P. 489
1/16/24, 5:12 PM WAM - Emirates News Agency
protection, and its executive regulation issued by Cabinet
Decision No. 66 of 2023. The briefing took place in the
presence of Abdullah Al Saleh, Under-Secretary of the Ministry
of Economy.
Al Saleh said, "The new Consumer Protection Law and its
executive regulation represent a real milestone in the
government’s efforts to develop the country's consumer
protection system in accordance with best practices. It has
two dimensions: the first is the strengthening of the role of
the local authorities in the enforcement of the consumer
protection law more effectively by granting them all the
necessary legislative powers. They have been granted
inherent legal competencies in i) receiving, following up and
acting on consumer complaints, ii) imposition of
administrative sanctions and fines for acts committed in
violation of the provisions of the law and its executive
regulation, and iii) acting on grievances submitted against
decisions on punitive measures."
He continued, "The second focus area is the strengthening of
deterrent measures to ensure that the merchants, either
retailers, traders or producers meet their legal obligations, to
re-balance the contractual relationship between them and the
consumers. In this context, the merchants’ obligations during
the sale of a commodity or providing a service have been
more elaborated, better clarified, and broadened to include
nearly 43 obligations. This is in line with the strategic
objectives of the Ministry to promote consumer rights and
welfare in order to establish and ensure an enabling and
secure environment when purchasing goods or receiving
service.” 2/5