Page 112 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 112
my mom had a
quilt like that
Crazy Corduroy Estimated 1950s-1960s. eBay purchase. 62"x81" Fabric: Cotton corduroy. Batting: None
palpable. Backing: Rectangles of heavy cottons, like chambrays. The quilt is reversible. Edge: Very heavy
duty tape, like twill, is applied by machine. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: Tied with blue yarn. Condition:
Very good. A 1⁄8" hole appears in one patterned piece, so doesn’t show. Comment: The pattern, the fabric,
and the reversible nature of the quilt are consistent with African-American quilts, but there is no telling.
Figure 86: Crazy Corduroy