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7/6/22, 9:00 AM GAS and VBA dis cuss strategy to improve and pro mote sport
GAS and VBA dis cuss strategy to improve and pro -
mote sport
Gulf Today · 6 Jul 2022
dubai: Sheikh Suhail Bin Buti Al Mak toum, Exec ut ive Dir ector of the Sports
Devel op ment Sec tor at the Gen eral Sports Author ity (GAS), met with high-
rank ing o cials of the UAE Vol ley ball Asso ci ation to dis cuss the Asso ci ation’s
strategy and future agen das to improve the game of vol ley ball in the UAE.
Abdul lah Al Dar maki, Pres id ent of the UAE Vol ley ball Asso ci ation (UAE VBA)
Board; Osama Qar qash, Vice pres id ent of UAE VBA; Jamal Al Mat roushi, Vice
Pres id ent for Internal Rep res ent a tion; and Abdulaziz Sal man, Sec ret ary Gen -
eral of the Asso ci ation; in the pres ence of Abdulaziz Al Hossan Al Shamsi,
Man aging Dir ector of Com pet it ive Sports, were present at the meet ing.
The meet ing saw the o cials explore means to improve the national team’s
per form ance in order to enable them to achieve more vic tor ies in regional and
inter na tional cham pi on ships.
Fur ther more, dis cus sions were held on strategies to pro mote gov ernance in
admin is trat ive work, increase the num ber of cham pi on ships for all cat egor -
ies, devel op ment of beach vol ley ball, encour aging com pet it ive ness of vol ley -
ball clubs, and the expan sion of col lab or a tion with gov ern ment and private
entit ies.
“We sup port the e orts by the asso ci ation in out lining the future strategy and
agenda for pro mot ing admin is trat ive gov ernance in the eld of vol ley ball in
the UAE.
“These e orts fall in line with the gov ern ment’s vis ion for the sec tor and the
Gen eral Sports Author ity’s aspir a tions in this regard, with gov ernance being
one the key pil lars.
“We are com mited to sup port ing the Asso ci ation’s goals to encour age com -
pet it ive ness in the eld and improve our national team’s per form ance,
thereby enabling them to secure more vic tor ies.”
He added: “We laud the Asso ci ation’s e orts to develop mech an isms to dis -
cover and pro mote sports tal ent in the coun try. 1/2