Page 159 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 159
diamonds 157
Southwest Indian Style 1960. 84”x100” Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Light, low-loft polyester. Backing: Cotton.
Edge: Binding applied by hand. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By hand, within each piece, following its
shape. Condition: Pristine. Comment: This quilt is a worthy addition to the collection for being contempo-
rary (more or less) and for the idea of adopting southwest Indian design into a quilt. (The vendor called
it an “Adirondack cabin quilt” and it wood look good in a cabin, but she’s from Pennsylvania, and it says
“southwest” to me). Made by Edna Pollard (1911-2000) who was active in quilting in Phoenix for 25 years.
Her work won prizes at area-wide exhibitions. She was also a columnist for Workbasket and for Popular
Needlework magazines.
Figure 131: Southwest Indian Style