Page 180 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 180

                                   The Denavit-Hartenberg method [7] defines a standard way of attaching coordinate
                              frames to a robotic manipulator such that only four numbers (one variable, three con-
                              stant parameters) are needed per one degree of freedom joint to represent the kinematic
                                   Given the 4x4 transformation matrix description of a coordinate frame attached to the
                              tool, T , with respect to a reference coordinate frame 22, we can determine the position
                              coordinates of the tool-coordinate frame (x , y , z ) as well as orientation angles (i.e., roll,
                              yaw, pitch) of the tool-coordinate frame with respect to the reference coordinate frame and
                              form the corresponding x vector.
                                   In generic terms, the relationship between the coordinates of the tool and the joint
                              displacement variables can be expressed as,
                                                              x = f(  )                         (3.211)

                              The vector variable x represents the Cartesian coordinates of the tool (i.e., position coor-
                              dinates x , y , z in a given coordinate frame and oriention angles where three angles can
                              be used to describe the orientation). The description of the position coordinates of a point
                              with respect to a given reference frame is unique. However, the orientation of an object
                              with respect to a reference coordinate frame can be described by many different possible
                              combinations of angles. Hence, the orientation description is not unique. The vector vari-
                              able    represents the joint variables of the robotic manipulator, that is for a six joint robot
                                 = [    ,    ,    ,    ,    ,    ] .
                                   The f(  ) is called the forward kinematics of the mechanism, which is a vector
                              nonlinear function of joint variables,
                                               f (  ) = [f (  ), f (  ), f (  ), f (  ), f (  ), f (  )] T  (3.212)
                                   The inverse relationship, that is the geometric function which defines the axis posi-
                              tions as functions of tool position and orientation, is called the inverse kinematics of the
                                                                = f −1 (x)                      (3.213)
                              The inverse kinematics function may not be possible to express in one analytical closed
                              form for every mechanism. It must be determined for each special mechanism on a case by
                              case basis. For a six revolution joint manipulator, a sufficient condition for the existence of
                              the inverse kinematic solution in analytical form is that three consecutive joint axes must
                              intersect at a point. Forward and inverse kinematic functions of a mechanism relate the
                              joint positions to the tool positions.
                                   If a robotic manipulator is always taught (i.e., by using a “teach mode”) the points
                              the tool tip must go through in three-dimensional space, the controller can record the
                              corresponding joint angles at each point. Then, some form of interpolation can be used
                              to define intermediate points to generate the desired motion path. In this type of robotic
                              manipulator, where the desired motion of the manipulator is defined by a teach mode, inverse
                              kinematics are never needed. However, in applications where not all of the target points
                              are taught, inverse kinematics are needed. For instance, target tool tip position may need to
                              be determined in real-time based on a vision sensor measurement of the target workpiece
                              position and orientation. Then, the corresponding joint angles must be calculated using
                              inverse kinematic relations.
                                   The differential relationships between joint axis variables and tool variables are
                              obtained by taking the differential of the forward kinematic function. The resultant matrix
                              that relates the differential values of joint and tool position variables (in other words, it
                              relates the velocities of joint axes and tool velocity) is called the Jacobian matrix of the
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