P. 491
1/16/24, 5:12 PM WAM - Emirates News Agency
the role of local authorities, strengthened the enforcement of
the law, introducing more flexible and efficient mechanisms to
advance government policies aimed at strengthening
consumer protection at both federal and local levels.
For the first time, the supplier’s obligations regarding
necessary spare parts and goods repair are detailed according
to the nature of the customer demand. Furthermore, new
mechanisms that regulate the examination of goods at
laboratories are specified in case a dispute arises between the
customer and the supplier on the quality of goods. This
enhances the deterrent measures that help ensure the
supplier’s obligation and consumer’s rights. For the first time,
a seven to 30 days window has been determined to ensure the
supplier’s obligation to provide spare parts or substitute
goods, if a defect is found in goods provided.
Al Saleh discussed the new detailed list of administrative
penalties and fines for consumer protection violations. It
includes a total of 46 types of violations, ranging from a fine of
AED 100,000 up to AED 1 million. For example, a fine of AED
250,000 will be imposed on the supplier in case of failure to
repair, maintain, provide after-sales services, return goods or
refund within a certain time limit after a defect is discovered. A
fine of AED 200,000 is imposed on the supplier in the event of
failure to comply with standard specifications, rules and
conditions of safety and health.
In this regard, Al Saleh explained that penalties will be applied,
ranging from warning to fines. In some cases, they could lead
to license cancellation or deregistration in the case of
repeated offences. These penalties also contribute to the
protection of consumer rights in the country, reducing the 4/5