Page 48 - GAS PR REPORT - July 2022_Neat
P. 48
7/14/22, 8:32 AM GAS and UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion aim to foster tal ent in pri or ity sports
GAS and UAE Shoot ng Fed er a tion aim to foster tal ent
in pri or ty sports
Gulf Today · 14 Jul 2022
The Gen eral Author ity of Sports held a meet ing with the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a -
tion to chalk out strategies aimed at dis cov er ing and build ing new sports tal ents
in the coun try.
This comes in line with the UAE’S sports sec tor’s strategy 2032, which aims to
enhance the coun try’s par ti cip a tion in the Olympics and pro spects of inter na -
tional achieve ments and reit er ates the cru cial role that pri or ity sports fed er a -
tions play in achiev ing this.
The meet ing was held at the author ity’s headquar ters which was aten ded by
Sheikh Suhail Bin Buti Al Mak toum, Exec ut ive Dir ector of the Sports Devel op -
ment Sec tor at Gen eral Sports Author ity, Sheikh Ahmad Bin Mohammad Bin
Hasher Al Mak toum, Pres id ent of the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion, and Talal Hindi, 1/3