Page 138 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 138

                              This behavior can be explained by simply adding the effect of the integral control action
                              to the PD control behavior above. When the position of the inertia stops at a finite error,
                              integral control will eventually build the control signal to be larger than the friction and
                              will be able to start the motion again.

                                                  f control (t) = K e(t) + K ̇ e(t) +  ∫  e(  )d    (2.206)
                              But, in the process of doing so, it will result in back and forth overshoot behavior, and
                              hence result in oscillations about the desired position.
                                   The remedy is either to design and maintain the system to minimize the stiction
                              friction such that the resulting position error is acceptably small, or to predict it and
                              compensate for it in the control algorithm explicitly based on the friction prediction.
                              For a given stiction friction level, the positioning error cannot be guaranteed to be
                              zero by any PID type controller unless there is a way to eliminate the source of the
                              stiction friction. Friction prediction and compensation in real-time to achieve zero
                              positioning error is not practically realistic due to the random and highly varying nature of
                              friction physics.
                                   The simulation results and physical explanations are shown in Figure 2.57.

                                        PID controller
                                                                   [u]           [xd]
                                                      s           Goto
                                    [xd]       Kd                               From 2
                                   Goto 2      Gain 1  Transfer Fon  Mass-force with stiction friction  [u]  Scope
                                     + –        Kp           + + +   +    1     1     From
                                                                     –    s     s      [ui]
                              Step              Gain                   Integrator 1 Integrator  From 1
                                                Ki     s
                                                Gain 2  Integrator 2  [uI]
                                                                       Coulomb &
                                                             Goto 1  Viscous friction = 50
                                    Commanded and actual position      Commanded and actual position
                                 1                                  1.5
                                 0                                   0
                                    Control: force from PD controller   Control: force from PID controller
                                1000                               1000
                                500                                500
                                 0                                   0
                                –500                               –500
                                    Integral control contribution     Integral control contribution
                                 1                                 100
                                 0                                   0
                                 –1                                –100
                                  0    5   10   15   20   25  30     0    5    10  15   20   25   30
                                    PD controller: Kp = 39.47, Kd = 8.79 Ki = 0.0  PID controller: Kp = 39.47, Kd = 8.79 Ki = 394.7
                              FIGURE 2.57: Open loop system which has stiction friction and a PID closed loop controller.
                              Due to the stiction friction, the integral action of the PID controller causes a cycle of oscillation,
                              as seen on the simulation results for the PID controller on the right. Without the integral
                              control, there will be a finite steady-state error, as seen on the simulation results for the PD
                              controller on the left.
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