Page 50 - GAS PR REPORT - July 2022_Neat
P. 50
7/14/22, 8:32 AM GAS and UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion aim to foster tal ent in pri or ity sports
Sports and the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion to develop future strategies for each of
the pri or ity sports fed er a tions and adopt them as a roadmap to get fur ther
Olympic achieve ments.
The con fer ence also reviewed the fed er a tion’s oper a tional and tech nical
require ments, eval u ated the infra struc ture and facil it ies avail able in shoot ing
sports and meth ods to enhance them in col lab or a tion with the stra tegic part -
ners rep res en ted by the Sports Coordin at ing Coun cil. In addi tion, they also
adop ted new approaches to col lab or ate with clubs, so as to develop more sports
tal ents by adher ing to advanced train ing pro grams.
The Sports Coordin at ing Coun cil announced recently the pri or ity sports of
Shoot ing, Judo, Fen cing, Arch ery, and Ath let ics, fol low ing a detailed ana lysis of
the sports sec tor in the UAE, as well as the poten tial to achieve Olympic suc -
cesses in such sports.
This meet ing comes as part of a series of work shops that bring together the
Gen eral Author ity of Sports and the UAE Shoot ing Fed er a tion to develop future
strategies for each of the pri or ity sports fed er a tions and adopt them as a
roadmap to get fur ther Olympic achieve ments 3/3