Page 67 - The Skinny On Your Diet Plan
P. 67
foods, cumulating high amounts of harmful trans-fat is nearly impossible.
For instance, eating a lot of artificially produced trans fats can:
• lower HDL;
• suppress the excretion of bile acids;
• increase our own cholesterol production;
• compete with essential fats for transport into the cells; and
• create and worsen essential fatty acid deficiencies.
In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
concluded that artificial trans fats in processed foods are not GRAS
(generally recognized as safe) and partially hydrogenated oils will need to
be phased out of all food products.
Just like there are essential amino acids that you need to get from
your diet, there are essential fatty acids that we need to consume in order to
be healthy. These are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. With all this
information just focus on these key points:
• Humans evolved eating a varied and seasonal diet. We thrive best on
a mix of fat types that occur naturally in different types of foods.
• We want a relatively equally balanced mix of fat types.
• This balance comes naturally if we choose a wide selection of
diverse, whole, minimally processed foods, such as:
o nuts and seeds
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