Page 36 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 36

36                            May/June 2020                                                               FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Making the world a better place for our children

                                          children. We now have this incredible     The Kiyor was a handwashing ves-  way we bring light and peace to those
                                          opportunity to expose our children to   sel made of copper used by the priests   around us in our homes.
                                          important Jewish values on a constant   to wash their  hands before they per-   When we transform our homes
                                          basis. This is a time of total immersion   formed services in the Temple. This is   into a Temple, we are inviting G-d into
                                          for our children in the values which we   symbolized by the handwashing we do   our homes. We have now been given
                                          hold dear.                            before meals, upon rising and after we   the time and opportunity to make our
                                              Never has the importance  of the   go to the restroom. The Torah is time-  home G-dlike and to make the world
                                          home been underscored as much as      less, instituting handwashing rituals   a better place  for our children. It all
                                          now when we are all relegated to our   thousands of years before it became the   begins at home. Will we rise up to the
                                          homes. Our children are watching us.   hygienic thing to do!                occasion?
                                          They are taking note of everything        The Menorah, which was  illumi-   Chanie Bukiet is the program director
                                          we do, say and feel. They are observ-  nated every day in the Temple, is sym-  at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood
      Education Corner                    ing  our reactions  to  stress, our  kind-  bolized by the Shabbat candles and the   Ranch.

             By Chanie Bukiet             ness to others in times of need, and our   News from Temple Sinai
                                          strength in protecting the vulnerable in
              uch has been written in the   our society. These are powerful lessons
              last few months about the   that will last with them for a lifetime.  By Gail Glickman and Bethany Leinweber
     Munprecedented          times   in       Judaism is a home-centric religion.   Temple Sinai’s virtual events     new people and see familiar beautiful
     which we now live. I hope at the time   The holiest place in the world is G-d’s   Temple Sinai’s Director of Youth Edu-  faces!
     of this article’s publishing, it will be all   home, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.   cation,  Bethany  Leinweber,  summa-  Temple Sinai’s youth attend
     over and just a memory.              We pray daily that  it will be rebuilt   rized how  future events are currently   L’Taken in D.C.
        Parents the world over have been   very soon. Now that  we do not  have   being planned. Below is her poignant   Temple Sinai teens returned from their
     struggling  to keep  up with the  many   the Holy Temple, we can create a Tem-  statement.                       travels  to  the  L’Taken  Social  Justice
     demands on them, trying to teach, par-  ple  for G-d in our own homes. Each    In the words of Judy Garland, “It’s   Seminar  in  Washington,  D.C.,  where
     ent and work simultaneously.         of us has the opportunity to invite G-d   a  new  world  I  see.”  COVID-19  has   they  focused  on Jewish values  and
        It is exceedingly difficult, and the   into our homes by creating a Mikdash   surely opened up a “whole new world”   public policy. Noah Leinweber, Gryffin
     quarantine, while essential, comes at a   Ma’at – a microcosmic Temple for G-d   for me professionally and for Temple   Wilkens-Plumley, Leo Hellawell, Lila
     cost to both parents and children alike.   in our homes.                   Sinai. How am I keeping a positive at-  Marlowe, Anna Labiner, Maya Gordon
     We mourn the loss of social connec-      Each  of the vessels in the Holy   titude? I find this very exciting and see   and  Katherine  Carnes  were  accom-
     tion, of routine and of normal life as   Temple are represented in our homes.  a lot of worth in learning new skills,   panied by Rabbi Samantha Kahn and
     we know it.                              The Shulchan was a golden table   as  well  as  offering  this  new  way  of   Chazzan Cliff Abramson on the Febru-
        Historically, in times  of turmoil,   that held 12 loaves of bread.  This is   connecting. We live in a hectic world.   ary 28 through March 2 trip.
     comes  change; out of chaos, comes   symbolized in our home by the kitchen   The option of virtual  learning  is at-  The Temple  Sinai  teens  were  de-
     order.  When G-d created  the world,   – by eating kosher, sharing meals as a   tractive.  Imagine  not  having  to  battle   lighted to meet teens from all over the
     we are told that first there was Tohu-   family, reciting blessings of gratitude   traffic or worry about drop-off/pick-up   country.  They learned  about political
     Chaos, and then Tikun-Order.         for our food and engaging in uplifting   while managing meals, other schedules   issues that have an immense impact on
        Out of this chaos, and amidst our   conversations around our tables.    and jobs. This is very enticing. Every   our society.  They met with senators’
     staggering losses, a new world can       The  Ark, which held the tablets   Zoom class I have been in has begun   assistants and state representatives,
     emerge. It is up to us, the parents, the   upon  which  the  Ten  Commandments   with smiles and excitement, and ended   focusing on political issues. The week-
     most powerful educators and influenc-  were  inscribed, is symbolized by  the   making me feel accomplished or hope-  end  also  included  exploring  the  D.C.
     ers of a child’s life, to make that world   Torah values upheld in our homes.  ful. We have to keep that feeling go-  area.
     a bright one. This is the call of the hour.  The  Altar,  upon  which  sacrifices   ing. We will bond and, in return, be a   L’Taken means to correct or repair.
        The coronavirus has been bringing   were brought to G-d every day, is sym-  stronger community. At Temple Sinai,   The  L’Taken  experience  was  enlight-
     us back to the basics. We are gaining a   bolized by the daily sacrifices we make   we have gone completely virtual.   ening and educating, focusing on how
     newfound appreciation for family, for   for our family and loved ones, and even   All events are open to the public.   each individual  can make  a change.
     health, for food, for the basics.    more so by the global sacrifice we are   To get the Zoom invite/meeting ID,   They gained a better understanding of
        Parents are now  spending an in-  all making by staying home to protect   email me at bleinweber@templesinai-  our legislative system and the impor-
     creased  amount  of time  with  their   the elderly and vulnerable.  We  would  love  to  meet   tance of voting.

