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                                    BRAND MY CHIRO PRACTICESM 3quite put your finger on, that draws you to them. That is the challenge of branding. How to take the features you can control and get that something extra that you can%u2019t.Who determines your brand?It is critical to understand that ultimately brand creation comes from people outside of the company%u2014the customers, prospects, or the public in general. An organization can influence and provide pieces through the elements it can control to direct and guide its tribe as it grows. Still, the emotional response, which makes up a fundamental element of a brand, is not in the company%u2019s control.However, creating a successful and growing tribal brand requires a well-thought-out strategy, positioning, marketing, and messaging to appeal to the company%u2019s target audience. Using a brand strategist or agency will assist your practice with developing and implementing these elements. A brand case study.Let%u2019s take a moment and look at Apple. They have a cult-like following. People are willing to stand for hours to get their latest product. Why? Because there is a Tribe of Apple. These are people who self-identify with Apple and its attitude and perceptions. Apple is creative, innovative, cutting edge, different and exclusive. Apple cares about and will protect my privacy.Obviously, Apple is not the only company that can lay claim to these types of statements. The difference is that this is not what Apple says. This is what the infamous %u201cthey%u201d say about Apple. And, because people purchase Apple products, they can claim these attributes too. It makes them feel good.Brandings internal challenge.Even so, there is one element within the company that must be engaged, the Executive team. The company%u2019s leadership team must embrace the company%u2019s branding in behavior, ethics, and values. No matter how comprehensive the strategy or how perfectly a campaign ran, without the support and leadership of the Executive staff, brand management will fail. If management doesn%u2019t reflect brand values when working with subordinates, why should they expect their employees to embody those values to the end customer? Remember, when a customer feels in sync with a company, it creates an emotional bond %u2014 a connection %u2014 based on shared vision and values. It%u2019s in these interactions where those intangibles come into play. You can%u2019t control how people feel and think about 
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