Page 134 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 134
my mom had a
quilt like that
Stars and Bars 1930s prints; the name would be known in 1940’s military. eBay purchase sold as African-
American. 67"x76" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Medium weight. Backing: Cotton muslin. Edge: The back is
brought to the front by ½". Piecing: By hand with very fine stitches. Quilting: By hand in diagonal lines 2"
apart at 4 stitches per inch with tails of thread untrimmed. Condition: Good. Reds have bled to the back.
Lightly soiled on black with some age speckles. Comment: Upon stowing, I see one red star in the corner
needs restoration.
Figure 107: Stars and Bars