                                                                                               – ROSANN BLACK                                      groups to make presentations about Israel, anti-Semitism and the Boycott,
                Please call Marc at 941.321.0707                                                           Houston Film Critics Society Award Grand Jury              Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). In addition, we send clergy
                      persOnal and cOnfidential                                                            Prize, Houston International LGBTQ Film Festival             and community members on missions to Israel to experience and learn

                                                                                                           TO WATCH THIS FILM VIA ZOOM, PLEASE VISIT                      about the land while forging friendships that deepen and continue
                                                                                                           JFEDSRQ    . ORG / E VENT S                                       back home in Sarasota-Manatee.

                                                                                                           I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN YOU:
                                                                                                           THE LIFE & LEGACY OF SIMON WIESENTHAL                                                                                                                             ^  Builds Bridges
                                                                                                           Tuesday, June 9, 2020 •  1:00pm                                                                      Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through

           SUPPORT                                                                                         This documentary details his life and his work with the American                                          CRC                                            Government Affairs
           Friendship at Home                                                                              War Crimes Unit, which tracked down more than 1,000 Nazi war
           Financial Stability                                                                             criminals with Simon’s help.                                                                                                                Remembers the Holocaust
           In-home Support                                                                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE       ^
           Home Delivered Meals
           Educational Programs                                                                            Winner Audience Award: Best Documentary,                                                                                                               ^  Supports Hillel
                                                                                                           Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
           Caregiver Resource Centers                                                                      TO WATCH THIS FILM VIA ZOOM, PLEASE VISIT
           Adult Day Care Programs                                                                         JFEDSRQ.ORG/EVENTS                                                                     Hillel
           Support Groups                                                                                                                                                                           Hillel is the “Jewish Home Away from Home” for Jewish
           Educational Programs
                                                                                              THE SERIES IS FREE, but we would appreciate                                                             students in college. Your CRC and Federation support
           HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                                                                                                                                           Gulf Coast Hillel in its pursuit to create meaningful
           Medical & Dental Clinics                                                        your consideration of a donation to The Jewish Federation’s
           Senior Centers                                                                  STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund                                                                    and engaging holiday and educational programs
           Friendship Cafés                                                                     to help people who are impacted by this crisis.
           Senior Fitness                                                                                                                                                                                  on local college campuses.
           Balance Movement                                                                To make a contribution, please visit
           Lifelong Learning
                                                                                                       CHAIR: ROSANN BLACK
           FRIENDSHIP                                                                       For  more information, contact Brieana Duckett-Graves at                      HELLER CRC’S MISSION
           THROUGHOUT THE JOURNEY OF AGING                                              or 941.552.6305.                                   To build relationships within
                                                                                                                                                                      the Jewish and non-Jewish

                 |  941.955.2122                                                                                                     communities and to advance                                                                 QUESTIONS? Contact Jessi Sheslow
                                                                                                                                                                  common interests through                                                                     941.343.2109 or
                     SARASOTA                    VENICE
                     1888 Brother Geenen Way     2350 Scenic Drive                                                                                              education and advocacy.                                                              
                     Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293

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