Page 67 - 2023 SCCTM Conference Program Book_Neat
P. 67
Thursday Session T3 10:40 - 11:05 100B
Literacy: The Mathematical Way
This session will heighten participants awareness of how literacy is used in every facet of life
and learning. Participants will use literacy and the problem solving approach to develop math
concepts through the use of read-a-louds. Participants will interact as they problem solve
through literacy the mathematical way.
Interest Level: Prek - Grade 2
Delorise Childs, Lacole Raysor, & Wilma Truewell
Brookdale Elementary School
Thursday Session T4 11:10 - 11:35 100B
Managable Meaningful Motivating Math
Are you sometimes overwhelmed with teaching math? Do you want to maximize your math
instruction without spending hours and hours of prep time? Are you looking for innovative
ways to engage your students and address the needs of diverse learners? I will share how
math stations work in my classroom and throughout our entire school to make differentiated
math doable and to empower students to take ownership of their own learning. Stop pulling
your hair out over math and join me for an interactive session filled with ideas you can begin
using in your classroom next week.
Interest Level: Grades 3 - 5
Melody Johnson
Lugoff Elementary School, (Kershaw County Schools