Page 38 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 38

38                            May/June 2020                                                               FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Young families enjoy “Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat”

     This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            oung  Jewish and  interfaith   ized with old and new friends, fed the   MG  Berman and Dr. Dori Goldfarb.     For more information about Tem-
            families  enjoyed a very spe-  farm  animals,  shared a picnic  lunch   The wonderful morning concluded   ple Emanu-El’s programs for young
     Ycial  Shabbat  on Saturday,         and toured the farm grounds with a    with a scoop of Hunsader Farms’ ice   Jewish and interfaith  families,  please
     February 29 as Temple Emanu-El, PJ   train ride. They gathered under a tree   cream and the opportunity for families   call 941.379.1997. For more informa-
     Library  and  The Jewish  Federation   for Shabbat songs, movement  and    to venture into the fields and pick their   tion  about  PJ  Library,  please  call  the
     of Sarasota-Manatee hosted the  an-  blessings with  Temple  Emanu-El      own strawberries!                     Federation at 941.371.4546.
     nual “Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat”   Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman. They     “The weather, the company and
     at Hunsader Farms.                   also completed  coloring pages to get   especially  the  spirit  was perfect  for
        Children,  parents  and  grandpar-  in the Purim spirit, and learned more   ‘Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat!’” en-
     ents  explored  the  playground,  social-  about PJ Library from representatives     thused  Rabbi  Elaine  Rose Glickman,
                                                                                who helped event chair Rabbi Michael
                                                                                Shefrin with the program. “This has
                                                                                been one of Temple Emanu-El’s signa-
                                                                                ture programs for almost a decade, and
                                                                                we have cherished the opportunity to
                                                                                partner with PJ Library and The Jew-
                                                                                ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                in bringing it to the entire community
                                                                                over the past few years. We believe and
                                                                                hope  that  our  many  attendees agree
                                                                                that it was an amazing way to celebrate
                                                                                Shabbat!” she concluded.               Jacob Shefrin enjoys the sandbox and trucks

                                                                                Temple Emanu-El youth

           PJ Library dads hold the tallis as Temple Emanu-El Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman
                                                                                activities go online
                           blesses those with February birthdays

                                                                                          hen  COVID-19  forced  the   school seniors. We were able to put our
                                                                                          closure  of  Temple  Emanu-  Parent & Me classes, Tot Shabbat and
                                                                                WEl Religious School, the             family  Shabbat services online, plus
                                                                                learning and connections did not stop.   create new programs and opportunities
                                                                                    “We are grateful for the vision, tal-  for connection.”
                                                                                ent and resourcefulness of our rabbis,    “Our families, our clergy and our
                                                                                educators, staff and volunteers,” Rabbi   faculty have been propelled into this
                                                                                Elaine Rose Glickman said, “and their   new worrisome reality. It quickly be-
                                                                                dedication to keep children and fami-  came  clear how important  we are to
                                                                                lies  engaged  and  encouraged  during   each other,” Silverberg said. “We cre-
                                                                                this scary, challenging time.         ated  alternate  platforms  for remote
                                                                                    “Within a week, Director of Edu-  Jewish learning and worship, but most
                                                                                cation  Sabrina Silverberg mobilized   of all, we maintained a sense of com-
                                                                                the  Temple  Emanu-El  Religious      munity and connection to each other
                                                                                School faculty to provide students    until we can all be together again.”
                                                                                with learning  materials,  develop  an    “Hearing from our families about
                                                                                online Sunday morning assembly, cre-  their desire to keep a Jewish rhythm
                                                                                ate video lessons for every grade and   going in their lives,  and not let  the
              Ilanit Klang and her sons Yonatan and Nathaniel explore the farm together  even participate in a mitzvah project,”   learning or fun stop, was so fulfilling,”
                                                                                she continued. “Our youth group advi-  Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin con-
                                                                                sor organized activities for our teens.   cluded. “It said to me that living Jew-
                                                                                Our  College  Committee  reached  out   ishly was important  then, now, and
                                                                                to displaced college students and high   always will be.”

                                                                                SRQUSY attends

                                                                                Yom Disney

                                                                                By Kelly Nester
                                                                                        n  February  16,  five  Sarasota   day, they joined 42 other members of
                                                                                        United  Synagogue    Youth    the Mercaz USY sub-region and other
                                                                                O(SRQUSY)  members  repre-            members of SRQUSY, including Gra-
                                                                                sented Temple Beth Sholom at the an-  cyen  Schwartz,  Clementine  Schwartz
                                                                                nual Yom Disney event in the Magic    and Jordyn Saltzberg, in taking a bus
           READ—SING—DANCE—GATHER—GROW                                          Kingdom.                              to Orlando.
                                                                                    Freshmen board representative         Temple Beth Sholom and SRQUSY
           PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-    Jackie Wasserman even created Magen   hold several  fun, yet educational,
           Manatee to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift    David Disney ears to celebrate their ex-  events throughout the year, generally
           of free, high-quality children’s books, music, and resources that    perience! SRQUSY president Michela    including our annual Chocolate Seder,
           foster deeper engagement with Jewish life in our community.          Hazan  and  Jackie  joined Temple  Kol   which was unfortunately canceled this
                                                                                Ami  in Tampa in  a  Havdalah  lock-in   year due to the current health crisis.
                   Join one of our PJ programs below                            the previous night. In addition to get-   SRQUSY welcomes all teens and
           to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.                     ting to know other USY members, they   inspires a deep sense of pride and love
                                                                                helped create recycling bins that they   for their Jewish identity. For more
                Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years                                then decorated with the appropriate   information,  please contact me at
                                                                                SRQUSY knight adornments. The next

             Sign-up at

                  Children Ages 8 thru 12 years

                 Sign-up at

          For more information, contact
          Andrea Eiffert

          941.552.6308    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.                    SRQUSY members having a blast at Yom Disney in Orlando: Graycen Schwartz,
                                                                                         Jordyn Saltzberg, Clementine Schwartz, Jackie Wasserman, Michela Hazan

                                                 Follow us on social media @jfedsrq
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