Page 157 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 157
diamonds 155
Amish Trip Around the World Estimated no later than 1940s. eBay purchase in 2017. 84"x89" Fabric: Mixed
fabrics. Mostly cotton; some light wool, one nubby fabric. Batting: Light. Light bearding. Backing: Cotton,
dark blue. Edge: Separate, machined to the front and brought to the back by hand; ½" wide per side. Piec-
ing: By machine. Quilting: By hand, black thread, through squares on the diagonal, 7-8 stitches per inch. In
the borders, in feathers. Condition: Very Good. Comment: I am guessing because of the use of mixed fabrics
that this is older and not made for the tourist market nor as a recent vintage done in the Amish style.
Figure 129: Amish Trip Around the