Page 58 - GAS PR REPORT - July 2022_Neat
P. 58
7/6/22, 9:00 AM GAS and VBA dis cuss strategy to improve and pro mote sport
“We look for ward to its future col lab or a tions with vari ous gov ern mental and
private entit ies to ensure the pop ular ity of this game amongst our youth and
its con tinu ing prom in ence in the UAE’S sports and games scene.”
Abdul lah Al Dar maki said: “The Asso ci ation has estab lished a col lab or at ive
mech an ism with sports clubs to explore and train more tal ents. We also aspire
to host inter na tional beach vol ley ball cham pi on ships in the upcom ing years
cap it al iz ing on the pos sib il it ies o ered by the UAE’S numer ous beaches,
adding more value to the coun try’s repu ta tion as a des tin a tion cap able of
host ing lead ing global sports events.
The Asso ci ation fur ther high lighted a study based on a quad ri lat eral ana lysis
of vol ley ball prac tice in the UAE, which ana lyses chal lenges, oppor tun it ies,
strength and weak nesses.
The Asso ci ation emphas ised the import ance of devel op ing young tal ents by
increas ing the num ber of games in this cat egory, in addi tion to the xed cal -
en dar that helps national clubs organ ise their work to achieve beter par ti cip a -
tion in all cham pi on ships. 2/2