Page 154 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 154
my mom had a
quilt like that
Trip Around the World Postage Stamp No later than 1950s, eBay purchase 2012. 84"x86½" Fabric: Cotton. Bat-
ting: Thin. Backing: Cotton, pale lime green. Edge: Tape ¼" on each side, applied by machine top-stitching.
Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By hand, through each square on the diagonal, 7-8 stitches per inch. Condi-
tion: Very good. The quilt has been washed. The topstitching on the edge runs off the tape for a l" stretch.
Comment: The squares are 1" on the side. I vaguely recall this pattern being advertised in the Parade Maga-
zine supplement to the Sunday newspaper in the 1950s, possibly as a kit. However, the pinks and oranges
look 1930s. This is the ultimate trip around the world quilt.
Figure 126: Trip Around the World
Postage Stamp