Page 49 - GAS PR REPORT - July 2022_Neat
P. 49

7/14/22, 8:32 AM                        GAS and UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion aim to foster tal ent in pri or ity sports
       Exec ut ive Dir ector of the Fed er a tion, as well as Abdul Aziz Hosan, Dir ector of
       the Com pet it ive Sports Depart ment at the Gen eral Sports Author ity, and Omar

       Khalaf, Dir ector of the Depart ment of Sports Gov ernance at the Author ity.

       Sheikh Suhail said: “Our col lab or a tion with the fed er a tion re ects our com mit -
       ment to the ‘Prin ciples of 50’ which aims to strengthen the inter na tional pres -

       ence of UAE in sports. Our strategies seek to strengthen gov ernance in admin is -

       trat ive work and enhance the pro cess of tal ent dis cov ery and devel op ment, to
       encour age more par ti cip a tion and achieve ments in the Olympic games.

       “The most prom in ent sports achieve ment in the his tory of the UAE is the gold

       medal we received in Athens 2004 Olympics, achieved by Sheikh Ahmed Bin
       Mohammed Bin Hasher Al Mak toum, in shoot ing. There fore, we look for ward to

       cooper at ing with him and the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion to pre pare a new gen er -

       a tion of cham pi ons who can raise the  ag of the UAE in the inter na tional for -

       “We com mend the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion’s con sist ent e orts in pro mot ing
       national tour na ments and fos ter ing  erce com pet i tion that serves as the

       greatest train ing ground for ath letes com pet ing in a vari ety of inter na tional

       events” he added.
       Sheikh Ahmed said: “The intro duc tion of pri or ity sports is a qual it at ive step

       toward upgrad ing the UAE’S sports industry and enhan cing our Olympic pres -
       ence. The UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion is com mited to the UAE Sports Sec tor

       Strategy 2032 to identify the best approaches to develop a gen er a tion of future

       cham pi ons.”
       Sheikh Ahmed added: “In cooper a tion with the Gen eral Author ity of Sports, we

       hope to pro mote the pop ular ity of shoot ing sports, draw more tal ents from the

       nation and develop them both men tally and phys ic ally to enable them to raise
       UAE’S  ag in inter na tional for ums. Our part ner ship with the Emir ates Sports

       Fed er a tion for School and Uni versity Edu ca tion Insti tu tions is an ideal oppor -

       tun ity to col lab or ate with edu ca tional insti tu tions, to fur ther pro mote shoot ing
       sport among stu dents.”

       Forms addressed to the pri or ity sports fed er a tion were presen ted dur ing the

       meet ing, which included the fed er a tion’s internal oper a tions, list of out stand -
       ing tal ents of each age group and plans for nur tur ing them. This meet ing comes

       as part of a series of work shops that bring together the Gen eral Author ity of                                       2/3
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