                                                                                                                                                                           Looking to

                                                                                                                                                                          Meet Other

                                                                                                                                                                Jewish Families?

                                                                                             Temple Sinai leadership and teens at L’Taken in Washington, D.C.
                                                                                Sarasota BBYO

                                                                                This program is sponsored by
                                                                                The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region
                                                                                      halom Sarasota families! BBYO   the world. AZA, BBG and the global
                                                                                      has taken all of its programming   Jewish community  have never been
                                                                                Sonline,  specifically  to  our  new   stronger, and nothing is going to stop
                                                                                platform, BBYO OnDemand.              us now.                                  We can make you a shidduch (a match)!
                                                                                    Some  information  about  BBYO        Each week, Sarasota BBYO  is
                                                                                OnDemand: Our worldwide network of    programming  OnDemand and we in-           Our Community Connectors can’t wait to meet you!
                                                                                                  teens,  volunteers   vite all teens in Sarasota in grades 8-12   Dori and MG specialize in connecting families raising Jewish
                                                                                                  and professionals   to join the fun on  Thursdays at 7:00          children to each other and to Jewish experiences
                                                                                                  are uniting to pro-  p.m.  For information  on how to  join              in the Sarasota-Manatee community.
                                                                                                  vide the power and   the programming, we suggest you visit
                                                                                                  impact  of BBYO
                                                                                                  and  our partners   and click on Sarasota BBYO’s Chapter
                                                                                                  in  new, adapt-     Programming or email me at jesszim-
                                                                                                  able and innova- I hope to see you
                                                                                                  tive  ways so that   online soon!
                                                                                 Jessica Zimmerman
                                                                                                  wherever Jewish
                                                                                teens and young adults are, we can en-
                                                                                joy everything our movement  has to                                                SARASOTA COUNTY                  MANATEE COUNTY
                                                                                                                                                                                                        MG Berman
                                                                                                                                                                      Dori Goldfarb
                                                                                offer,  anytime  we  want,  online.  Over                                             941.677.2184                     251.303.3979
                                                                                the coming days, this new online space                                
                                                                                will  continue  to  evolve  with  exciting                                                           Interested?
                                                                                opportunities, and we’ll begin to offer                                           Know someone else who may be interested?
                                                                                programming  on a schedule  that  will                                                           Please contact us!
                                                                                feel  a  lot  like  a  special  ‘TV  channel’
                                                                                that you can tune into and enjoy from                                       SPONSORED BY
                                                                                whatever time zone you’re in as often
                                                                                as you’d like. There will even be global
                                                                                events that we can all share in whether                                                            JFEDSRQ.ORG/PJ
                                                                                we’re across town or halfway around

                      Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.                                                              STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 11.
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