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                                    4 NEUROTIC DOG STUDIOSyour practice, but you can do your best to present them with the experiences that may influence them.Brand elements and complexityBrands are developed across many layers and the expansion and interwovenness of many elements. As you can see in the diagram below there are many different elements that work together to make up a brand. Your strategy which includes your internal branding %u2013 vision, mission, values, purpose; your positioning with your target audience, competitors, your offering, differentiators your internal culture, and commitments, both internal and external. Your brand expression includes your character, the verbal and visual expression. Then there is your organization%u2019s reputation. How does it present itself? Is their authenticity? Is it human-centered? Does it inspire trust? Is it consistent? These elements cross over building on and influencing each other.Terminology Now let%u2019s make sure that we are all on the same page with some of the terms that come into play when discussing branding. This is not a comprehensive list by any means but it will help you to be on the same page with a designer, brand strategist or agency if you decide to seek help with your practices branding. Branding - The strategy of giving meaning to a specific company, product, or service by creating and shaping a reputation/personality in consumers%u2019 minds. Brand Architecture - The structure of brands within a company portfolio. Brand architecture is usually more prominent with large multi-million (and billion) corporations in relation to their various products and service lines. Architecture can generally be categorized into four types %u2013 Branded House, where the company name is the brand and everything they sell is under that brand (i.e. IBM); House of 
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